◆Certifications: Social Worker, IT Pass, CCNA, LPIC-1, AZ-900, 12 AWS Certifications◆Favorite Quote: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."◆Hobbies: Traveling
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- Shabnum Ara@iforgotcom
Hey, I’m Shabnum. I’m a volunteer living in 18 Angela Rose Ln, Worcester, MA 01604. I am a fan of photography, skiing, and yoga.
- Shisha home delivery service in Dubai@mrghostavailable
Say goodbye to your search for ‘Shisha near me’ and indulge in an exotic Shisha smoking experience right at your doorstep. With our 24/7 delivery service,
- @fun88vnd25
Truy cập https://linkvao-fun88.com/ để trải nghiệm các trò chơi đỉnh cao và tối ưu trải nghiệm cá nhân nhé.
- @nelly7k
大卒(経済) 仕事:国家公務員(大卒区分) フォレンジック業務に従事 セキュリティについて学んでいきたい今日この頃。 取得資格:IPA…FE,SC,NW,AP
- TAKAHIRO MOONWALKER@monsoonTropicalBird
- @n0mura
あくまで個人学習のアウトプットです。 投稿した内容は私自身の見解であり、必ずしも所属組織の立場、戦略、意見を代表するものではありません。
- Coreball Game@coreballgameio
Coreball is a simple yet addicting arcade game that fascinates players with its exquisite appearance and innovative gameplay mechanics.
- marlion@marlion01
- @hiro03
現役エンジニア | ペルソナ => 過去の自分
- @mae616
Webエンジニアもどき。 適当にふらふらやってます。いろいろ勉強中。
- Yusuke Kyokawa@YKIYOLO
東京電機大学大学院 CVの研究してます
- Zen Mart@zenmart456
Enjoy consistent prices, fast delivery, and exceptional customer service. Discover the Zen Mart difference today!
- モーリー@mo_ri_regen
https://twitter.com/mo_ri_regen 普段はzenn(https://zenn.dev/mo_ri_regen)で発信しています その他発信サイト https://linktr.ee/mo_ri_regen
- Joseph Collier@JosephCollier
As a dedicated Vocational Counselor, I specialize in guiding individuals toward meaningful career paths by assessing their skills, interests, and goals.