This article is not completed. I will add some words in order.
Release Overviews
AUTOSARには現在3つの分類があります。Foundation, CAN OSEK/VDXのClassic Platform, Ethernet/TCP/IP POSIXのAdaptive Platform.
Foundation Release Overview, AUTOSAR 781, R23-11, FO
Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR No.0 ,R23-11, CP
Adaptive Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR 782, R23-11, AP
Qiita 記事一覧
Autosar Foundation R23-11 一覧
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform R23-11一覧
Autosar Classic Platform R23-11 一覧
文書変更(Document Change)
• Correct Message Header Length
term | Description |
Adaptive Platform | AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform |
BSW | Standardized AUTOSAR Software modules, which provides basic functionalities usually required in electronic control unit. |
Controller Area Network/Controller Area Network with Flexible Data-Rate | An automotive network communication protocol. |
Context Data | Relevant information to a SEv. It is optional data that provides a broader understanding of the security event (e.g. the corrupted data). The content and encoding of the context data is externally defined by the sensor and unknown to the IdsM module. |
Classic Platform | AUTOSAR Classic Platform |
Context Data Buffer | Buffer with variable sizes to fit to the needs of the context data of the SEvs. |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit which provides functionalities in electronic system of a car, e.g. brake system or window lifter. |
Event Buffer | Buffer to temporarily store the reported SEv. |
Event Frame | Main frame of IDS protocol which includes the basic information like the Security Event ID. |
Filter Chain | A set of consecutive filters which is applied to security events. The output are Qualified Security Events. |
FlexRay | An automotive network communication protocol. |
General Purpose I-Pdu | General Purpose Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit. |
Intrusion Detection System | An Intrusion Detection System is a security control which detects and processes security events. |
Intrusion Detection System protocol | The IDS protocol specifies the message format which is used by IDS. |
Intrusion Detection System Message | Message which is send by the IdsM with the IDS protocol. |
Intrusion Detection System Manager | The Intrusion Detection System Manager handles security events reported by security sensors. |
Intrusion Detection System Reporter | The Intrusion Detection System Reporter handles Qualified Security Events received from IdsM instances. |
I-PDU Multiplexer | An AUTOSAR Basic Software module which specifies the protocol to multiplex multiple Pdus with one Protocol Control information. |
LIN | Local Interconnect Network: serial communication bus to connect sensors and actuators. |
Protocol Data Unit Router | An AUTOSAR component responsible for routing of messages independent from underlying communication network. |
Protocol Requirement Specification Intrusion Detection System | The specification document which describes all elements of the IDS protocol. |
Qualified Security Event (QSEv) | Security events which pass their filter chain are regarded as Qualified Security Events and are sent to the configured sink. |
Security Extract | The Security Extract specifies which security events are handled by IdsM instances and their configuration parameters. |
Security Events | Onboard security events are reported by BSW, CDD, SWC or other software components or applications to the IdsM. |
Security Event Memory | A user defined diagnostic event memory which is independent from the primary diagnostic event memory. |
Security Sensorsv | BSW, CDD, SWC or other software components or applications which report security events to the IdsM. |
Security Incident and Event Management | Technology concept to collect, correlate and analyze security incidents to detect a threat. |
Sensor | Reporting identity that informs the IdsM module about SEvs. It can be a BSW module, a proprietary CDD or a SWC Application. |
Security Operation Centre | Security Operation Center is the Backend of the IDS in which data can be processed and analysed. |
Socket Adapter | Socket Adaptor is a Basic Software module of AUTOSAR which creates interface between Pdu-Based communication on service level and socket based TCP/IP |
AP | AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform |
API | Application Programming Interface |
BSW | Basic Software |
CAN | Controller Area Network |
CAN FD | Controller Area Network with Flexible Data-Rate |
CDD | Complex Device Driver |
Context Data | Relevant information to a Security Event (SEv). It is optional data that provides a broader understanding of the security event (e.g. the corrupted data). The content and encoding of the context data is externally defined by the sensor and unknown to the IdsM module. |
Context Data Buffer | Buffer with variable sizes to fit to the needs of the context data of the SEvs. |
CP | AUTOSAR Classic Platform |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit |
Event Buffer | Buffer to temporarily store the reported SEv. |
Event Frame | Main frame of IDS protocol which includes the basic information like the Security Event ID. |
Filter Chain | A set of consecutive filters which is applied to security events. The output are Qualified Security Events. |
FlexRay | An automotive network communication protocol. |
General Purpose I-Pdu | General Purpose Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit. |
ID | Identifier |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System |
I-PDU | Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit |
I-PDU Multiplexer | An AUTOSAR Basic Software module which specifies the proto- col to multiplex multiple Pdus with one Protocol Control informa- tion. |
IdsM | Intrusion Detection System Manager |
Ids message | Message which is send by the IdsM with the IDS protocol. |
IdsR | Intrusion Detection System Reporter |
Ids protocol | |
Intrusion Detection System protocol specifies the message for- mat which is used by IDS. | |
LIN | Local Interconnect Network |
ms | Miliseconds |
N-PDU | Network Layer Protocol Data Unit |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
PDU Router | Protocol Data Unit Router is an AUTOSAR component respon- sible for routing of messages independent from underlying com- munication network. |
PRS IDS | Protocol Requirement Specification Intrusion Detection System specification document which describes all elements of the IDS protocol. |
QSEv | QSecurity events which pass the filter chain are regarded as Qual- ified Security Events and are sent to the configured sink. |
SecXT | The Security Extract specifies which security events are handled by IdsM instances and their configuration parameters. |
SEv | Security Event are reported by BSW, CDD, SWC or other soft- ware components or applications to the IdsM. |
Sem | Security Event Memory, a user defined diagnostic event memory which is independent from the primary diagnostic event memory. |
Security Sensor | BSW, CDD, SWC or other software components or applications which report security events to the IdsM. |
SIEM | Security Incident and Event Management |
Sensor | Reporting identity that informs the IdsM module about SEvs. It can be a BSW module, a proprietary CDD or a SWC Application. |
SOC | Security Operation Center |
Soad | Socket Adaptor is a Basic Software module of AUTOSAR which creates interface between Pdu-Based communication on service level and socket based TCP/IP |
SOME/IP | Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over Internet Protocol |
SWC | Software Component |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
[1] Requirements on Intrusion Detection System AUTOSAR_FO_RS_IntrusionDetectionSystem
[2] Specification of Time Synchronization AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_TimeSynchronization
[3] Specification of I-PDU Multiplexer AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_IPDUMultiplexer
[4] Specification of FlexRay Interface AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_FlexRayInterface
[5] Specification of Socket Adaptor AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SocketAdaptor
[6] System Template AUTOSAR_CP_TPS_SystemTemplate
2023 Countdown Calendar 主催・参加一覧
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Countdown Calendar 2023, 百記事目を書くにあたって。
AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2023
This article is an individual impression based on the individual's experience. It has nothing to do with the organization or business to which I currently belong.
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20240102
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