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C/GMRES法による非線形モデル予測制御の例題実装 (Python)

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プログラミングの練習としてC/GMRES法による非線形モデル予測制御(NMPC)のコードを書いたので,何番煎じかは分かりませんが備忘録として残しておきます.制御対象は [1] 例1.1のセミアクティブダンパ,使用言語はPythonです.実装にあたっては [2] などを参考にしました.モデル予測制御や解法についての詳細は他によい文献や記事があるためここでは省きます(気が向いたら追記するかもしれません).



&\min_{u(\cdot)} J \equiv &&\phi(x(t+T))+\int_{t}^{t+T}L(x(\tau), u(\tau))d\tau \\
&\mathrm{s.t.} &&x(t) = x^{sys}(t), \\
&&&\dot{x}(\tau) = f(x(\tau), u(\tau)), \\
&&&C(x(\tau), u(\tau)) = 0

$x(\tau) \in \mathbb{R}^2$,$u(\tau) \in \mathbb{R}^1$はそれぞれ(ホライゾン上の)状態,入力である.また,$x^{\rm{sys}}(t)$はシステムの状態である.

    L(x, u) &= \frac{1}{2} x^\top Q x + \frac{1}{2} u^\top R u 
    - r_{\rm{dum}} ^\top u_{\rm{dum}}
    \phi(x) &= x^\top Q_f x
    f(x, u) &=
            x_1 \\
            a x_0 + b x_1 u_0
    C(x, u) &= \left(u_0 - (\frac{u_{\rm{min}} + u_{\rm{max}}}{2}) \right) ^2 
        + {u_{\rm{dum}, 0}}^2 - \left(\frac{u_{\rm{min}} + u_{\rm{max}}}{2} \right) ^2 


u_{\rm{min}} \leq u_0(\tau) \leq u_{\rm{max}}

を$C(x, u)$で表現される等式制約に変換するためにダミー入力$u_{\rm{dum}} \in \mathbb{R}^1$を導入している.$L(x, u)$の最終項はダミー入力の符号を一意に決定するために必要な項である.

    Q &= Q_f = 
            1 & 0 \\
            0 & 10    
    R &=  \begin{bmatrix}
    r_{\rm{dum}} &= 
        \end{bmatrix} ^\top
    a &= -1, \quad b = -1,
    u_{\mathrm{min}} &= 0, \quad u_{\mathrm{max}} = 1.0

初期値は,$x^{\rm{sys}}(0) = [2, 0] ^\top$とする.


以下にpythonでの実装を示す.アルゴリズムの部分と関数評価はを分けたのでパラメータやcalc_f ~ calc_Cuの部分を書き換えれば他の対象にも使えるはず.また,参考元のGivens回転の部分で計算量上好ましくない部分があったため改善してある(と思う).

import numpy as np
import scipy as sci
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class CGMRES:
    def __init__(self):
        self.t0 = 0.0
        self.T_mpc = 20
        # self.T_mpc = 0.005
        self.dt_mpc = 5e-3
        # self.dt_mpc = 1e-3

        ### horizon
        self.Tf = 1.0
        self.N = 5
        self.alpha = 0.5

        ### current horizon length
        self.Tcur = 0.0
        self.dtau = self.Tcur / self.N

        ### C/GMRES parameters
        self.zeta = 1.0/self.dt_mpc
        self.h_fd = 1e-6
        self.m_gmres = 5
        self.initial_error_tol = 1e-6

        ### cost weight
        self.q = np.array([1.0, 10.0])
        self.r = np.array([1.0, 0.01])
        self.qf = np.array([1.0, 10.0])
        ### bound of input
        self.umin = 0.0
        self.umax = 1.0

        ### initial condition
        self.x0 = np.array([2.0, 0.0])
        self.u0 = np.array([0.01, 0.9])
        self.mu0 = np.array([0.03])
        self.v0 = np.concatenate([self.u0, self.mu0])
        self.lam0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

        ### reference
        self.xref = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
        self.uref = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

        ### dimension
        self.nx = len(self.x0)
        self.nu = len(self.u0)
        self.nc = len(self.mu0)
        self.nv = self.nu + self.nc

