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Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-24

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struct Storage {
    /* The current amount of storage used by the account in bytes. */
    let used: UInt64

    /* The storage capacity of the account in bytes. */
    let capacity: UInt64

    /* All public paths of this account. */
    let publicPaths: [PublicPath]

    /* All storage paths of this account. */
    let storagePaths: [StoragePath]

    /** Saves the given object into the account's storage at the given path.
     *  Resources are moved into storage, and structures are copied.
     *  If there is already an object stored under the given path, the program aborts.
     *  The path must be a storage path, i.e., only the domain `storage` is allowed.
    access(Storage | SaveValue)
    fun save<T: Storable>(_ value: T, to: StoragePath)

    /** Reads the type of an object from the account's storage which is stored under the given path,
     *  or nil if no object is stored under the given path.
     *  If there is an object stored, the type of the object is returned without modifying the stored object.
     *  The path must be a storage path, i.e., only the domain `storage` is allowed.
    view fun type(at path: StoragePath): Type?

    /** Loads an object from the account's storage which is stored under the given path,
     *  or nil if no object is stored under the given path.
     *  If there is an object stored,
     *  the stored resource or structure is moved out of storage and returned as an optional.
     *  When the function returns, the storage no longer contains an object under the given path.
     *  The given type must be a supertype of the type of the loaded object.
     *  If it is not, the function panics.
     *  The given type must not necessarily be exactly the same as the type of the loaded object.
     *  The path must be a storage path, i.e., only the domain `storage` is allowed.
    access(Storage | LoadValue)
    fun load<T: Storable>(from: StoragePath): T?

    /** Returns a copy of a structure stored in account storage under the given path,
     *  without removing it from storage,
     *  or nil if no object is stored under the given path.
     *  If there is a structure stored, it is copied.
     *  The structure stays stored in storage after the function returns.
     *  The given type must be a supertype of the type of the copied structure.
     *  If it is not, the function panics.
     *  The given type must not necessarily be exactly the same as the type of the copied structure.
     *  The path must be a storage path, i.e., only the domain `storage` is allowed.
    access(Storage | CopyValue)
    view fun copy<T: AnyStruct>(from: StoragePath): T?

    /** Returns true if the object in account storage under the given path satisfies the given type,
     *  i.e. could be borrowed using the given type.
     *  The given type must not necessarily be exactly the same as the type of the     borrowed object.
     *  The path must be a storage path, i.e., only the domain `storage` is allowed.
    view fun check<T: Any>(from: StoragePath): Bool

    /** Returns a reference to an object in storage without removing it from storage.
     *  If no object is stored under the given path, the function returns nil.
     *  If there is an object stored, a reference is returned as an optional,
     *  provided it can be borrowed using the given type.
     *  If the stored object cannot be borrowed using the given type, the function panics.
     *  The given type must not necessarily be exactly the same as the type of the borrowed object.
     *  The path must be a storage path, i.e., only the domain `storage` is allowed
    access(Storage | BorrowValue)
    view fun borrow<T: &Any>(from: StoragePath): T?

    /** Iterate over all the public paths of an account,
     *  passing each path and type in turn to the provided callback function.
     *  The callback function takes two arguments:
     *    1. The path of the stored object
     *    2. The run-time type of that object
     *  Iteration is stopped early if the callback function returns `false`.
     *  The order of iteration is undefined.
     *  If an object is stored under a new public path,
     *  or an existing object is removed from a public path,
     *  then the callback must stop iteration by returning false.
     *  Otherwise, iteration aborts.
    fun forEachPublic(_ function: fun(PublicPath, Type): Bool)

    /** Iterate over all the stored paths of an account,
     *  passing each path and type in turn to the provided callback function.
     *  The callback function takes two arguments:
     *    1. The path of the stored object
     *    2. The run-time type of that object
     *  Iteration is stopped early if the callback function returns `false`.
     *  If an object is stored under a new storage path,
     *  or an existing object is removed from a storage path,
     *  then the callback must stop iteration by returning false.
     *  Otherwise, iteration aborts.
    fun forEachStored(_ function: fun (StoragePath, Type): Bool)

entitlement Storage

entitlement SaveValue
entitlement LoadValue
entitlement CopyValue
entitlement BorrowValue

Saving objects

access(Storage | SaveValue)
fun save<T: Storable>(_ value: T, to: StoragePath)



Getting object type information

view fun type(at path: StoragePath): Type?




Removing objects

access(Storage | LoadValue)
fun load<T: Storable>(from: StoragePath): T?





Copying objects

access(Storage | CopyValue)
view fun copy<T: AnyStruct>(from: StoragePath): T?





Accessing objects

access(Storage | BorrowValue)
view fun borrow<T: &Any>(from: StoragePath): T?
access(Storage | BorrowValue)
view fun borrow<T: &Any>(from: StoragePath): T?




