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Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-26

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リソースは、create キーワードを使用して作成する必要があります。(インスタンス化します)



リソースは、destroy キーワードを使用して明示的に破棄することができます。


リソース型の使用法と動作を明確にするために、変数または定数の宣言、パラメータ、および戻り値の型のアノテーションで、接頭辞 @を付ける必要があります。

The Move Operator


/* Declare a resource named `SomeResource`, with a variable integer field. */
resource SomeResource {
    var value: Int

    init(value: Int) {
        self.value = value

/* Declare a constant with value of resource type `SomeResource`. */
let a: @SomeResource <- create SomeResource(value: 0)

/* *Move* the resource value to a new constant. */
let b <- a

/* Invalid: Cannot use constant `a` anymore as the resource that it referred to
 * was moved to constant `b`.

/* Constant `b` owns the resource. */
b.value // equals 0

/* Declare a function which accepts a resource.
 * The parameter has a resource type, so the type annotation must be prefixed with `@`.
fun use(resource: @SomeResource) {
    /* ... */

/* Call function `use` and move the resource into it. */
use(resource: <-b)

/* Invalid: Cannot use constant `b` anymore as the resource
 * it referred to was moved into function `use`.


panic("something went wrong: ...")


    /* Declare another, unrelated value of resource type `SomeResource`. */
    let c <- create SomeResource(value: 10)

    /* Invalid: `c` is not used before the end of the scope, but must be.
       It cannot be lost. */
/* Declare another, unrelated value of resource type `SomeResource`. */
let d <- create SomeResource(value: 20)

/* Destroy the resource referred to by constant `d`. */
destroy d

/* Invalid: Cannot use constant `d` anymore as the resource
 * it referred to was destroyed.


/* Declare a constant with an explicit type annotation.
 * The constant has a resource type, so the type annotation must be prefixed with `@`.
let someResource: @SomeResource <- create SomeResource(value: 5)

/* Declare a function which consumes a resource and destroys it.
 * The parameter has a resource type, so the type annotation must be prefixed with `@`.
fun use(resource: @SomeResource) {
    destroy resource

/* Declare a function which returns a resource.
 * The return type is a resource type, so the type annotation must be prefixed with `@`.
 * The return statement must also use the `<-` operator to make it explicit the resource is moved.
fun get(): @SomeResource {
    let newResource <- create SomeResource()
    return <-newResource


/* Declare a function which consumes a resource but does not use it.
 * This function is invalid, because it would cause a loss of the resource.
fun forgetToUse(resource: @SomeResource) {
    /* Invalid: The resource parameter `resource` is not used, but must be. */
/* Declare a constant named `res` which has the resource type `SomeResource`. */
let res <- create SomeResource()

/* Call the function `use` and move the resource `res` into it. */
use(resource: <-res)

/* Invalid: The resource constant `res` cannot be used again,
 * as it was moved in the previous function call.
use(resource: <-res)

/* Invalid: The resource constant `res` cannot be used again,
 * as it was moved in the previous function call.
/* Declare a function which has a resource parameter.
 * This function is invalid, because it does not always use the resource parameter,
 * which would cause a loss of the resource.
fun sometimesDestroy(resource: @SomeResource, destroyResource: Bool) {
    if destroyResource {
        destroy resource
    /* Invalid: The resource parameter `resource` is not always used, but must be.
     * The destroy statement is not always executed, so at the end of this function
     * it might have been destroyed or not. */
/* Declare a function which has a resource parameter.
 * This function is valid, as it always uses the resource parameter,
 * and does not cause a loss of the resource.
fun alwaysUse(resource: @SomeResource, destroyResource: Bool) {
    if destroyResource {
        destroy resource
    } else {
        use(resource: <-resource)
    /* At the end of the function the resource parameter was definitely used:
       It was either destroyed or moved in the call of function `use`. */
/* Declare a function which has a resource parameter.
 * This function is invalid, because it does not always use the resource parameter,
 * which would cause a loss of the resource.
fun returnBeforeDestroy(move: Bool) {
    let res <- create SomeResource(value: 1)
    if move {
        use(resource: <-res)
    } else {
        /* Invalid: When this function returns here, the resource variable
           `res` was not used, but must be. */
    /* Invalid: the resource variable `res` was potentially moved in the
     * previous if-statement, and both branches definitely return,
     * so this statement is unreachable. */
    destroy res

