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Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-27

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  • 単項演算子は、単一の値に対して演算を実行します。単項演算子の記号は値の前に表示されます。
  • 二項演算子は、2つの値に対して演算を実行します。二項演算子の記号は2つの値の間に表示されます(中置)。
  • 三項演算子は、3つの値に対して演算を実行します。最初の演算子の記号は最初の値と2番目の値の間に、2番目の演算子の記号は2番目の値と3番目の値の間に表示されます(中置)。

Assignment Operator (=)


var a = 1
a = 2
/* `a` is `2` */

var b = 3
var c = 4

/* Invalid: The assignment operation cannot be used in an expression. */
a = b = c

/* Instead, the intended assignment must be written in multiple statements. */
b = c
a = b


let a = 1
/* Invalid: Assignments are only for variables, not constants. */
a = 2


/* Declare an array of integers. */
let numbers = [1, 2]

/* Change the first element of the array. */
numbers[0] = 3

/* `numbers` is `[3, 2]` */
/* Declare an array of arrays of integers. */
let arrays = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

/* Change the first element in the second array */
arrays[1][0] = 5

/* `arrays` is `[[1, 2], [5, 4]]` */
let dictionaries = {
  true: {1: 2},
  false: {3: 4}

dictionaries[false][3] = 0

/* `dictionaries` is `{
 *   true: {1: 2},
 *   false: {3: 0}
 *  }` 

Force-assignment operator (<-!)

強制代入演算子 (<-!) は、リソース型値をオプショナル型変数に代入します(代入先の変数が nil の場合)。代入先の変数が nil でない場合、プログラムの実行は中断されます。


Swapping Operator (<->)


var a = 1
var b = 2
a <-> b
/* `a` is `2` 
   `b` is `1` */

var c = 3

/* Invalid: The swap operation cannot be used in an expression. */
a <-> b <-> c

/* Instead, the intended swap must be written in multiple statements. */
b <-> c
a <-> b


var a = 1
let b = 2

/* Invalid: Swapping is only possible for variables, not constants. */
a <-> b


Arithmetic Operators

単項の pefix 演算子-は整数を反転します。

let a = 1
-a  /* is `-1` */


  • 足し算:+
  • 引き算:-
  • 掛け算:*
  • 割り算:/
  • 余り:%
let a = 1 + 2
/* `a` is `3` */




let a: UInt8 = 255

/* Run-time error: The result `256` does not fit in the range of `UInt8`,
 * thus a fatal overflow error is raised and the program aborts
let b = a + 1
let a: Int8 = 100
let b: Int8 = 100

/* Run-time error: The result `10000` does not fit in the range of `Int8`,
 * thus a fatal overflow error is raised and the program aborts
let c = a * b
let a: Int8 = -128

/* Run-time error: The result `128` does not fit in the range of `Int8`,
 * thus a fatal overflow error is raised and the program aborts
let b = -a



/*    11111111 = 255
 * +         1
 * = 100000000 = 0   */
let a: Word8 = 255
a + 1 // is `0`


/*    00000000
 * -         1
 * =  11111111 = 255  */
let b: Word8 = 0
b - 1  // is `255`

Arithmetics on number super-types


let x: Integer = 3 as Int8
let y: Integer = 4 as Int8

let z: Integer = x + y    /* Static error */


let z: Integer = (x as! Int8) + (y as! Int8)

Logical Operators


  • 論理NOT:!a


let a = true
!a  /* is `false` */
  • 論理AND:a && b
true && true  // is `true`

true && false  // is `false`

false && true  // is `false`

false && false  // is `false`

左辺が false の場合、右辺は評価されません。

  • 論理 OR:a || b
true || true  // is `true`

true || false  // is `true`

false || true  // is `true`

false || false // is `false`


Comparison Operators


  • 等価性:==は、ブーリアン、数値、アドレス、文字列、文字、列挙型、パス、Type、参照、Void値(())でサポートされています。可変長配列、固定長配列、ディクショナリ、オプショナルも、それらの内部型がサポートしていれば、等価性テストをサポートします。等価演算子の両辺はオプショナルである場合もあり、異なるレベルのオプショナルである場合もあります。そのため、例えば、非オプショナルと二重オプショナル(??)で比較することも可能です。
1 == 1
/* is `true` */

