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多段階選抜 (Clojure/Lisp)

Last updated at Posted at 2021-09-07
多段階選抜 解答日 シリーズ:yieldの練習/ジェネレータを入れ子に/整数平方根・立方根の実装
問題   http://nabetani.sakura.ne.jp/hena/ord24eliseq/
Ruby 2014/8/2(当日) https://qiita.com/cielavenir/items/9f15e29b73ecf98968a5
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(icbrtの実装に関する)補題 2017/5/11 整数除算であってもn/(x*y)はn/x/yに等しい(ことの証明)




#!/usr/bin/env clojure

(defn expt_impl [r n k]
	(if (<= k 0) r (recur (* r (if (> (mod k 2) 0) n 1)) (* n n) (quot k 2)))

(defn expt [n k]
	(expt_impl 1 n k)

(defn isqrt_impl [n x y]
	(if (or (= x y) (= (+ x 1) y)) x
		(recur n y (quot (+ (quot n y) y) 2))

(defn isqrt [n]
	(if (<= n 0) 0
		(if (< n 4) 1
			(isqrt_impl n 0 n)

(defn icbrt_impl [n x y]
	(if (or (= x y) (= (+ x 1) y)) x
		(recur n y (quot (+ (quot (quot n y) y) (* y 2)) 3))

(defn icbrt [n]
	(if (< n 0) (- 0 (icbrt (- 0 n)))
		(if (= n 0) 0
			(if (< n 8) 1
				(icbrt_impl n 0 n)

(defn generate []
	(let [i (atom 0)]
		(fn []
			(reset! i (+ @i 1))

(defn drop_prev [check prev]
	(let [a (atom 0) b (atom (prev))]
		(fn []
			(reset! a @b)
			(reset! b (prev))
			(while (check @b)
				(reset! a @b)
				(reset! b (prev))

(defn drop_next [check prev]
	(let [a (atom 0) b (atom 0) first (atom true)]
		(fn []
			(reset! a @b)
			(reset! b (prev))
			(while (and (not @first) (check @a))
				(reset! a @b)
				(reset! b (prev))
			(reset! first false)

(defn drop_n [check n prev]
	(let [i (atom 0) a (atom 0)]
		(fn []
			(reset! i (+ @i 1))
			(reset! a (prev))
			(while (check @i n)
				(reset! i (+ @i 1))
				(reset! a (prev))

(defn is_sq [n]
	(= (expt (isqrt n) 2) n)
(defn is_cb [n]
	(= (expt (icbrt n) 3) n)
(defn is_multiple [i n]
	(= (mod i n) 0)
(defn is_le [i n]
	(<= i n)

(def f {
	\S (fn [prev] (drop_next is_sq prev))
	\s (fn [prev] (drop_prev is_sq prev))
	\C (fn [prev] (drop_next is_cb prev))
	\c (fn [prev] (drop_prev is_cb prev))
	\h (fn [prev] (drop_n is_le 100 prev))
	\2 (fn [prev] (drop_n is_multiple 2 prev))
	\3 (fn [prev] (drop_n is_multiple 3 prev))
	\4 (fn [prev] (drop_n is_multiple 4 prev))
	\5 (fn [prev] (drop_n is_multiple 5 prev))
	\6 (fn [prev] (drop_n is_multiple 6 prev))
	\7 (fn [prev] (drop_n is_multiple 7 prev))
	\8 (fn [prev] (drop_n is_multiple 8 prev))
	\9 (fn [prev] (drop_n is_multiple 9 prev))

(with-local-vars [line (read-line)]
	(while (not (= @line nil))
		(let [g (reduce (fn [s e] ((get f e) s)) (generate) (seq @line))]
		 	(with-local-vars [i 0]
				(while (< @i 10)
					(if (> @i 0) (print ","))
					(print (g))
					(var-set i (+ @i 1))
		(var-set line (read-line))


clispsbcl --scriptに対応しています。

#!/usr/bin/sbcl --script

(defun isqrt_impl (n x y)
	(if (or (= x y) (= (+ x 1) y)) x
		(isqrt_impl n y (truncate (+ (truncate n y) y) 2))

(defun myisqrt (n)
	(if (<= n 0) 0
		(if (< n 4) 1
			(isqrt_impl n 0 n)

(defun icbrt_impl (n x y)
	(if (or (= x y) (= (+ x 1) y)) x
		(icbrt_impl n y (truncate (+ (truncate (truncate n y) y) (* y 2)) 3))

(defun icbrt (n)
	(if (< n 0) (- 0 (icbrt (- 0 n)))
		(if (= n 0) 0
			(if (< n 8) 1
				(icbrt_impl n 0 n)

(defun generate ()
	(let ((i 0))
		(lambda ()
			(setf i (+ i 1))

(defun drop_prev (check prev)
	(let ((a 0) (b (funcall prev)))
		(lambda ()
			(setf a b)
			(setf b (funcall prev))
			(loop while (funcall check b) do
				(setf a b)
				(setf b (funcall prev))

(defun drop_next (check prev)
	(let ((a 0) (b 0) (first t))
		(lambda ()
			(setf a b)
			(setf b (funcall prev))
			(loop while (and (not first) (funcall check a)) do
				(setf a b)
				(setf b (funcall prev))
			(setf first nil)

(defun drop_n (check n prev)
	(let ((i 0) (a 0))
		(lambda ()
			(setf i (+ i 1))
			(setf a (funcall prev))
			(loop while (funcall check i n) do
				(setf i (+ i 1))
				(setf a (funcall prev))

(defun is_sq (n)
	(= (expt (myisqrt n) 2) n)
(defun is_cb (n)
	(= (expt (icbrt n) 3) n)
(defun is_multiple (i n)
	(= (mod i n) 0)
(defun is_le (i n)
	(<= i n)

(let ((f (make-hash-table)))
	(setf (gethash #\S f) (lambda (prev) (drop_next 'is_sq prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\s f) (lambda (prev) (drop_prev 'is_sq prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\C f) (lambda (prev) (drop_next 'is_cb prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\c f) (lambda (prev) (drop_prev 'is_cb prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\h f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_le 100 prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\2 f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_multiple 2 prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\3 f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_multiple 3 prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\4 f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_multiple 4 prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\5 f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_multiple 5 prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\6 f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_multiple 6 prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\7 f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_multiple 7 prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\8 f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_multiple 8 prev)))
	(setf (gethash #\9 f) (lambda (prev) (drop_n 'is_multiple 9 prev)))

		(let ((line (read-line *standard-input* nil nil)))
			(if (not line) (exit))
			(let ((g (reduce (lambda (s e) (funcall (gethash e f) s)) (coerce line 'list) :initial-value (generate))))
				(let ((i 0))
					(loop while (< i 10) do
						(if (> i 0) (princ #\,))
						(write (funcall g))
						(setf i (+ i 1))

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