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私は北京、上海、深セン、シリコンバレー、東京などで15年以上にわたりソフトウェア会社を立ち上げて> きました。






この記事では、ゼロからGPTライクなトランスフォーマーを実装します。 私の 前の記事で説明されている手順に従って、各セクションをコーディングします。




pip install numpy requests torch tiktoken matplotlib pandas
import os
import requests
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import tiktoken
import torch
import torch.nn as nn




# Hyperparameters
batch_size = 4  # How many batches per training step
context_length = 16  # Length of the token chunk each batch
d_model = 64  # The vector size of the token embeddings
num_layers = 8  # Number of transformer blocks
num_heads = 4  # Number of heads in Multi-head attention # 我们的代码中通过 d_model / num_heads = 来获取 head_size
learning_rate = 1e-3  # 0.001
dropout = 0.1 # Dropout rate
max_iters = 5000  # Total of training iterations
eval_interval = 50  # How often to evaluate the model 
eval_iters = 20  # How many iterations to average the loss over when evaluating the model
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'  # Instead of using the cpu, we'll use the GPU if it's available.






# download a sample txt file from https://huggingface.co/datasets/goendalf666/sales-textbook_for_convincing_and_selling/raw/main/sales_textbook.txt
if not os.path.exists('sales_textbook.txt'):
    url = 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/goendalf666/sales-textbook_for_convincing_and_selling/raw/main/sales_textbook.txt'
    with open('sales_textbook.txt', 'w') as f:

with open('sales_textbook.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    text = f.read()

Step 1: トーク化

データセットをトークン化 tiktoken ライブラリを使用します。


# Using TikToken to tokenize the source text
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
tokenized_text = encoding.encode(text) # size of tokenized source text is 77,919
vocab_size = len(set(tokenized_text)) # size of vocabulary is 3,771
max_token_value = max(tokenized_text)

print(f"Tokenized text size: {len(tokenized_text)}")
print(f"Vocabulary size: {vocab_size}")
print(f"The maximum value in the tokenized text is: {max_token_value}")


Tokenized text size: 77919
Vocabulary size: 3771
The maximum value in the tokenized text is: 100069

Step 2: 単語の埋め込み



# Split train and validation
split_idx = int(len(tokenized_text) * 0.8)
train_data = tokenized_text[:split_idx]
val_data = tokenized_text[split_idx:]

# Prepare data for training batch
# Prepare data for training batch
data = train_data
idxs = torch.randint(low=0, high=len(data) - context_length, size=(batch_size,))
x_batch = torch.stack([data[idx:idx + context_length] for idx in idxs])
y_batch = torch.stack([data[idx + 1:idx + context_length + 1] for idx in idxs])
print(x_batch.shape, x_batch.shape)

プリントされた出力 (レーニング入力 xy の形状):

torch.Size([4, 16]) torch.Size([4, 16])

Step 3: 位置エンコーディング


# Define Token Embedding look-up table
token_embedding_lookup_table = nn.Embedding(max_token_value, d_model)

# Get X and Y embedding
x = token_embedding_lookup_table(x_batch.data)
y = token_embedding_lookup_table(y_batch.data)

現在、入力 x と y の両方とも形状(batch_size, context_length, d_model)になっています。

# Get x and y embedding
x = token_embedding_lookup_table(x_batch.data) # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]
y = token_embedding_lookup_table(y_batch.data)



# Define Position Encoding look-up table
position_encoding_lookup_table = torch.zeros(context_length, d_model) # initial with zeros with shape (context_length, d_model)
position = torch.arange(0, context_length, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1)
# apply the sine & cosine
div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, d_model, 2).float() * (-math.log(10000.0) / d_model))
position_encoding_lookup_table[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
position_encoding_lookup_table[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
position_encoding_lookup_table = position_encoding_lookup_table.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1, -1) #add batch to the first dimension

print("Position Encoding Look-up Table: ", position_encoding_lookup_table.shape)


