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More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-06-17




typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
	union {
		uint8_t row[8];
		char text[8];
		int64_t longValue;
		int32_t intValue;
		int16_t wordValue;
		int8_t byteValue;
		void * pointer;
		float floatValue;
		double doubleValue;
	uint8_t size;
} test_u;

void app_main() {
	_i("size: %u", sizeof(test_u));

	char text[] = "hello, world!!";
	test_u _64, _32, _16, _8, _8a, _f, _d, _p;
	test_u *u[] = {&_64, &_32, &_16, &_8, &_8a, &_f, &_d, &_p};
	for(int i=0; i<8; i++) memset(u[i], 0, sizeof(test_u));

	_64.longValue = -89750967853ll;
	_32.intValue = 987539l;
	_16.wordValue = -4125;
	_8.byteValue = -112;
	_i("size: %u", sizeof(test_u));
	strncpy(_8a.text, text, 8);
	_f.floatValue = 145.412362980f;
	_d.doubleValue = 819047.10892790;
	_p.pointer = text;

	for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
		char b[128];
		for(int j=0; j<8; j++) {
			sprintf(b+(j*3), "%2x ", u[i]->row[j]);
		_i("%d: %s", i, b);
	_i("pointer address: %p", text);
size: 9
0: d3 e9 6c 1a eb ff ff ff // -89,750,967,853(dec) -> ff ff ff eb 1a 6c e9 d3(hex) を逆順詰め
1: 93 11  f  0  0  0  0  0 //         987,539(dec) ->  f 11 93(hex)
2: e3 ef  0  0  0  0  0  0 //          -4,125(dec) ->    ef e3(hex)
3: 90  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 //            -112(dec) ->       90(hex)
4: 68 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 77
// h(0x68) e(0x65) l(0x6c) l(0x6c) o(0x6f) ,(0x2c) _(0x20) w(0x77) [o(0x6f) r(0x72) l(0x6c) d(0x64) !(0x21) !(0x21)]

// 浮動小数点の内部表現は下記で調査
// https://tools.m-bsys.com/calculators/ieee754.php
5: 91 69 11 43  0  0  0  0 // 145.412362980f -> 0b 0100 0011 0001 0001 0110 1001 1001 0000 (0x43 11 69 90) を逆順詰め
6: d0 65 c5 37 ce fe 28 41 // 819047.10892790 -> 0b 0100 0001 0010 1000 1111 1110 1100 1110 0011 0111 1100 0101 0110 0101 1101 0000
// (0x 41 28 fe ce 37 c5 65 d0)
7: 30 c8 fb 3f  0  0  0  0 
pointer addres: 0x3ffbc830


8975093であれば、0x0088f2f5の88 00 f5 f2になると勘違いしていたので、


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