最近音楽何聞いてるの?と聞かれて、いつも違う答えをするのが得意です。 研修が終わり、社内案件参画中。TypescriptとかReact触りつつ、UIUXだの、プロダクトの価値向上方法だのを考えている今日この頃です。
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- 賢吾 中本@nakamoto
- Dr. Kiyoshi Ogawa@kaizen_nagoya
I'm a network designer.I work on TOPPERS SmallestSetProfile Kernel,MISRA-C/C++, STARC RTL Design StyleGuide (Verilog-HDL), and HAZOP.I was an editor of ISO/IEC 15504.
- q t@kige
- Byte Cipher@bytecipher01
At ByteCipher we are a leading software development company in India, we primarily focus on developing user-friendly solutions that are highly flexible to deliver a great user experience.
- Willaim Dark@Fixlocal
FixLocal is a highly experienced tech team specializing in repairing and maintaining all tech devices, including computers, laptops, smartphones, mobile phones, and analog and digital watches.
- Johnson Rivers@johnsonplaid
I began my career in retail management, but a few years ago, I was drawn to the IT department. I've always been skilled at bringing people together and working towards common goals.
- 尚大@naotakawai
- Ruky Muhammed@rukymuhammed
I am Khalid Hasan. I have been a successful entrepreneur since 2010. Now, I have a Group of companies.
- AlphabetAZ@AlphabetAZ
- Trung Cap Tu Xa@trungcaptuxa
Đào tạo trung cấp, trung cấp nghề, sơ cấp theo hình thức đào tạo từ xa, tự học có hướng dẫn .
- ハタ ハタ@0322yuto1999
- いんわん@inwan78
- @hiro_hiro_0425
- Shigemori Kozue@kozue-sh
最近はData&AIに興味あり。 AZ-900、DP-900、AI-900、PL-900、MS-900、DP-300、DP-600取得済み。データ可視化、Microsoft Fabricなどに取り組んでます。 記事の内容については、私の所属団体とは関係なくあくまで個人の見解です。
- @t_ymgt
いまは所属企業のブログがZennにあるのでそちらに移行しました、Qiitaさんごめんなさい。 https://zenn.dev/th0x0472