型引数は、any型、すなわち &Any(Anyはすべての型のスーパータイプです)への参照である必要があります。型Tは借用するオブジェクトの型のスーパータイプでなければなりません。そうでない場合、プログラムは中断します。指定する型は、必ずしも借用するオブジェクトの型と完全に一致している必要はありません。



/* Declare a resource interface named `HasCount`, that has a field `count` */
resource interface HasCount {
    count: Int

/* Declare a resource named `Counter` that conforms to `HasCount` */
resource Counter: HasCount {
    var count: Int

    init(count: Int) {
        self.count = count

/* In this example, an authorized reference to an account
   is available through the constant `account`. */

/* Create a new instance of the resource type `Counter`
 * and save it in the storage of the account.
 * The path `\/storage\/counter` is used to refer to the stored value.
 * Its identifier `counter` was chosen freely and could be something else.
    <-create Counter(count: 42),
    to: /storage/counter

/* Run-time error: Storage already contains an object under path `\/storage\/counter` */
    <-create Counter(count: 123),
    to: /storage/counter

/* Load the `Counter` resource from storage path `\/storage\/counter`.
 * The new constant `counter` has the type `Counter?`, i.e., it is an optional,
 * and its value is the counter resource, that was saved at the beginning
 * of the example.
let counter <- account.storage.load<@Counter>(from: /storage/counter)

/* The storage is now empty, there is no longer an object stored
   under the path `\/storage\/counter`. */

/* Load the `Counter` resource again from storage path `\/storage\/counter`.
 * The new constant `counter2` has the type `Counter?` and is `nil`,
 * as nothing is stored under the path `\/storage\/counter` anymore,
 * because the previous load moved the counter out of storage.
let counter2 <- account.storage.load<@Counter>(from: /storage/counter)

/* Create another new instance of the resource type `Counter`
 * and save it in the storage of the account.
 * The path `\/storage\/otherCounter` is used to refer to the stored value.
    <-create Counter(count: 123),
    to: /storage/otherCounter

/* Load the `Vault` resource from storage path `\/storage\/otherCounter`.
 * The new constant `vault` has the type `Vault?` and its value is `nil`,
 * as there is a resource with type `Counter` stored under the path,
 * which is not a subtype of the requested type `Vault`.
let vault <- account.storage.load<@Vault>(from: /storage/otherCounter)

/* The storage still stores a `Counter` resource under the path `\/storage\/otherCounter`. */

/* Save the string "Hello, World" in storage
   under the path `\/storage\/helloWorldMessage`. */

    "Hello, world!",
    to: /storage/helloWorldMessage

/* Copy the stored message from storage.
 * After the copy, the storage still stores the string under the path.
 * Unlike `load`, `copy` does not remove the object from storage.
let message = account.storage.copy<String>(from: /storage/helloWorldMessage)

/* Create a new instance of the resource type `Vault`
 * and save it in the storage of the account.
    to: /storage/vault

/* Invalid: Cannot copy a resource, as this would allow arbitrary duplication. */
let vault <- account.storage.copy<@Vault>(from: /storage/vault)

/* Create a reference to the object stored under path `\/storage\/counter`,
 * typed as `&Counter`.
 * `counterRef` has type `&Counter?` and is a valid reference, i.e. non-`nil`,
 * because the borrow succeeded:
 * There is an object stored under path `\/storage\/otherCounter`
 * and it has type `Counter`, so it can be borrowed as `&Counter`
let counterRef = account.storage.borrow<&Counter>(from: /storage/otherCounter)

counterRef?.count /* is `42` */

/* Create a reference to the object stored under path `/storage/otherCounter`,
 * typed as `&{HasCount}`.
 * `hasCountRef` is non-`nil`, as there is an object stored under path `\/storage\/otherCounter`,
 * and the stored value of type `Counter` conforms to the requested type `{HasCount}`:
 * the type `Counter` implements the intersection type's interface `HasCount`

let hasCountRef = account.storage.borrow<&{HasCount}>(from: /storage/otherCounter)

/* Create a reference to the object stored under path `\/storage\/otherCounter`,
 * typed as `&{SomethingElse}`.
 * `otherRef` is `nil`, as there is an object stored under path `\/storage\/otherCounter`,
 * but the stored value of type `Counter` does not conform to the requested type `{SomethingElse}`:
 * the type `Counter` does not implement the intersection type's interface `SomethingElse`

let otherRef = account.storage.borrow<&{SomethingElse}>(from: /storage/otherCounter)

/* Create a reference to the object stored under path `\/storage\/nonExistent`,
 * typed as `&{HasCount}`.
 * `nonExistentRef` is `nil`, as there is nothing stored under path `\/storage\/nonExistent`
let nonExistentRef = account.storage.borrow<&{HasCount}>(from: /storage/nonExistent)

Iterating over stored objects


fun forEachPublic(_ function: fun(PublicPath, Type): Bool)
fun forEachStored(_ function: fun(StoragePath, Type): Bool)




このようなエラーを回避するには、反復処理中にオブジェクトをストレージに保存したり、ストレージからオブジェクトを読み込んだりしないようにします。このような操作を行う場合は、反復処理のコールバックからfalse を返して、以下のように、変更処理の後に反復処理を終了させます。

account.storage.save(1, to: /storage/foo1)
account.storage.save(2, to: /storage/foo2)
account.storage.save(3, to: /storage/foo3)
account.storage.save("qux", to: /storage/foo4)

account.storage.forEachStored(fun (path: StoragePath, type: Type): Bool {
    if type == Type<String>() {
        /* Save a value to storage while iterating */
        account.storage.save("bar", to: /storage/foo5)

        /* Returning false here ends iteration after storage is modified,
           preventing the program from aborting */
        return false

    return true

Storage limit






/* Query the storage used before saving an object */
let storageUsedBefore = account.storage.used

/* Save a resource into storage */
    <-create Counter(count: 123),
    to: /storage/counter

/* Query the storage used again after saving */
let storageUsedAfter = account.storage.used

let storageUsedChanged = storageUsedAfter > storageUsedBefore  // is true


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Flow blockchain / Cadence version1.0ドキュメント (Storage)

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