        ### variable
        self.X = np.zeros((self.N + 1, self.nx))
        # self.U = np.zeros(self.N * self.nv)
        self.U = np.tile(self.v0, self.N)
        self.Lam = np.zeros((self.N + 1, self.nx))
        self.Udot = np.zeros(self.N * self.nv)

        self.opt_error = None

        ### local constants
        self.a = -1
        self.b = -1

    def calc_f(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        f = np.array([
            self.a * x[0] + self.b * x[1] * u[0]
        return f
    def calc_fx(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        fx = np.array([
            [0, 0],
            [self.a, self.b * u[0]]
        return fx
    def calc_fu(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        fu = np.array([
            [0, 0],
            [self.b * x[1], 0]
        return fu

    def calc_l(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        xres = x - self.xref
        ures = u - self.uref
        l = 0.5*self.q[0]*xres[0]**2 + 0.5*self.q[1]*xres[1]**2 \
            + 0.5*self.r[0]*ures[0]**2 - self.r[1]*ures[1]
        return l

    def calc_lx(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        xres = x - self.xref
        ures = u - self.uref
        lx = np.array([
            self.q[0] * xres[0],
            self.q[1] * xres[1]
        return lx

    def calc_lu(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        xres = x - self.xref
        ures = u - self.uref
        lu = np.array([
            self.r[0] * ures[0],
        return lu
    def calc_lf(self, x: np.ndarray, t: float):
        xres = x - self.xref
        lf = 0.5*self.qf[0]*xres[0]**2 + 0.5*self.qf[1]*xres[1]**2
        return lf

    def calc_lfx(self, x: np.ndarray, t:float):
        lfx = np.array([
        return lfx

    def calc_C(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        C = np.array([
            (u[0] - 0.5*(self.umax + self.umin))**2 + u[1]**2 \
                - (0.5*(self.umax - self.umin))**2
        return C
    def calc_Cx(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        Cx = np.array([
            [0, 0]
        return Cx

    def calc_Cu(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, t: float):
        Cu = np.array([
            [2*(u[0] - 0.5*(self.umin + self.umax)), 2*u[1]]
        return Cu

    def calc_H(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, lam: np.ndarray, mu: np.ndarray, t: float):
        H = self.calc_l(x, u, t) + self.calc_f(x, u, t).T @ lam + self.calc_C(x, u, t).T @ mu
        return H
    def calc_Hx(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, lam: np.ndarray, mu: np.ndarray, t: float):
        Hx = self.calc_lx(x, u, t) + self.calc_fx(x, u, t).T @ lam \
            + self.calc_Cx(x, u, t).T @ mu
        return Hx
    def calc_Hu(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, lam: np.ndarray, mu: np.ndarray, t: float):
        Hu = self.calc_lu(x, u, t) + self.calc_fu(x, u, t).T @ lam \
            + self.calc_Cu(x, u, t).T @ mu
        return Hu
    def calc_Hv(self, x: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, lam: np.ndarray, t: float):
        u = v[0:self.nu]
        mu = v[self.nu:]
        Hu = self.calc_Hu(x, u, lam, mu, t)
        C = self.calc_C(x, u, t)
        return np.concatenate([Hu, C])
    def calc_Hvv(self, x: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, lam: np.ndarray, t: float):
        Hvv = np.zeros((self.nv, self.nv))
        Hv = self.calc_Hv(x, v, lam, t)
        for i in range(self.nv):
            e = np.eye(self.nv)[i]
            Hvv[:, i] = (self.calc_Hv(x, v + self.h_fd*e, lam, t) - Hv) / self.h_fd
        return Hvv

    def rollout_x(self, xt: np.ndarray, U: np.ndarray, t:float):
        xs = np.empty((self.N + 1, self.nx))
        xs[0] = xt

        for i in range(self.N):
            u = U[i][:self.nu]
            xs[i + 1] = xs[i] + self.calc_f(xs[i], u, t + i*self.dtau) * self.dtau

        return xs

    def rollout_lam(self, xs: np.ndarray, U:np.ndarray, t:float):
        lams = np.empty((self.N + 1, self.nx))
        lams[self.N] = self.calc_lfx(xs[self.N], t)
        for i in range(self.N - 1, -1, -1):
            u  = U[i][:self.nu]
            mu  = U[i][self.nu:]
            lams[i] = lams[i + 1] + self.calc_Hx(xs[i], u, lams[i + 1], mu, t + i*self.dtau) * self.dtau
        return lams

    def calc_F(self, U: np.ndarray, xt: np.ndarray, t: float):
        U = U.reshape((self.N, self.nv))
        F = np.empty((self.N, self.nv))

        xs = self.rollout_x(xt, U, t)
        lams = self.rollout_lam(xs, U, t)

        for i in range(self.N):
            Hv = self.calc_Hv(xs[i], U[i], lams[i + 1], t + i*self.dtau)
            F[i] = Hv
        return F.reshape(-1)

    def update_solution(self, xt: np.ndarray, t: float):
        U = self.U
        Udot0 = self.Udot

