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Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-27

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Function Declarations








各パラメータにはtype annotationが必要であり、これはコロン(:)の後にパラメータ名を続けて指定します。



/* Declare a function named `double`, which multiples a number by two.
 * The special argument label _ is specified for the parameter,
 * so no argument label has to be provided in a function call.
fun double(_ x: Int): Int {
    return x * 2

/* Call the function named `double` with the value 4 for the first parameter.
 * The argument label can be omitted in the function call as the declaration
 * specifies the special argument label _ for the parameter.
/* is `4` */


/* Declare a function named `clamp`. The function takes an integer value,
 * the lower limit, and the upper limit. It returns an integer between
 * the lower and upper limit.
 * For the first parameter the special argument label _ is used,
 * so no argument label has to be given for it in a function call.
 * For the second and third parameter no argument label is given,
 * so the parameter names are the argument labels, i.e., the parameter names
 * have to be given as argument labels in a function call.
fun clamp(_ value: Int, min: Int, max: Int): Int {
    if value > max {
        return max

    if value < min {
        return min

    return value

/* Declare a constant which has the result of a call to the function
 * named `clamp` as its initial value.
 * For the first argument no label is given, as it is not required by
 * the function declaration (the special argument label `_` is specified).
 * For the second and this argument the labels must be provided,
 * as the function declaration does not specify the special argument label `_`
 * for these two parameters.
 * As the function declaration also does not specify argument labels
 * for these parameters, the parameter names must be used as argument labels.
let clamped = clamp(123, min: 0, max: 100)
/* `clamped` is `100` */
/* Declare a function named `send`, which transfers an amount
 * from one account to another.
 * The implementation is omitted for brevity.
 * The first two parameters of the function have the same type, so there is
 * a potential that a function call accidentally provides arguments in
 * the wrong order.
 * While the parameter names `senderAddress` and `receiverAddress`
 * are descriptive inside the function, they might be too verbose
 * to require them as argument labels in function calls.
 * For this reason the shorter argument labels `from` and `to` are specified,
 * which still convey the meaning of the two parameters without being overly
 * verbose.
 * The name of the third parameter, `amount`, is both meaningful inside
 * the function and also in a function call, so no argument label is given,
 * and the parameter name is required as the argument label in a function call.
fun send(from senderAddress: Address, to receivingAddress: Address, amount: Int) {
    /* The function code is omitted for brevity.

/* Declare a constant which refers to the sending account's address.
 * The initial value is omitted for brevity.
let sender: Address = /* ... */

/* Declare a constant which refers to the receiving account's address.
 * The initial value is omitted for brevity.
let receiver: Address = /* ... */

/* Call the function named `send`.
 * The function declaration requires argument labels for all parameters,
 * so they need to be provided in the function call.
 * This avoids ambiguity. For example, in some languages (like C) it is
 * a convention to order the parameters so that the receiver occurs first,
 * followed by the sender. In other languages, it is common to have
 * the sender be the first parameter, followed by the receiver.
 * Here, the order is clear – send an amount from an account to another account.
send(from: sender, to: receiver, amount: 100)


/* Declare a function named `test`, which accepts two parameters, named `first` and `second` */
fun test(first: Int, second: Int) {
    /* ... */

/* Invalid: the arguments are provided in the wrong order,
 * even though the argument labels are provided correctly.
test(second: 1, first: 2)


/* Declare a function which multiplies a number by two, and adds one. */
fun doubleAndAddOne(_ x: Int): Int {

    /* Declare a nested function which multiplies a number by two. */
    fun double(_ x: Int) {
        return x * 2

    return double(x) + 1

/* is `5` */


Function Expressions


/* Declare a constant named `double`, which has a function as its value.
 * The function multiplies a number by two when it is called.
 * This function's type is `fun (Int): Int`.
let double =
    fun (_ x: Int): Int {
        return x * 2

Function Calls


fun double(_ x: Int): Int {
    return x * 2

/* Valid: the correct amount of arguments is provided. */
/* is `4` */

/* Invalid: too many arguments are provided. */
double(2, 3)

/* Invalid: too few arguments are provided. */

Function Types




/* Declare a function named `add`, with the function type `fun(Int, Int): Int`. */
fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return a + b
/* Declare a constant named `add`, with the function type `fun(Int, Int): Int` */
let add: fun(Int, Int): Int =
    fun (a: Int, b: Int): Int {
        return a + b


/* Declare a constant named `doNothing`, which is a function
 * that takes no parameters and returns nothing.
let doNothing: fun(): Void =
    fun () {}

fun(Int): fun(): Intは、Int型の引数を1つ受け取り、引数を受け取らずIntを返す別の関数を返す関数の型です。

[fun(Int): Int; 2]は、1つの整数を受け取り、1つの整数を返す2つの関数の配列型を指定します。

引数ラベルは関数型の一部ではありません。これにより、異なる引数ラベルを持つ関数(異なる作成者によって書かれた可能性がある)は、パラメータ型と戻り値の型が一致する限り、互換性があるという利点があります。一方、欠点としては関数呼び出しが関数値に対して行われる(原文: function calls to plain function values)場合、引数ラベルを受け入れられないというのがあります。

/* Declare a function which takes one argument that has type `Int`.
 * The function has type `fun(Int): Void`.
fun foo1(x: Int) {}

/* Call function `foo1`. This requires an argument label.
foo1(x: 1) */

/* Declare another function which takes one argument that has type `Int`.
 * The function also has type `fun(Int): Void`.
fun foo2(y: Int) {}

/* Call function `foo2`. This requires an argument label. */
foo2(y: 2)

/* Declare a variable which has type `fun(Int): Void` and use `foo1`
 * as its initial value.
var someFoo: fun(Int): Void = foo1

/* Call the function assigned to variable `someFoo`.
 * This is valid as the function types match.
 * This does neither require nor allow argument labels.