1 == 2
/* is `false` */
true == true  // is `true`

true == false  // is `false`
let x: Int? = 1
x == nil  /* is `false` */
let x: Int = 1
x == nil  /* is `false` */
/* Comparisons of different levels of optionals are possible. */
let x: Int? = 2
let y: Int?? = nil
x == y  /* is `false` */
/* Comparisons of different levels of optionals are possible. */
let x: Int? = 2
let y: Int?? = 2
x == y  /* is `true` */
/* Equality tests of arrays are possible if their inner types are equatable. */
let xs: [Int] = [1, 2, 3]
let ys: [Int] = [1, 2, 3]
xs == ys /* is `true` */

let xss: [[Int]] = [xs, xs, xs]
let yss: [[Int]] = [ys, ys, ys]
xss == yss /* is `true` */
/* Equality also applies to fixed-size arrays. If their lengths differ, the result is a type error. */
let xs: [Int; 2] = [1, 2]
let ys: [Int; 2] = [0 + 1, 1 + 1]
xs == ys /* is `true` */
/* Equality tests of dictionaries are possible if the key and value types are equatable. */
let d1 = {"abc": 1, "def": 2}
let d2 = {"abc": 1, "def": 2}
d1 == d2 /* is `true` */

let d3 = {"abc": {1: {"a": 1000}, 2: {"b": 2000}}, "def": {4: {"c": 1000}, 5: {"d": 2000}}}
let d4 = {"abc": {1: {"a": 1000}, 2: {"b": 2000}}, "def": {4: {"c": 1000}, 5: {"d": 2000}}}
d3 == d4 /* is `true` */
  • 不等号: !=は、ブール値、数値、アドレス、文字列、文字、列挙enum、パス、Type、参照、Void値(())でサポートされています。可変長配列、固定長配列、ディクショナリ、オプショナルも、それらの内部の型がサポートしていれば、不等号テストをサポートします。
1 != 1 
/* is `false` */

1 != 2 
/* is `true` */
true != true  // is `false`

true != false  // is `true`
let x: Int? = 1
x != nil  /* is `true` */
let x: Int = 1
x != nil  /* is `true` */
/* Comparisons of different levels of optionals are possible. */
let x: Int? = 2
let y: Int?? = nil
x != y  /* is `true` */
/* Comparisons of different levels of optionals are possible. */
let x: Int? = 2
let y: Int?? = 2
x != y  /* is `false` */
/* Inequality tests of arrays are possible if their inner types are equatable. */
let xs: [Int] = [1, 2, 3]
let ys: [Int] = [4, 5, 6]
xs != ys /* is `true` */
/* Inequality also applies to fixed-size arrays. If their lengths differ, the result is a type error. */
let xs: [Int; 2] = [1, 2]
let ys: [Int; 2] = [1, 2]
xs != ys /* is `false` */
/* Inequality tests of dictionaries are possible if the key and value types are equatable. */
let d1 = {"abc": 1, "def": 2}
let d2 = {"abc": 1, "def": 500}
d1 != d2 /* is `true` */

let d3 = {"abc": {1: {"a": 1000}, 2: {"b": 2000}}, "def": {4: {"c": 1000}, 5: {"d": 2000}}}
let d4 = {"abc": {1: {"a": 1000}, 2: {"b": 2000}}, "def": {4: {"c": 1000}, 5: {"d": 2000}}}
d3 != d4 /* is `false` */
  • Less Than: < は 整数、ブール値、文字、文字列の場合のみ可能
1 <= 1
// is `true`

1 <= 2
// is `true`

2 <= 1
// is `false`

false <= true
// is `true`

true <= true
// is `true`

true <= false
// is `false`

"c"  <= "a"
// is `false`

"z"  <= "z"
// is `true`

"a" <= "A"
// is `false`

"" <= ""
// is `true`

"" <= "a"
// is `true`

"az" <= "b"
// is `true`

"xAB" <= "Xab"
// is `false`
  • Greater than: > は 整数、ブール値、文字、文字列型に対して
1 > 1
// is `false`