Position Encoding Look-up Table:  torch.Size([4, 16, 64])


# Add positional encoding into the input embedding vector
input_embedding_x = x + position_encoding_lookup_table # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]
input_embedding_y = y + position_encoding_lookup_table

X = input_embedding_x

x_plot = input_embedding_x[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
print("Final Input Embedding of x: \n", pd.DataFrame(x_plot))

これで、トランスフォーマーブロックに供給される値である final input embedding of X を取得しました。

Final Input Embedding of x: 
           0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9   ...        54        55        56        57        58        59        60        61        62        63
0  -1.782388  1.200549 -0.177262  0.278616 -1.322919  0.929397 -0.178307  1.453488 -0.216367 -2.049190  ... -0.009743  2.694576 -0.592321  1.235002  1.137691  1.076938 -1.583359  1.994682 -0.411284  2.365598
1   0.434183  2.051380  0.642167  1.294858  0.287493 -0.132648 -0.388530  0.106470  0.515283  1.686583  ...  0.423079  0.564006 -1.514647  0.263115 -2.233931  1.759137  2.413690 -0.372896  0.512504  2.831246
2   0.180579 -0.714483  0.983105 -0.944209  1.182870 -0.100558  0.807144  0.232830 -0.455422  2.246022  ...  0.056277  0.913973 -0.200273  0.688581  1.302482  2.202587 -0.980815 -0.181238  0.747766  1.742957
3  -0.249654 -3.228277 -0.017824  0.492374  0.992460 -1.281102  0.811163  0.678884  0.251492  0.319295  ...  1.329760  1.259970 -0.345209  1.030813  0.629613  1.289158  0.586766  0.970829  1.487210  0.858970
4   1.533710 -1.794257 -0.115366 -2.216147  0.143978 -2.549789  0.285271  0.908505 -1.371307  1.000596  ... -0.171948  1.476006 -0.411271  2.187133  0.580001  1.330921 -0.996333  3.353865  0.216231 -0.570538
5  -2.187219 -0.290028 -0.914946 -0.614617 -0.033163 -1.060609  2.265111 -1.180711  1.237476  0.817889  ...  1.869089  0.720627 -1.679796  1.405375  0.399367  0.725817 -0.047124 -0.977291  0.013971  0.819522
6  -1.015749  1.862600  0.785039  2.425240  0.613279 -1.725359  1.288837 -1.810941  2.514978  0.433844  ...  0.408046  1.537934 -0.192739  0.709489  0.535088 -0.347714 -2.239857 -0.033674  0.192698 -0.136556
7  -0.446721  1.136845  0.336349  1.287424  1.515973  0.814479  0.233362 -1.706994 -0.438097 -0.674278  ...  0.697751  0.913269 -0.332155 -0.149376  0.140298  2.597988  0.219866  1.489297  1.089043 -1.265491
8  -0.190227 -0.968500 -1.648937  2.915030 -3.227971 -0.739308 -0.485671 -0.869817 -0.153695 -1.206717  ...  1.403767  0.636459  0.094945 -0.747135  0.495720  0.164661 -0.610816  0.730676  0.587971  2.341617
9  -0.224795 -0.326915 -0.362390  1.489488 -0.389251 -0.362224  0.913598 -2.051510  0.778566 -0.696349  ...  0.394737  1.314234 -0.124517  1.888481  0.689187  0.396996  1.056659  0.785319  1.079981 -0.194575
10 -0.692015 -1.732475  2.214933 -1.991298 -0.398353  1.266861 -1.057534 -1.157881 -0.801310 -0.614316  ... -1.901223 -0.854748  0.163998  0.173750 -1.058628  1.532371 -0.257311  1.359694  1.033851  0.677123
11  0.713966 -0.232073  2.291222  0.224710 -1.199412  0.022869 -1.532023 -0.403545 -0.262371 -1.097961  ...  1.827974  0.126189  1.134699  0.425639 -1.347956  0.086310 -0.774953  1.218501 -1.761807  0.117464
12 -0.468460  1.830461  1.335220 -1.410995  0.069466  1.672440 -1.680814 -1.598549  0.521277 -1.871883  ... -1.775825 -0.046493  0.723062  1.785805  1.166462  2.608919  1.078712  2.193650  1.377550  1.002753
13  1.436239  0.494849  1.781795  0.060173  0.538164  1.890070 -2.363284  2.231389 -1.082167  0.040986  ... -0.764243 -1.155260  0.084449  1.592648  0.105955  1.080390 -1.063937  0.691866 -0.906071  0.383779
14 -0.113100  0.519679  0.316672  0.299135  3.229518  1.496113 -0.325615  0.203938 -2.198124 -0.356190  ...  0.700703  0.913256 -0.329941 -0.149384  0.141958  2.597984  0.221110  1.489295  1.089976 -1.265493
15  0.301521  0.997564 -0.672755 -1.215677  0.949777  0.474997 -0.279164  1.144048 -1.059472  0.068650  ...  0.796498 -1.032138  0.977697  0.790623  0.725540  1.646803  1.253047  0.296801  0.798098  2.022164