Resource Variables


代わりに、スワップ文(<->)またはシフト文(<- target <-)を使用して、リソース変数を別のリソースに置き換えます。

resource R {}

var x <- create R()
var y <- create R()

/* Invalid: Cannot assign to resource variable `x`,
 * as its current resource would be lost
x <- y

/* Instead, use a swap statement. */
var replacement <- create R()
x <-> replacement
/* `x` is the new resource.
   `replacement` is the old resource. */

/* Or use the shift statement (`<- target <-`)
 * This statement moves the resource out of `x` and into `oldX`,
 * and at the same time assigns `x` with the new value on the right-hand side. */
let oldX <- x <- create R()
 /* oldX still needs to be explicitly handled after this statement */
destroy oldX

Nested Resources



let child <- create Child(name: "Child 1")
child.name  /* is "Child 1" */

let parent <- create Parent(name: "Parent", child: <-child)
parent.child.name  /* is "Child 1" */

/* Invalid: Cannot move resource out of variable resource field. */
let childAgain <- parent.child

/* Instead, use a swap statement. */
var otherChild <- create Child(name: "Child 2")
parent.child <-> otherChild
/* `parent.child` is the second child, Child 2.
   `otherChild` is the first child, Child 1. */


/* Declare a resource with resource fields */
resource Parent {
    var child1: @Child
    var child2: @Child
    init(child1: @Child, child2: @Child) {
        self.child1 <- child1
        self.child2 <- child2

入れ子になったリソースが破棄される順序は決定論的(deterministic)ですが、特定されておらず、開発者によって影響を与えることはできません。例えば、この例では、Parent が破棄されると、child1およびchild2フィールドも特定されていない順序で破棄されます。

Cadence の以前のバージョンでは、リソースが破棄されたときに任意のコードを実行する特別なdestroy関数を定義することが可能でしたが、今はもう利用できません。

Destroy Events


resource R {
    event ResourceDestroyed(id: UInt64 = self.id) 

    let id: UInt64

    init(_ id: UInt64) {
        self.id = id

R.ResourceDestroyedイベントが発行されます。 ResourceDestroyedの定義で使用されている特別な構文は、全てのイベントパラメータに関連付いた値を指定します。

この場合、R.ResourceDestroyedイベントのidフィールドは、リソースRが破棄される直前に保持していたidフィールドの値です。 一般的に、いくつかのResourceDestroyedイベントは次のように定義される:

event ResourceDestroyed(field1: T1 = e1, field2: T2 = e2, ...)




Resources in Closures


resource R {}

/* Invalid: Declare a function which returns a closure which refers to
 * the resource parameter `resource`. Each call to the returned function
 * would return the resource, which should not be possible.
fun makeCloner(resource: @R): fun(): @R {
    return fun (): @R {
        return <-resource

let test = makeCloner(resource: <-create R())

Resources in Arrays and Dictionaries


代わりに、swapステートメント(<->)またはshiftステートメント(<- target <-)を使用して、リソースを別の変数に置き換えます。

resource R {}

/* Declare a constant for an array of resources.
 * Create two resources and move them into the array.
 * `resources` has type `@[R]`
let resources <- [
    <-create R(),
    <-create R()

/* Invalid: Reading an element from a resource array is not allowed. */
let firstResource <- resources[0]

/* Invalid: Setting an element in a resource array is not allowed,
 * as it would result in the loss of the current value.
resources[0] <- create R()