1 > 2
// is `false`

2 > 1
// is `true`

false > true
// is `false`

true > true
// is `false`

true > false
// is `true`

"c"  > "a"
// is `true`

"g"  > "g"
// is `false`

"a" > "A"
// is `true`

"" > ""
// is `false`

"" > "a"
// is `false`

"az" > "b"
// is `false`

"xAB" > "Xab"
// is `true`
  • Greater or equal than: >= は 整数、ブール値、文字、文字列型に対して
1 >= 1
// is `true`

1 >= 2
// is `false`

2 >= 1
// is `true`

false >= true
// is `false`

true >= true
// is `true`

true >= false
// is `true`

"c"  >= "a"
// is `true`

"q"  >= "q"
// is `true`

"a" >= "A"
// is `true`

"" >= ""
// is `true`

"" >= "a"
// is `true`

"az" >= "b"
// is `true`

"xAB" >= "Xab"
// is `false`

Comparing number super-types


let x: Integer = 3 as Int8
let y: Integer = 4 as Int8

let z: Bool = x > y    /* Static error */


let z: Bool = (x as! Int8) > (y as! Int8)

Bitwise Operators


  • ビット演算子 AND: は a & b
let firstFiveBits = 0b11111000
let lastFiveBits  = 0b00011111
let middleTwoBits = firstFiveBits & lastFiveBits  /* is 0b00011000 */
  • ビット演算子 OR: a | b
let someBits = 0b10110010
let moreBits = 0b01011110
let combinedbits = someBits | moreBits  /* is 0b11111110 */
  • ビット演算子 XOR: a ^ b
let firstBits = 0b00010100
let otherBits = 0b00000101
let outputBits = firstBits ^ otherBits  /* is 0b00010001 */

Bitwise Shifting Operators

  • ビット演算子 LEFT SHIFT: a << b
let someBits = 4
/* is 0b00000100 */
let shiftedBits = someBits << 2 
/* is 0b00010000 */
  • ビット演算子 RIGHT SHIFT: a >> b
let someBits = 8
/* is 0b00001000 */
let shiftedBits = someBits >> 2
/* is 0b00000010 */

符号なし整数の場合は、ビットシフト演算子は論理シフトを実行し、符号付き整数の場合は、算術シフトを実行します。また、a << bまたはa >> bの場合、bは64ビット整数に収まる必要があります。

Ternary Conditional Operator

三項条件演算子は1つしかなく、三項条件演算子(a ? b : c)です。

これは if 文のような動作をしますが、式です。最初の演算子の値が true の場合は、2番目の演算子の値が返されます。最初の演算子の値が false の場合は、3番目の値が返されます。

最初の値はブール値(Bool 型)でなければなりません。2番目の値と3番目の値は、任意の型とすることができます。結果の型は、2番目と3番目の値の最小共通スーパータイプとなります。

let x = 1 > 2 ? 3 : 4
/* `x` is `4` and has type `Int` */

let y = 1 > 2 ? nil : 3
/* `y` is `3` and has type `Int?` */

Casting Operators

Static Casting Operator (as)


値の静的型が指定された型(target type)のサブタイプである場合、演算子は値を指定された型として返します。


つまり、この演算子を使用してダウンキャストを行うことはできません。代わりにconditional downcasting operator as?(条件付きダウンキャスト演算子)の使用を検討してください。

/* Declare a constant named `integer` which has type `Int`. */
let integer: Int = 1

/* Statically cast the value of `integer` to the supertype `Number`.
 * The cast succeeds, because the type of the variable `integer`,
 * the type `Int`, is a subtype of type `Number`.
 * This is an upcast.
let number = integer as Number
/* `number` is `1` and has type `Number` */

/* Declare a constant named `something` which has type `AnyStruct`,
 * with an initial value which has type `Int`.
let something: AnyStruct = 1

/* Statically cast the value of `something` to `Int`.
 * This is invalid, the cast fails, because the static type of the value is type `AnyStruct`,
 * which is not a subtype of type `Int`.
let result = something as Int

Conditional Downcasting Operator (as?)