[16 rows x 64 columns]


Step 4: トランスフォーマーブロック

4.1 マルチヘッドアテンションの概要



入力埋め込み X を取得したので、マルチヘッドアテンションブロックの実装を開始できます。


4.2 Q,K,Vの準備

# Prepare Query, Key, Value for Multi-head Attention

query = key = value = X # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]

# Define Query, Key, Value weight matrices
Wq = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)
Wk = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)
Wv = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)

Q = Wq(query) #[4, 16, 64]
Q = Q.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)  #[4, 16, 4, 16]

K = Wk(key) #[4, 16, 64]
K = K.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)  #[4, 16, 4, 16]

V = Wv(value) #[4, 16, 64]
V = V.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)  #[4, 16, 4, 16]

その後、 Q, K, V to [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, head_size] の形に再構成し、さらなる計算のために準備します。

# Transpose q,k,v from [batch_size, context_length, num_heads, head_size] to [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, head_size]
# The reason is that treat each batch with "num_heads" as its first dimension.
Q = Q.transpose(1, 2) # [4, 4, 16, 16]
K = K.transpose(1, 2) # [4, 4, 16, 16]
V = V.transpose(1, 2) # [4, 4, 16, 16]

4.3 QK^T アテンションの計算

これは torch.matmul 関数を使用することで非常に簡単に行えます。

# Calculate the attention score betwee Q and K^T
attention_score = torch.matmul(Q, K.transpose(-2, -1))

4.4 スケール

# Then Scale the attention score by the square root of the head size
attention_score = attention_score / math.sqrt(d_model // num_heads)

実際には、4.3 と 4.4 を一行で書き換えることができます。

attention_score = torch.matmul(Q, K.transpose(-2, -1)) / math.sqrt(d_model // num_heads) # [4, 4, 16, 16] #[4, 4, 16, 16] [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, context_length]