        ### Arnoldi iteration: get Hessenberg matrix and ONB
        Hm_, Vm1, r0_norm = self.arnoldi_fdgmres(U, Udot0, xt, t)

        ### You can solve directory: Hm_ * y = ||r0|| e1
        if False:
            e1 = np.zeros(self.m_gmres + 1)
            e1[0] = 1
            y, residual, rank, svals = sci.linalg.lstsq(Hm_, r0_norm * e1)
            self.Udot = Udot0 + Vm1[:, :self.m_gmres] @ y
            self.U = U + self.Udot * self.dt_mpc
            self.opt_error = self.calc_opt_error(self.U, xt, t)

        ### Givens rotation: Triangulate Hm_
        e1 = np.zeros(self.m_gmres + 1)
        e1[0] = 1
        Rm_, gm_ = self.givens_rotation(Hm_, r0_norm*e1)
        ### Backward substitution: solve Rm * y = gm
        y = self.backward_substitution(Rm_[0:self.m_gmres, :], gm_[0:self.m_gmres])

        self.Udot = Udot0 + Vm1[:, 0:self.m_gmres] @ y
        self.U = U + self.Udot * self.dt_mpc

        self.opt_error = self.calc_opt_error(self.U, xt, t)

    def arnoldi_fdgmres(self, U: np.ndarray, Udot0: np.ndarray, xt: np.ndarray, t: float):
        xdot = self.calc_f(xt, U[0:self.nu], t)

        FUxt = self.calc_F(U + Udot0*self.h_fd, xt + xdot*self.h_fd, t + self.h_fd)
        Fxt = self.calc_F(U, xt + xdot*self.h_fd, t + self.h_fd)
        F = self.calc_F(U, xt, t)

        ### initial residual: r0 = b - A*Udot0
        b = -self.zeta * F - (Fxt - F) / self.h_fd
        A_Udot0 = (FUxt - Fxt) / self.h_fd
        r0 = b - A_Udot0
        r0_norm = np.linalg.norm(r0)

        ### Arnoldi iteration
        Hm_ = np.zeros((self.m_gmres + 1, self.m_gmres))
        Vm1 = np.zeros((self.N*self.nv, self.m_gmres + 1))
        Vm1[:, 0] = r0 / r0_norm

        for j in range(self.m_gmres):
            FUxt = self.calc_F(U + Vm1[:, j]*self.h_fd, xt + xdot*self.h_fd, t + self.h_fd)
            Avj = (FUxt - Fxt) / self.h_fd

            for i in range(j+1):
                Hm_[i, j] = Avj.T @ Vm1[:, i]

            vj1_hat = Avj
            for i in range(j+1):
                vj1_hat = vj1_hat - Hm_[i, j]*Vm1[:, i]

            Hm_[j+1, j] = np.linalg.norm(vj1_hat)
            Vm1[:, j+1] = vj1_hat / Hm_[j+1, j]

        return Hm_, Vm1, r0_norm

    def givens_rotation(self, Hm_: np.ndarray, gm_: np.ndarray):
        Rm_ = Hm_

        for i in range(self.m_gmres):
            den = np.sqrt(Rm_[i][i]**2 + Rm_[i+1][i]**2)
            ci = Rm_[i][i] / den
            si = Rm_[i+1][i] / den

            rot = np.array([[
                [ci, si],
                [-si, ci]

