class ResidualNet:
def __init__(self, n_loop=2, layers_per_loop=10, k_size=2, res_channel=64, skip_channel=256, conditioning=True, name='ResNet'):
self.dilations = [2**i for i in range(layers_per_loop)]*n_loop
self.k_size = k_size
self.res_channel = res_channel
self.skip_channel = skip_channel
self.conditioning = conditioning
self.name = name
def resblock(self, input, dilation, cond=None, name='ResBlock'):
with tf.variable_scope(name):
length = input.shape[1]
x = tf.pad(input, [[0, 0],[dilation * (self.k_size-1), 0], [0, 0]])
x = tf.layers.conv1d(x, self.res_channel*2, self.k_size, dilation_rate=dilation)
x = x[:,:length,:]
if self.conditioning and cond is not None:
x += cond
tanh_z, sig_z = tf.split(x, 2, 2)
z = tf.tanh(tanh_z)*tf.sigmoid(sig_z)
res = tf.layers.conv1d(z, self.res_channel, 1) + input
skip_connection = tf.layers.conv1d(z, self.skip_channel, 1)
return res, skip_connection
def __call__(self, input, condition=None, activation=tf.nn.relu):
with tf.variable_scope(self.name):
x = input
for idx, (r, c) in enumerate(zip(self.dilations, condition)):
x, skip = self.resblock(x, r, c, name='ResBlock_%d'%(idx+1))
if idx == 0:
skip_connection = skip
skip_connection += skip
if activation:
skip_connection = activation(skip_connection)
return skip_connection
class UpsampleNet:
def __init__(self, layers, out_channels, channels=[128, 128], scales=[16, 16], name='Upsample'):
self.layers = layers
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.channels = channels
self.scales = scales
self.name = name
assert len(self.channels) == len(self.scales)
def upsampling(self, input):
with tf.variable_scope(self.name):
conditions = []
with tf.variable_scope('Deconvolution'):
x = tf.expand_dims(input, 1)
for c, s in zip(self.channels, self.scales):
x = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(x, c, (1, s), (1, s))
x = tf.nn.relu(x)
x = tf.squeeze(x, 1)
with tf.variable_scope('Encode_feature'):
for _ in range(self.layers):
conditions.append(tf.layers.conv1d(x, self.out_channels, 1))
return conditions
def __call__(self, input):
return self.upsampling(input)
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