条件付きダウンキャスト演算子as?は、値を動的に型変換するために使用することができます。この演算子はオプショナルを返します。値の実行時型がtarget typeの下位型である場合、演算子は値をtarget typeとして返します。そうでない場合は、結果はnilとなります。


/* Declare a constant named `something` which has type `AnyStruct`,
 * with an initial value which has type `Int`.
let something: AnyStruct = 1

/* Conditionally downcast the value of `something` to `Int`.
 * The cast succeeds, because the value has type `Int`.
let number = something as? Int
/* `number` is `1` and has type `Int?` */

/* Conditionally downcast the value of `something` to `Bool`.
 * The cast fails, because the value has type `Int`,
 * and `Bool` is not a subtype of `Int`.
let boolean = something as? Bool
/* `boolean` is `nil` and has type `Bool?` */


/* Declare a constant named `values` which has type `[AnyStruct]`,
 * i.e. an array of arbitrarily typed values.
let values: [AnyStruct] = [1, true]

let first = values[0] as? Int
/* `first` is `1` and has type `Int?` */

let second = values[1] as? Bool
/* `second` is `true` and has type `Bool?` */

Force-downcasting Operator (as!)


/* Declare a constant named `something` which has type `AnyStruct`,
 * with an initial value which has type `Int`.
let something: AnyStruct = 1

/* Force-downcast the value of `something` to `Int`.
 * The cast succeeds, because the value has type `Int`.
let number = something as! Int
/* `number` is `1` and has type `Int` */

/* Force-downcast the value of `something` to `Bool`.
 * The cast fails, because the value has type `Int`,
 * and `Bool` is not a subtype of `Int`.
let boolean = something as! Bool
/* Run-time error */

Optional Operators

Nil-Coalescing Operator (??)



/* Declare a constant which has an optional integer type */
let a: Int? = nil

/* Declare a constant with a non-optional integer type,
 * which is initialized to `a` if it is non-nil, or 42 otherwise.
let b: Int = a ?? 42
/* `b` is 42, as `a` is nil */


/* Declare a constant with a non-optional integer type. */
let a = 1

/* Invalid: nil-coalescing operator is applied to a value which has a non-optional type
 * (a has the non-optional type `Int`).
let b = a ?? 2
/* Invalid: nil-coalescing operator is applied to a value which has a non-optional type
 * (the integer literal is of type `Int`).
let c = 1 ?? 2


/* Declare a constant with an optional integer type. */
let a: Int? = nil
let b: Int? = 1
let c = a ?? b
/* `c` is `1` and has type `Int?` */

/* Invalid: nil-coalescing operator is applied to a value of type `Int?`,
 * but the alternative has type `Bool`.
let d = a ?? false

Force Unwrap Operator (!)


/* Declare a constant which has an optional integer type */
let a: Int? = nil

/* Declare a constant with a non-optional integer type,
 * which is initialized to `a` if `a` is non-nil.
 * If `a` is nil, the program aborts.
let b: Int = a!
/* The program aborts because `a` is nil. */

/* Declare another optional integer constant */
let c: Int? = 3

/* Declare a non-optional integer
 * which is initialized to `c` if `c` is non-nil.
 * If `c` is nil, the program aborts. */
let d: Int = c!
/* `d` is initialized to 3 because c isn't nil. */


/* Declare a constant with a non-optional integer type. */
let a = 1

/* Invalid: force-unwrap operator is applied to a value which has a
 * non-optional type (`a` has the non-optional type `Int`).
let b = a!
/* Invalid: The force-unwrap operator is applied
 * to a value which has a non-optional type
 * (the integer literal is of type `Int`).
let c = 1!

Precedence and Associativity


  • 単項演算子の優先順位:-!<-
  • キャストの優先順位:asas?as!
  • 乗算の優先順位:*/%
  • 加算の優先順位:+-
  • ビットシフトの優先順位:<<>>
  • ビット論理積の優先順位:&
  • ビット論理和の優先順位:^
  • ビット論理和の優先順位:|
  • nil結合の優先順位:??
  • 関係演算子の優先順位:<<=>>=
  • 等価演算子の優先順位:==!=
  • 論理積演算子の優先順位:&&
  • 論理和演算子の優先順位:||
  • 三項演算子の優先順位:? :


  • 三項演算子
  • nil結合演算子

優先順位の規則を無効にするために、すなわち、別の順序を示す場合や、混乱を避けるためにデフォルトの順序を強調する場合などには、式を括弧で囲むことができます。例えば、(2 + 3) * 4と記述すると、加算が乗算より前に実行されるよう強制され、5 + (6 * 7)と記述すると、デフォルトの順序が強調されます。


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