/* Instead, when attempting to either read an element or update an element
 * in a resource array, use a swap statement with a variable to replace
 * the accessed element.
var res <- create R()
resources[0] <-> res
/* `resources[0]` now contains the new resource.
   `res` now contains the old resource. */

/* Use the shift statement to move the new resource into
   the array at the same time that the old resource is being moved out */
let oldRes <- resources[0] <- create R()
 /* The old object still needs to be handled */
destroy oldRes


/* Declare a constant for a dictionary of resources.
 * Create two resources and move them into the dictionary.
 * `resources` has type `@{String: R}`
let resources <- {
    "r1": <-create R(),
    "r2": <-create R()

/* Invalid: Reading an element from a resource dictionary is not allowed.
 * It's not obvious that an access like this would have to remove
 * the key from the dictionary.
let firstResource <- resources["r1"]

/* Instead, make the removal explicit by using the `remove` function. */
let firstResource <- resources.remove(key: "r1")

/* Invalid: Setting an element in a resource dictionary is not allowed,
 * as it would result in the loss of the current value.
resources["r1"] <- create R()

/* Instead, when attempting to either read an element or update an element
 * in a resource dictionary, use a swap statement with a variable to replace
 * the accessed element.
 * The result of a dictionary read is optional, as the given key might not
 * exist in the dictionary.
 * The types on both sides of the swap operator must be the same,
 * so also declare the variable as an optional.
var res: @R? <- create R()
resources["r1"] <-> res
/* `resources["r1"]` now contains the new resource.
   `res` now contains the old resource. */

/* Use the shift statement to move the new resource into
   the dictionary at the same time that the old resource is being moved out */
let oldRes <- resources["r2"] <- create R()
/* The old object still needs to be handled */
destroy oldRes


let resource <- create R()

/* Invalid: The resource variable `resource` can only be moved into the array once. */
let resources <- [
let resource <- create R()

/* Invalid: The resource variable `resource` can only be moved into the dictionary once. */
let resources <- {
    "res1": <-resource,
    "res2": <-resource


let resources <- [
    <-create R(),
    <-create R()
destroy resources
let resources <- {
    "r1": <-create R(),
    "r2": <-create R()
destroy resources


let resources <- [<-create R()]
/* `resources.length` is `1` */

resources.append(<-create R())
/* `resources.length` is `2` */

let first <- resource.remove(at: 0)
/* `resources.length` is `1` */
destroy first

resources.insert(at: 0, <-create R())
/* `resources.length` is `2` */

/* Invalid: The statement ignores the result of the call to `remove`,
   which would result in a loss. */
resource.remove(at: 0)

destroy resources




let resources <- {"r1": <-create R()}
/* `resources.length` is `1` */

let first <- resource.remove(key: "r1")
/* `resources.length` is `0` */
destroy first

let old <- resources.insert(key: "r1", <-create R())
/* `old` is nil, as there was no value for the key "r1"
   `resources.length` is `1` */

let old2 <- resources.insert(key: "r1", <-create R())
/* `old2` is the old value for the key "r1"
   `resources.length` is `1` */

destroy old
destroy old2
destroy resources

Resource Identifier

リソースには暗黙的な一意の識別子が関連付けられており、各リソースにあらかじめ宣言されたpublicフィールドlet uuid: UInt64によって実装されています。


/* Declare a resource without any fields. */
resource R {}

/* Create two resources */
let r1 <- create R()
let r2 <- create R()

/* Get each resource's unique identifier */
let id1 = r1.uuid
let id2 = r2.uuid

/* Destroy the first resource */
destroy r1

/* Create a third resource */
let r3 <- create R()

let id3 = r3.uuid

id1 != id2  // true
id2 != id3  // true
id3 != id1  // true


Resource Owner

リソースには、暗黙的なフィールドlet owner: &Account?があります。リソースがアカウントのストレージに保存されている場合、このフィールドにアカウントのpublicアクセス可能部分が含まれます。それ以外の場合、このフィールドにはnilが入りります。



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Flow blockchain / Cadence version1.0ドキュメント (Resources)

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