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Rolling bearings ボッシュ自動車handbook 11版(26)p.378

Last updated at Posted at 2022-10-19

Rolling bearings , ボッシュ自動車handbook 11版(26)



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ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック version 11, 2022

Automotive Handbook May 2, 2022


Rolling bearings



General principles

Selection of rolling bearings

Calculation of load capacity


[1] DIN 623

DIN 623-1 2020 Rolling bearings - Fundamental principles - Part 1: Designation, marking

DIN 623-2 2000 Rolling bearings - Fundamental principles - Part 2: Graphical representation of rolling bearings

[2] ISO 492:2014
Rolling bearings — Radial bearings — Geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values

2 Normative references

ISO 15, Rolling bearings — Radial bearings — Boundary dimensions, general plan
ISO 582, Rolling bearings — Chamfer dimensions — Maximum values
ISO 1101, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out
ISO 5593, Rolling bearings — Vocabulary
ISO 14405-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional tolerancing — Part 1: Linear sizes
ISO/TS 17863, Geometrical product specification (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing of moveable assemblies


[2]-[1] ISO 286-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes — Part 1: Basis of tolerances, deviations and fits
[2]-[2] ISO 355, Rolling bearings — Tapered roller bearings — Boundary dimensions and series designations
[2]-[3] ISO 1119, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Series of conical tapers and taper angles
[2]-[4] ISO 1132-1, Rolling bearings — Tolerances — Part 1: Terms and definitions
[2]-[5] ISO 1132-2, Rolling bearings — Tolerances — Part 2: Measuring and gauging principles and methods
[2]-[6] ISO 1938-1:—1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional measuring equipment — Part 1: Plain limit gauges of linear size
[2]-[7] ISO 5459, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Datums and datum systems
[2]-[8] ISO 8015, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Fundamentals — Concepts, principles and rules
[2]-[9] ISO 8443, Rolling bearings — Radial ball bearings with flanged outer ring — Flange dimensions
[2]-[10] ISO 14253-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment — Part 1: Decision rules for proving conformity or nonconformity with specifications
[2]-[11] ISO 14253-2, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment — Part 2: Guidance for the estimation of uncertainty in GPS measurement, in calibration of measuring equipment and in product verification
[2]-[12] ISO/TR 14638, Geometrical product specification (GPS) — Masterplan
[2]-[13] ISO 14660-2, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Geometrical features — Part 2: Extracted median line of a cylinder and a cone, extracted median surface, local size of an extracted feature
[2]-[14] ISO 17450-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — General concepts — Part 1: Model for geometrical specification and verification
[2]-[15] ISO 15241, Rolling bearings — Symbols for physical quantities

自己参考資料(self reference)


ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)10版 目次

自動車工学とBosch Vehicle Handbook


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿  20221019


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