          0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12        13        14        15
0   0.105279 -0.365092 -0.339839 -0.650558 -0.464043 -0.531401  0.437939 -0.650732 -0.616331 -0.429000 -0.332607  0.080401  0.000111 -0.601670 -0.783942  0.147967
1  -0.302636  0.525435  0.863502 -0.218539  0.600691 -0.413970  0.408111  0.765074 -0.376257  0.233526  0.915393 -0.263153  0.683832  0.430964  0.802033  0.281169
2   0.201820  0.156336 -0.245585  0.101653  0.228243 -0.565197  0.589193 -0.579525 -0.080071  0.078848 -0.471447  0.481268 -0.129725 -0.123364 -0.963065 -0.582126
3   0.517998 -0.303064  0.484515 -0.399551 -0.004528 -0.028223 -0.602194  0.107085 -0.504462  0.017590  0.592893 -0.750240  0.022489 -0.014217 -0.038678  0.484633
4   0.519200  0.322036  0.328027 -0.031755  0.006269  0.133609 -0.095071 -0.252013  0.096449 -0.268063 -0.306129 -0.045432 -0.027766 -0.163095 -0.338737  0.712901
5  -0.635913  0.137114  0.083046  0.234778 -0.668992 -0.366838 -0.613126  0.245075 -0.042131  0.221872  0.806992 -0.279996  0.046113  0.646270  0.284564  0.478298
6  -0.287777 -0.841604 -0.128455 -0.566180  0.079559 -0.530863 -0.082675  0.072495 -0.264806 -0.229649  0.269325 -0.185602 -0.366693 -0.321176 -0.130587  0.416121
7  -0.798519 -0.905525  0.317880 -0.176577  0.751465 -0.564863  1.014724 -0.068284 -0.527703  0.118972  0.085287 -0.102589 -0.640548  0.376717 -0.120097  0.164074
8   0.141614 -0.022169  0.152088 -0.519404 -0.069152 -0.880496 -0.229767 -0.849347 -0.539544 -0.510258 -0.246146 -0.266640 -0.086958 -0.577571 -1.191547  0.050306
9  -0.097493  0.860376  0.073501  0.150553 -0.651579 -0.376676 -0.691368  0.315606  0.135982  0.292198  0.774460 -0.131879  0.626085  0.452120  0.153703  0.082386
10 -0.469827  0.302545 -0.015767 -0.175387 -0.049927 -0.706852  0.511237  0.043908 -0.492887 -0.168435 -0.167744  0.016956  0.141400 -0.102674 -0.072396 -0.261558
11 -0.335474 -0.399539 -0.093901 -0.682290  0.312682 -0.310319  0.344753  0.017465 -0.364808 -0.262316 -0.282589 -0.239767  0.008904 -0.621042 -0.261246 -0.214888
12 -1.757631 -0.967825 -0.516159 -0.246766 -0.352132 -0.780370 -0.262975 -0.793605 -0.238561 -0.374695 -0.132526 -0.126956 -0.524015 -0.194315 -1.046538 -0.402560
13  0.550975  0.313643 -0.074468  0.519995 -0.149188 -0.565922  0.199527 -0.738029  0.142203 -0.164007 -0.494203  0.570010 -0.579608 -0.198923 -0.869503 -0.120218
14 -0.616347 -0.812240  0.245260  0.167278  0.913596 -0.493119  1.139083 -0.300623 -0.399155  0.200648 -0.114634  0.147219 -0.829207  0.363519 -0.325846  0.026840
15 -0.145391  0.514632 -0.296119 -0.038103 -0.187110 -0.634636  0.509902 -0.338267 -0.231534 -0.007304 -0.432799  0.339123  0.248173 -0.242426 -0.595925 -0.442379

4.5 マスク

# Apply Mask to attention scores
attention_score = attention_score.masked_fill(torch.triu(torch.ones(attention_score.shape[-2:]), diagonal=1).bool(), float('-inf')) #[4, 4, 16, 16] [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, context_length]

プリントされた出力 (バッチその1のケース):

          0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12        13        14        15