/* Assign function `foo2` to variable `someFoo`.
 * This is valid as the function types match.
someFoo = foo2

/* Call the function assigned to variable `someFoo`.
 * This does neither require nor allow argument labels.



/* Declare a function named `makeCounter` which returns a function that
 * each time when called, returns the next integer, starting at 1.
fun makeCounter(): fun(): Int {
    var count = 0
    return fun (): Int {
        /* NOTE: read from and assign to the non-local variable
         * `count`, which is declared in the outer function.
        count = count + 1
        return count

let test = makeCounter()
/* is `1` */
/* is `2` */

Argument Passing Behavior


/* Declare a function that changes the first two elements
 * of an array of integers.
fun change(_ numbers: [Int]) {
    /* Change the elements of the passed in array.
     * The changes are only local, as the array was copied.
    numbers[0] = 1
    numbers[1] = 2
    /* `numbers` is `[1, 2]` */

let numbers = [0, 1]

/* `numbers` is still `[0, 1]` */


fun test(x: Int) {
    /* Invalid: cannot assign to a parameter (constant) */
    x = 2

Function Preconditions and Postconditions

関数には前提条件や事後条件が存在する場合があります。 前提条件や事後条件は、関数の入力(パラメータの値)や出力(戻り値)に制限を設けるために使用することができます。

前提条件は、関数が実行される直前に真である必要があります。 前提条件は関数の一部であり、preキーワードに続いて条件ブロックが続きます。

ポスト条件は、関数の実行直後に真である必要があります。ポスト条件は関数の一部であり、post キーワードで導入され、条件ブロックが続きます。ポスト条件は、もしあれば、プレ条件の後にのみ発生します。





fun factorial(_ n: Int): Int {
    pre {
        /* Require the parameter `n` to be greater than or equal to zero. */
        n >= 0:
            "factorial is only defined for integers greater than or equal to zero"
    post {
        /* Ensure the result will be greater than or equal to 1. */
        result >= 1:
            "the result must be greater than or equal to 1"

    if n < 1 {
       return 1

    return n * factorial(n - 1)

/* is `120` */

/* Run-time error: The given argument does not satisfy
 * the precondition `n >= 0` of the function, the program aborts.


var n = 0

fun incrementN() {
    post {
        /* Require the new value of `n` to be the old value of `n`, plus one. */
        n == before(n) + 1:
            "n must be incremented by 1"

    n = n + 1

事前条件と事後条件は、いずれもview コンテキストとみなされます。viewアノテーション付きの関数で許可されていない操作は、条件でも許可されません。特に、条件で関数を呼び出したい場合は、その関数はview関数でなければなりません。

View Functions


view fun foo(): Void {}

let x = view fun(): Void {}

struct S {

    view fun foo(): Void {}
    view init()



    let f: view fun (Int): Int = ...
    let h: view fun (): (view fun (): Void) = ...


関数はviewアノテーションに関して共変(covariant; viewをつけたことでつけない状態と相関関係は変わらない)です。つまり、view関数は、同じパラメータと戻り値の型を持つ非view関数のサブタイプです。したがって、以下の宣言は型チェックに合格します。

    let a: view fun (): Void = view fun() {}
    let b: fun (): Void = view fun() {}
    let c: fun (): Void = fun() {}
    let d: fun(view fun(): Void): Void = fun (x: fun(): Void) {}
    /* contravariance */


    let x: view fun (): Void = fun() {}
    let y: fun(fun(): Void): Void = fun(f: view fun(): Void) {}
    /* contravariance */


  • viewでない関数の呼び出し(saveload のようなアカウントの状態やストレージを変更する関数を含む)
  • リソースへの書き込みや変更
  • 参照(reference)への書き込みや変更
  • 現在の関数のスコープで定義されていることが静的に判明している変数、またはリソースや参照へのインデックス付き代入や書き込み


view fun foo(): Int {
    let a: [Int] = []
    a[0] = 3
    return a.length


let a: [Int] = []
view fun foo(): Int {
    a[0] = 3
    return a.length


view fun foo(): Int {
    let a: [Int] = [0]
    a[0] = 1


view fun foo(): Int {
    let a: [Int] = [0]

これは拒否されます。なぜならappendview ではないからです。

Functions are Values


/* Declare a function named `transform` which applies a function to each element
 * of an array of integers and returns a new array of the results.
fun transform(function: fun(Int): Int, integers: [Int]): [Int] {
    var newIntegers: [Int] = []
    for integer in integers {
    return newIntegers

fun double(_ integer: Int): Int {
    return integer * 2

let newIntegers = transform(function: double, integers: [1, 2, 3])
/* `newIntegers` is `[2, 4, 6]` */


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Flow blockchain / Cadence version1.0ドキュメント (Functions)

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