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Native build procedure of Tensorflow v2.0.0 C API for RaspberryPi / arm64 devices (armhf / aarch64)

Last updated at Posted at 2019-11-04

Tensorflow-bin GitHub stars

Bazel_bin GitHub stars


This section describes how to build Tensorflow v2.0.0 C API (RaspberryPi / arm64 devices). Since we get an error when we build according to the official tutorial, I devised my own procedure. In particular, when using armhf (armv7l), an error undefined symbol: __atomic_fetch_add_8 will occur, so an option must be added to the build script. My procedure can avoid undefined symbol: __atomic_fetch_add_8 errors and complete the build successfully. When using RaspberryPi4, it will be completed in about 6 hours. Prebuilt binaries and installers can be downloaded from my Github repository.



$ sudo apt-get install -y \
make cmake wget curl libhdf5-dev libc-ares-dev libeigen3-dev libatomic1 \
openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libatlas-base-dev zip unzip
$ cd ~

$ git clone -b v2.0.0 https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git


$ git clone -b v1.15.0 https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git

$ cd tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/lib_package
### Install openjdk-8-jdk armhf
$ curl -sc /tmp/cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1LQUSal55R6fmawZS9zZuk6-5ZFOdUqRK" > /dev/null
$ CODE="$(awk '/_warning_/ {print $NF}' /tmp/cookie)"
$ curl -Lb /tmp/cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=${CODE}&id=1LQUSal55R6fmawZS9zZuk6-5ZFOdUqRK" -o adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot_8u222-b10-2_armhf.deb
$ sudo apt-get install -y ./adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot_8u222-b10-2_armhf.deb

### Install Bazel 0.26.1 armhf
$ wget https://github.com/PINTO0309/Bazel_bin/raw/master/0.26.1/Raspbian_Debian_Buster_armhf/openjdk-8-jdk/install.sh
$ ./install.sh

### Build Tensorflow
$ sudo bazel --host_jvm_args=-Xmx512m build \
--config=noaws \
--config=nohdfs \
--config=noignite \
--config=nokafka \
--config=nonccl \
--config=v2 \
--local_resources=4096.0,3.0,1.0 \   #<===[If Pi3] --local_resources=1024.0,0.5,0.5 \
--copt=-mfpu=neon-vfpv4 \
--copt=-ftree-vectorize \
--copt=-funsafe-math-optimizations \
--copt=-ftree-loop-vectorize \
--copt=-fomit-frame-pointer \
--host_copt=-DRASPBERRY_PI \
--linkopt=-Wl,-latomic \
--host_linkopt=-Wl,-latomic \
### Install openjdk-8-jdk armhf
$ curl -sc /tmp/cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1LQUSal55R6fmawZS9zZuk6-5ZFOdUqRK" > /dev/null
$ CODE="$(awk '/_warning_/ {print $NF}' /tmp/cookie)"
$ curl -Lb /tmp/cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=${CODE}&id=1LQUSal55R6fmawZS9zZuk6-5ZFOdUqRK" -o adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot_8u222-b10-2_armhf.deb
$ sudo apt-get install -y ./adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot_8u222-b10-2_armhf.deb

### Install Bazel 0.26.1 armhf
$ wget https://github.com/PINTO0309/Bazel_bin/raw/master/0.26.1/Raspbian_Debian_Buster_armhf/openjdk-8-jdk/install.sh
$ ./install.sh

### Build Tensorflow
$ sudo bazel --host_jvm_args=-Xmx512m build \
--config=noaws \
--config=nogcp \
--config=nohdfs \
--config=noignite \
--config=nokafka \
--config=nonccl \
--local_resources=4096.0,3.0,1.0 \   #<===[If Pi3] --local_resources=1024.0,0.5,0.5 \
--copt=-mfpu=neon-vfpv4 \
--copt=-ftree-vectorize \
--copt=-funsafe-math-optimizations \
--copt=-ftree-loop-vectorize \
--copt=-fomit-frame-pointer \
--host_copt=-DRASPBERRY_PI \
--linkopt=-Wl,-latomic \
--host_linkopt=-Wl,-latomic \
### Install openjdk-8-jdk aarch64
$ curl -sc /tmp/cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1VwLxzT3EOTbhSzwvRF2H4ChTQyTQBt3x" > /dev/null
$ CODE="$(awk '/_warning_/ {print $NF}' /tmp/cookie)"
$ curl -Lb /tmp/cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=${CODE}&id=1VwLxzT3EOTbhSzwvRF2H4ChTQyTQBt3x" -o adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot_8u222-b10-2_arm64.deb
$ sudo apt-get install -y ./adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot_8u222-b10-2_arm64.deb

### Install Bazel 0.26.1 aarch64
$ wget https://github.com/PINTO0309/Bazel_bin/raw/master/0.26.1/Raspbian_Debian_Buster_aarch64/openjdk-8-jdk/install.sh
$ ./install.sh

### Build Tensorflow
$ sudo bazel --host_jvm_args=-Xmx512m build \
--config=noaws \
--config=nohdfs \
--config=noignite \
--config=nokafka \
--config=nonccl \
--config=v2 \
### Install openjdk-8-jdk aarch64
$ curl -sc /tmp/cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1VwLxzT3EOTbhSzwvRF2H4ChTQyTQBt3x" > /dev/null
$ CODE="$(awk '/_warning_/ {print $NF}' /tmp/cookie)"
$ curl -Lb /tmp/cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=${CODE}&id=1VwLxzT3EOTbhSzwvRF2H4ChTQyTQBt3x" -o adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot_8u222-b10-2_arm64.deb
$ sudo apt-get install -y ./adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot_8u222-b10-2_arm64.deb

### Install Bazel 0.26.1 aarch64
$ wget https://github.com/PINTO0309/Bazel_bin/raw/master/0.26.1/Raspbian_Debian_Buster_aarch64/openjdk-8-jdk/install.sh
$ ./install.sh

### Build Tensorflow
$ sudo bazel --host_jvm_args=-Xmx512m build \
--config=noaws \
--config=nogcp \
--config=nohdfs \
--config=noignite \
--config=nokafka \
--config=nonccl \

Prebuilt binaries are generated in bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/lib_package/libtensorflow.tar.gz.

4.Install Tensorflow C API

$ tar -C /usr/local -xzf libtensorflow.tar.gz

5.Reference articles


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