            Rm_[i:i+2, :] = rot @ Rm_[i:i+2, :]
            gm_[i:i+2] = rot @ gm_[i:i+2]
        return Rm_, gm_

    def backward_substitution(self, Rm: np.ndarray, gm: np.ndarray):
        y = np.zeros(self.m_gmres)

        y = np.zeros(self.m_gmres)
        for i in range(self.m_gmres - 1, -1, -1):
            y[i] = (gm[i] - (Rm[i, i+1:].T @ y[i+1:])) / Rm[i, i]
        return y

    def calc_opt_error(self, U: np.ndarray, xt: np.ndarray, t: float):
        F = self.calc_F(U, xt, t)
        return np.linalg.norm(F)

    def update_horizon(self, t: float):
        self.Tcur = self.Tf * (1 - np.exp(-self.alpha * (t - self.t0)))
        self.dtau = self.Tcur / self.N

    def get_control_input(self):
        return self.U[0:self.nu]

    def rk4(self, x, u, t, dt):
        k1 = self.calc_f(x, u, t)
        k2 = self.calc_f(x + 0.5*dt*k1, u, t)
        k3 = self.calc_f(x + 0.5*dt*k2, u, t)
        k4 = self.calc_f(x + dt*k3, u, t)
        x_next = x + (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)*dt/6
        return x_next

    def initial_newton(self):
        self.lam0 = self.calc_lfx(self.x0, self.t0)
        opt_error = np.inf
        Hv = self.calc_Hv(self.x0, self.v0, self.lam0, self.t0)
        opt_error = np.linalg.norm(Hv) * np.sqrt(self.N)

        while opt_error > self.initial_error_tol:
            Hvv = self.calc_Hvv(self.x0, self.v0, self.lam0, self.t0)
            Hv = self.calc_Hv(self.x0, self.v0, self.lam0, self.t0)
            dv = -np.linalg.solve(Hvv, Hv)
            self.v0 = self.v0 + dv
            opt_error = np.linalg.norm(Hv) * np.sqrt(self.N)
            # print('Hv:\n', Hv)

        self.opt_error = opt_error
        self.u0 = self.v0[0:self.nu]
        self.mu0 = self.v0[self.nu:]

        self.U = np.tile(self.v0, self.N)
        # self.Udot = self.U.copy()
        self.Udot = np.zeros(self.U.shape)

    def run(self):
        N_mpc = int(self.T_mpc / self.dt_mpc)
        t_hist = np.linspace(0, self.T_mpc, N_mpc+1)
        x_hist = []
        v_hist = []
        opt_error_hist = []

        ### initialize MPC

        print('initial input (u, udummy, mu):\n', self.v0)
        print('initial optError:\n', self.opt_error)

        t = 0.0
        xt = self.x0
        u = self.U[0:self.nu]

        ### MPC simulation
        timer = time.perf_counter()
        for i, t in enumerate(t_hist):
            print('t, x(t):\n', t, ',\n', xt, '\n')

            ### C/GMRES
            self.update_solution(xt, t)
            u = self.get_control_input()

            ### history

            ### next state
            xt = self.rk4(xt, u, t, self.dt_mpc)
            t = t + self.dt_mpc
        elapsed = time.perf_counter() - timer

        print('final state:\n', xt)
        print('computation time[s]:\n', elapsed)
        # print('final norm of Udot:\n', self.Udot)

        self.t_hist = t_hist
        self.x_hist = np.array(x_hist)
        self.v_hist = np.array(v_hist)
        self.opt_error_hist = np.array(opt_error_hist)

# np.set_printoptions(precision=6, linewidth=150)

cgmres = CGMRES()


col = max(cgmres.nx, cgmres.nv)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, col, figsize=(12, 6), tight_layout=True)

for j in range(col):
    if j >= cgmres.nx:
        fig.delaxes(axes[0, j])
    axes[0, j].set_xlabel('t')
    axes[0, j].set_ylabel(f'x{j}')
    axes[0, j].plot(cgmres.t_hist, cgmres.x_hist[:, j])

for j in range(col):
    if j >= cgmres.nv:
        fig.delaxes(axes[1, j])
    axes[1, j].set_xlabel('t')
    axes[1, j].set_ylabel(f'v{j}')
    axes[1, j].plot(cgmres.t_hist, cgmres.v_hist[:, j])

axes[2, 0].set_xlabel('t')
axes[2, 0].set_ylabel(f'optimality error')
axes[2, 0].plot(cgmres.t_hist, cgmres.opt_error_hist)
for j in range(1, col):
    fig.delaxes(axes[2, j])







[1] 実時間最適化による制御の実応用

[2] C/GMRES法の例題実装

[3] C/GMRESシミュレーションを3つの言語で作ったので比較してみた

[4] A continuation/GMRESmethod for fast computation of nonlinear receding horizon control

[5] 大規模連立1次方程式に対する一般化最小残差法について


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