I'm a network designer.I work on TOPPERS SmallestSetProfile Kernel,MISRA-C/C++, STARC RTL Design StyleGuide (Verilog-HDL), and HAZOP.I was an editor of ISO/IEC 15504.
Aichi, Japan
- 仁科 慧@k247
- @LejlaFelizia
I am Lejla, an Employee Benefits Specialist . I expertise in managing and administering employee benefits programs, including health insurance, retirement plans, and wellness initiatives.
- Recover Recycling@recoverrec
At Recover Ltd, we specialise in the responsible collection and recycling of rare earth magnets, helping businesses minimise waste and support a circular economy.
- @tianshanminato965
[株式会社ゼンク](https://zenk.co.jp/) の新米エンジニア
- タランチュラ@データサイエンティスト@tarantula426
- @yuzune27
文系。 Pythonをコツコツと(2023.10~)
- FXnity Forex broker@fxnity25
FXnity is 100% A-Book STP/ECN Broker where traders can enjoy 0.0 Spreads, trade Crypto with up to 50x Leverage and $0 Commission. Trade Stocks with $0 Commissions.
- 彩乃 吉本@cai3
FSI → NXG 双極症と共生している 情シスの端くれ。 #SaaS #情シス #運用保守 #企画 #プリセールス はたまに…
- MaYu@GreenGrass
- @nomaru
- 眼鏡 豚太郎@Megane_Tontaro
FW engineer