         0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12        13        14        15
0   0.105279      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
1  -0.302636  0.525435      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
2   0.201820  0.156336 -0.245585      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
3   0.517998 -0.303064  0.484515 -0.399551      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
4   0.519200  0.322036  0.328027 -0.031755  0.006269      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
5  -0.635913  0.137114  0.083046  0.234778 -0.668992 -0.366838      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
6  -0.287777 -0.841604 -0.128455 -0.566180  0.079559 -0.530863 -0.082675      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
7  -0.798519 -0.905525  0.317880 -0.176577  0.751465 -0.564863  1.014724 -0.068284      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
8   0.141614 -0.022169  0.152088 -0.519404 -0.069152 -0.880496 -0.229767 -0.849347 -0.539544      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
9  -0.097493  0.860376  0.073501  0.150553 -0.651579 -0.376676 -0.691368  0.315606  0.135982  0.292198      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
10 -0.469827  0.302545 -0.015767 -0.175387 -0.049927 -0.706852  0.511237  0.043908 -0.492887 -0.168435 -0.167744      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
11 -0.335474 -0.399539 -0.093901 -0.682290  0.312682 -0.310319  0.344753  0.017465 -0.364808 -0.262316 -0.282589 -0.239767      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
12 -1.757631 -0.967825 -0.516159 -0.246766 -0.352132 -0.780370 -0.262975 -0.793605 -0.238561 -0.374695 -0.132526 -0.126956 -0.524015      -inf      -inf      -inf
13  0.550975  0.313643 -0.074468  0.519995 -0.149188 -0.565922  0.199527 -0.738029  0.142203 -0.164007 -0.494203  0.570010 -0.579608 -0.198923      -inf      -inf
14 -0.616347 -0.812240  0.245260  0.167278  0.913596 -0.493119  1.139083 -0.300623 -0.399155  0.200648 -0.114634  0.147219 -0.829207  0.363519 -0.325846      -inf
15 -0.145391  0.514632 -0.296119 -0.038103 -0.187110 -0.634636  0.509902 -0.338267 -0.231534 -0.007304 -0.432799  0.339123  0.248173 -0.242426 -0.595925 -0.442379


4.6 ソフトマックス

# Softmax the attention score
attention_score = torch.softmax(attention_score, dim=-1)  #[4, 4, 16, 16] [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, context_length]

プリントされた出力 (バッチその1のケース):

          0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12        13        14        15
0   0.062604  0.062472  0.062478  0.062419  0.062452  0.062439  0.062748  0.062419  0.062424  0.062459  0.062479  0.062595  0.062568  0.062427  0.062399  0.062619
1   0.062377  0.062529  0.062643  0.062387  0.062551  0.062364  0.062499  0.062605  0.062368  0.062460  0.062664  0.062381  0.062577  0.062505  0.062619  0.062470
2   0.062565  0.062551  0.062453  0.062535  0.062574  0.062400  0.062717  0.062398  0.062488  0.062529  0.062414  0.062668  0.062477  0.062479  0.062354  0.062398
3   0.062647  0.062427  0.062634  0.062411  0.062486  0.062480  0.062384  0.062513  0.062396  0.062491  0.062679  0.062367  0.062492  0.062483  0.062478  0.062634
4   0.062635  0.062566  0.062567  0.062473  0.062481  0.062512  0.062460  0.062430  0.062502  0.062428  0.062421  0.062470  0.062474  0.062446  0.062416  0.062720
5   0.062371  0.062501  0.062488  0.062527  0.062367  0.062405  0.062373  0.062529  0.062461  0.062523  0.062744  0.062418  0.062480  0.062669  0.062541  0.062603
6   0.062467  0.062379  0.062504  0.062417  0.062562  0.062422  0.062516  0.062560  0.062472  0.062480  0.062628  0.062490  0.062451  0.062460  0.062503  0.062689
7   0.062358  0.062348  0.062566  0.062444  0.062742  0.062384  0.062900  0.062465  0.062389  0.062509  0.062500  0.062458  0.062375  0.062585  0.062455  0.062521
8   0.062632  0.062573  0.062636  0.062449  0.062559  0.062391  0.062513  0.062395  0.062445  0.062450  0.062509  0.062504  0.062553  0.062438  0.062356  0.062598
9   0.062434  0.062727  0.062467  0.062484  0.062360  0.062391  0.062356  0.062525  0.062480  0.062519  0.062687  0.062428  0.062625  0.062565  0.062484  0.062469
10  0.062419  0.062608  0.062511  0.062473  0.062502  0.062385  0.062693  0.062527  0.062415  0.062475  0.062475  0.062520  0.062555  0.062490  0.062497  0.062455
11  0.062463  0.062450  0.062519  0.062403  0.062655  0.062468  0.062669  0.062551  0.062457  0.062478  0.062474  0.062484  0.062548  0.062412  0.062479  0.062489
12  0.062327  0.062405  0.062489  0.062561  0.062530  0.062435  0.062556  0.062433  0.062564  0.062524  0.062599  0.062601  0.062487  0.062578  0.062394  0.062517
13  0.062685  0.062591  0.062482  0.062671  0.062466  0.062395  0.062554  0.062374  0.062538  0.062463  0.062405  0.062693  0.062393  0.062456  0.062360  0.062472
14  0.062372  0.062352  0.062530  0.062509  0.062806  0.062387  0.062958  0.062414  0.062400  0.062518  0.062447  0.062504  0.062350  0.062566  0.062410  0.062476
15  0.062479  0.062693  0.062448  0.062504  0.062470  0.062394  0.062691  0.062440  0.062460  0.062512  0.062424  0.062620  0.062588  0.062458  0.062399  0.062422


