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NEC FortranとSX-Aurora TSUBASAを使ってみた(その3)

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-15


SX-Aurora TSUBASA (SXAT)を使える機会を得たので,streamベンチマークをやってみました.カタログスペックに近い値が得られ,非常に期待が持てます.


  • Vector Engine Type 10C
  • nfort 3.5.1

stream ベンチマーク

streamベンチマークは,メモリバンド幅と対応する計算速度を評価するためのベンチマークです.主にメモリ帯域の評価に用いられており,NVIDIA GPUのメモリ帯域評価Intel Xeon Phiのメモリ帯域評価に用いられている記事を見つけることができます.

SX-Aurora TSUBASAでもstream ベンチマークが実行されていることが,シンポジウムでの発表資料pdfから確認できます.

stream ベンチマークは,バージニア大学にあるページ https://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/ → Source Code Directory から入手できます.ソースファイルは,C言語版stream.cとFORTRAN版stream.fが用意されています.本記事ではFORTRAN版を利用します.

strema ベンチマークのソースをビルドするには,入手したstream.fに加えて,stream.f内で参照されている外部手続mysecond()を実装する必要があります.mysecondsは,wall-clock time(秒)を倍精度実数で返す関数です.Fortranを使って,下記のように実装しました.

double precision function mysecond()
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
    implicit none

    call cpu_time(mysecond)
end function mysecond

また,stream ベンチマークは,メモリ帯域をMB/s単位で出力することを想定しており,SXATのメモリ帯域を表示するには表示桁が足りません.そのため,stream.fを下記のように修正しました.

-          WRITE (*,FMT=9050) label(j),n*bytes(j)*nbpw/mintime(j)/1.0D6,
+          WRITE (*,FMT=9050) label(j),n*bytes(j)*nbpw/mintime(j)/1.0D9,
- 9040 FORMAT ('Function',5x,'Rate (MB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time'
+ 9040 FORMAT ('Function',5x,'Rate (GB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time'


-      PARAMETER (n=2000000,offset=0,ndim=n+offset,ntimes=10)
+      PARAMETER (n=80000000,offset=0,ndim=n+offset,ntimes=10)



$ nfort -fopenmp stream.f mysecond.f90


$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
$ ./a.out 
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
 STREAM Version $Revision: 5.6 $
 Array size =   80000000
 Offset     =          0
 The total memory requirement is 1831 MB
 You are running each test  10 times
 The *best* time for each test is used
 *EXCLUDING* the first and last iterations
 Number of Threads =  1
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Your clock granularity appears to be less than one microsecond
 Your clock granularity/precision appears to be      1 microseconds
Function     Rate (GB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time
Copy:        320.4268      0.0040      0.0040      0.0040
Scale:       316.4575      0.0041      0.0040      0.0041
Add:         296.4091      0.0065      0.0065      0.0065
Triad:       331.0094      0.0058      0.0058      0.0058
 Solution Validates!
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ ./a.out 
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
 STREAM Version $Revision: 5.6 $
 Array size =   80000000
 Offset     =          0
 The total memory requirement is 1831 MB
 You are running each test  10 times
 The *best* time for each test is used
 *EXCLUDING* the first and last iterations
 Number of Threads =  2
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Your clock granularity appears to be less than one microsecond
 Your clock granularity/precision appears to be      1 microseconds
Function     Rate (GB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time
Copy:        553.4130      0.0023      0.0023      0.0023
Scale:       553.4364      0.0023      0.0023      0.0023
Add:         577.8854      0.0033      0.0033      0.0033
Triad:       580.4489      0.0033      0.0033      0.0033
 Solution Validates!
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
$ ./a.out 
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
 STREAM Version $Revision: 5.6 $
 Array size =   80000000
 Offset     =          0
 The total memory requirement is 1831 MB
 You are running each test  10 times
 The *best* time for each test is used
 *EXCLUDING* the first and last iterations
 Number of Threads =  4
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Your clock granularity appears to be less than one microsecond
 Your clock granularity/precision appears to be      1 microseconds
Function     Rate (GB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time
Copy:        711.2026      0.0018      0.0018      0.0018
Scale:       712.0048      0.0018      0.0018      0.0018
Add:         726.4547      0.0026      0.0026      0.0026
Triad:       721.9842      0.0027      0.0027      0.0027
 Solution Validates!
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8
$ ./a.out 
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
 STREAM Version $Revision: 5.6 $
 Array size =   80000000
 Offset     =          0
 The total memory requirement is 1831 MB
 You are running each test  10 times
 The *best* time for each test is used
 *EXCLUDING* the first and last iterations
 Number of Threads =  8
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Your clock granularity appears to be less than one microsecond
 Your clock granularity/precision appears to be      1 microseconds
Function     Rate (GB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time
Copy:        701.7189      0.0018      0.0018      0.0018
Scale:       698.7224      0.0018      0.0018      0.0018
Add:         713.1366      0.0027      0.0027      0.0027
Triad:       719.1415      0.0027      0.0027      0.0027
 Solution Validates!

スレッド数が4以上で転送レートが700 GB/sを越えるようになり,カタログ値0.75 TB/sに近い値が得られています.



$ nfort -mparallel  stream.f mysecond.f90

実行結果を見ると,OpenMPは有効化されていないのでスレッド数は表示されませんが,OpenMP 8スレッド実行と同じような結果が得られました.

$ ./a.out 
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
 STREAM Version $Revision: 5.6 $
 Array size =   80000000
 Offset     =          1
 The total memory requirement is 1831 MB
 You are running each test  10 times
 The *best* time for each test is used
 *EXCLUDING* the first and last iterations
 Printing one line per active thread....
 Your clock granularity appears to be less than one microsecond
 Your clock granularity/precision appears to be      1 microseconds
Function     Rate (GB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time
Copy:        697.7239      0.0018      0.0018      0.0018
Scale:       697.5061      0.0018      0.0018      0.0018
Add:         721.0836      0.0027      0.0027      0.0027
Triad:       719.9239      0.0027      0.0027      0.0027
 Solution Validates!


SX-Aurora TSUBASA上でstream ベンチマークをやってみました.カタログ値に近い結果が得られており,メモリバンド幅律速なアプリケーションで高い性能が得られそうだと期待できます.


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