4.7 V アテンションの計算

最後に、アテンションスコアに V を掛けて、マルチヘッドアテンションブロックの出力を得ます。

# Calculate the V attention output
A = torch.matmul(attention_score, V) # [4, 4, 16, 16] [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, head_size]


torch.Size([4, 4, 16, 16])

注: 現在の形状は [4, 4, 16, 16] すなわち [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, head_size] です。

4.8 結合と出力

前回の記事 で述べたように、マルチヘッドアテンションブロックの出力を結合して線形レイヤーに供給する必要があります。

A = A.transpose(1, 2) # [4, 16, 4, 16] [batch_size, context_length, num_heads, head_size]
A = A.reshape(batch_size, -1, d_model) # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]

_注: 現在の形状は [4, 16, 64] すなわち [batch_size, context_length, d_model] です。

これで [64,64] の線形レイヤー Wo (トレーニング中に学習される重み) を適用し、

# Define the output weight matrix
Wo = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)
output = Wo(A) # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]


出力をプリントすると、形状は元の入力埋め込みの形状である [4, 16, 64] に戻ります。

Step 5: 残差接続とレイヤー正規化


# Add residual connection
output = output + X

# Add Layer Normalization
layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)
output = layer_norm(output)

Step 6: フィードフォワードネットワーク

# Define Feed Forward Network
output = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model * 4)(output)
output = nn.ReLU()(output)
output = nn.Linear(d_model * 4, d_model)(output)
output = torch.dropout(output, p=dropout, train=True)


# Add residual connection
output = output + X
# Add Layer Normalization
layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)
output = layer_norm(output)

Step 7: ステップ4から6を繰り返す



Step 8: 出力確率


logits = nn.Linear(d_model, max_token_value)(output)

最後のステップは、各トークンの確率を得るために、ロジットに ソフトマックス を適用することです:

# torch.softmax usually used during inference, during training we use torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss
# but for illustration purpose, we'll use torch.softmax here
probabilities = torch.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
      0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9       ...    100059    100060    100061    100062    100063    100064    100065    100066    100067    100068
0   0.000007  0.000008  0.000006  0.000005  0.000004  0.000004  0.000009  0.000007  0.000009  0.000008  ...  0.000013  0.000005  0.000006  0.000014  0.000009  0.000005  0.000005  0.000016  0.000006  0.000005
1   0.000018  0.000016  0.000006  0.000017  0.000005  0.000006  0.000005  0.000005  0.000008  0.000004  ...  0.000006  0.000004  0.000006  0.000007  0.000006  0.000007  0.000014  0.000020  0.000004  0.000001
2   0.000013  0.000007  0.000008  0.000003  0.000007  0.000009  0.000021  0.000005  0.000007  0.000013  ...  0.000018  0.000009  0.000010  0.000010  0.000018  0.000009  0.000007  0.000008  0.000005  0.000015
3   0.000005  0.000013  0.000011  0.000004  0.000006  0.000007  0.000012  0.000006  0.000015  0.000010  ...  0.000032  0.000006  0.000008  0.000005  0.000014  0.000009  0.000021  0.000014  0.000004  0.000005
4   0.000005  0.000010  0.000008  0.000006  0.000017  0.000005  0.000010  0.000003  0.000008  0.000010  ...  0.000012  0.000005  0.000010  0.000003  0.000015  0.000022  0.000015  0.000010  0.000013  0.000005
5   0.000008  0.000004  0.000007  0.000003  0.000004  0.000011  0.000018  0.000007  0.000002  0.000010  ...  0.000013  0.000004  0.000012  0.000010  0.000015  0.000017  0.000010  0.000019  0.000013  0.000012
6   0.000005  0.000008  0.000014  0.000004  0.000007  0.000007  0.000012  0.000016  0.000005  0.000005  ...  0.000012  0.000007  0.000012  0.000022  0.000011  0.000018  0.000011  0.000010  0.000004  0.000014
7   0.000004  0.000008  0.000003  0.000006  0.000005  0.000019  0.000010  0.000016  0.000007  0.000011  ...  0.000014  0.000007  0.000007  0.000010  0.000013  0.000012  0.000013  0.000003  0.000008  0.000004
8   0.000002  0.000006  0.000005  0.000004  0.000006  0.000010  0.000008  0.000006  0.000016  0.000012  ...  0.000022  0.000004  0.000006  0.000011  0.000031  0.000016  0.000022  0.000006  0.000006  0.000005
9   0.000006  0.000005  0.000010  0.000008  0.000019  0.000018  0.000012  0.000011  0.000005  0.000015  ...  0.000019  0.000008  0.000005  0.000029  0.000009  0.000010  0.000009  0.000017  0.000007  0.000007
10  0.000011  0.000005  0.000008  0.000007  0.000017  0.000009  0.000007  0.000013  0.000010  0.000008  ...  0.000015  0.000011  0.000012  0.000007  0.000012  0.000020  0.000010  0.000006  0.000011  0.000009
11  0.000011  0.000006  0.000004  0.000005  0.000006  0.000012  0.000009  0.000007  0.000007  0.000004  ...  0.000042  0.000011  0.000010  0.000010  0.000021  0.000009  0.000004  0.000021  0.000008  0.000014
12  0.000005  0.000010  0.000007  0.000009  0.000007  0.000023  0.000011  0.000005  0.000006  0.000006  ...  0.000015  0.000006  0.000009  0.000003  0.000019  0.000010  0.000009  0.000056  0.000017  0.000004
13  0.000004  0.000016  0.000010  0.000010  0.000026  0.000008  0.000009  0.000002  0.000008  0.000007  ...  0.000014  0.000006  0.000010  0.000010  0.000007  0.000012  0.000008  0.000009  0.000016  0.000006
14  0.000003  0.000008  0.000019  0.000007  0.000014  0.000004  0.000009  0.000009  0.000005  0.000004  ...  0.000014  0.000010  0.000010  0.000003  0.000007  0.000013  0.000013  0.000005  0.000013  0.000002
15  0.000005  0.000010  0.000008  0.000005  0.000011  0.000010  0.000009  0.000005  0.000004  0.000005  ...  0.000009  0.000007  0.000012  0.000006  0.000013  0.000013  0.000008  0.000014  0.000005  0.000005

[16 rows x 100069 columns]

形状は [16, 100069] です。



そしてトレーニング中、出力トークンは正解トークンと比較され、損失を計算します。そして、ハイパーパラメータで定義された max_iters 回の回数だけプロセスを繰り返します。

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