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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Burst.CompilerServices;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    [Header("Script Connector")]
    public static PlayerController instance;

    public GameObject BasicVisual;
    public GameObject RollingVisual;
    public GameObject MakarovaVisual;

    public bool BasicMode;
    public bool RollingMode;

    [Header("Character's Core")]
    public CharacterController controller;
    public PlayerInput input;

    public bool isFacingRight;

    [Header("Input Actions")]
    public InputAction move;
    public InputAction aimingMove;
    public InputAction jump;
    public InputAction attack;
    public InputAction dbps;
    public InputAction obs;

    [Header("Attack Trigger")]
    public bool Fist;
    public bool Pistol;
    public bool Aiming;

    [Header("Ability Controller")]
    public bool CanSkidAttack;
    public bool CanSliding;
    public bool CanHipDrop;
    public bool CanWallJump;

    [Header("Speed Meter")]
    public Vector3 velocity;

    [Header("Ground Check")]
    public bool isGrounded;

    [Header("Gravity Controller")]
    public float gravityScale = 5;

    public bool fastAirStraff;
    public bool AutoRun;

    public float maxRunX;
    public float maxWalkX;
    public float walkAcc;
    public float runAcc;

    public float skidPower;
    public float releaseDeAcc;

    public float airStrafeBorder;
    public float airStrafeFast;

    public bool isJumping;
    public bool isDoubleJumping;

    public float jumpForce;
    public float jumpTimeCounter;
    public float jumpTime;

    public float MultipleJump;
    public float MaxMultipleJump;

    public bool DownPressed;
    public bool isCrouched = true;
    public bool isCrouchGrounded;

    public bool Sliding;
    public float slideAcc;
    public float maxSlideSpeed;
    public float slidingTimer;
    public float slidingTime;

    [Header("Running Attack")]
    public bool isRunningAttack;
    public float RunningAttackTimeCounter;
    public float RunningAttackTime;

    [Header("Air Attack")]
    public bool AirAttack;

    [Header("Hip Drop")]
    public bool HipDropAction;
    public bool isHipDropped;
    public bool HipDropReady;
    public bool HipDrop;
    public bool HipDropCrushed;
    public float HipDropBounce = 2;
    public float HipDropChargeTimer;
    public float HipDropChargeTime;
    public float HipDropSpeed;

    [Header("Wall Sliding")]
    public bool isWallSliding;
    public float wallSlidingSpeed;

    [Header("Wall Jump")]
    public bool wallJumping;
    public float wallJumpXspeed;
    public float wallJumpYspeed;

    public bool Fire;
    public bool Turbo;
    public float FireTimer;
    public float FireTime;

    [Header("Wall Crushed")]
    public bool WallCrushed;
    public bool CrushRolling;
    public float CrushBound;

    public bool Damaged;
    public float knockBackForce = 3;
    public float knockBackTimer;
    public float knockBackTime;

    [Header("Big Damage")]
    public bool BigDamaged;
    public bool BigDamageCrush;
    public bool BigDamageCrushFall;
    public bool BigDamageDown;

    public float BigDamageBound;
    public float MultipleBoundYForce;
    public float BigDamageHitXForce;
    public float BigDamageHitYForce;
    public float DownTimer;
    public float downTime;

    public bool FirstRecovery;
    public bool SecondRecovery;

    public float FirstRecoveryTimer;
    public float FirstRecoveryTime;

    public float SecondRecoveryTimer;
    public float SecondRecoveryTime;

    void Awake()
        instance = this;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        input = GetComponent<PlayerInput>();

        MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;
        isDoubleJumping = false;

        move = input.actions.FindAction("Move");
        aimingMove = input.actions.FindAction("Aiming Move");
        jump = input.actions.FindAction("Jump");
        attack = input.actions.FindAction("Attack");
        dbps = input.actions.FindAction("Down Button Pressed Sliding");
        obs = input.actions.FindAction("One Button Sliding");

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if(Damaged == false)
            knockBackTimer = knockBackTime;

        if (BigDamaged == true && velocity.y < 0f && isGrounded == true && BigDamageBound == 0f)
            BigDamageBound = 1f;

        if (BigDamageBound == 1f && isGrounded == true)
            BigDamageCrush = true;

        if (BigDamageCrush == true && velocity.y < 0 && isGrounded == false)
            BigDamageCrushFall = true;

        if (BigDamageCrushFall == true && isGrounded == true)
            BigDamageDown = true;

        if (BigDamageDown == true)
            DownTimer -= 1f;

        if (DownTimer <= 0f)
            FirstRecovery = true;

        if(FirstRecovery == true && BigDamaged == true)
            FirstRecoveryTimer -= 1f;

        if(FirstRecoveryTimer <= 0f)
            FirstRecovery = false;
            SecondRecovery = true;

        if (SecondRecovery == true && BigDamaged == true)
            SecondRecoveryTimer -= 1f;

        if(SecondRecoveryTimer <= 0f)
            FirstRecovery = false;
            SecondRecovery = false;
            BigDamaged = false;
            BigDamageCrush = false;
            BigDamageCrushFall = false;
            FirstRecoveryTimer = FirstRecoveryTime;
            SecondRecoveryTimer = SecondRecoveryTime;
            BigDamageDown = false;
            BigDamageBound = 0f;
            DownTimer = downTime;

        if (BigDamaged == true)
            Damaged = false;
            isDoubleJumping = false;
            isHipDropped = false;
            isWallSliding = false;
            HipDropAction = false;
            isHipDropped = false;
            BasicMode = true;
            RollingMode = false;
            HipDropReady = false;
            HipDrop = false;
            HipDropCrushed = false;
            HipDropBounce = 2f;
            Sliding = false;
            isCrouched = false;
            WallCrushed = false;
   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            controller.height = 5.94f;
            slidingTimer = slidingTime;         

        if(Damaged == true)
            knockBackTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            isDoubleJumping = false;
            isHipDropped = false;
            isWallSliding = false;
            HipDropAction = false;
            isHipDropped = false;
            BasicMode = true;
            RollingMode = false;
            HipDropReady = false;
            HipDrop = false;
            Sliding = false;
            isCrouched = false;
            WallCrushed = false;
   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            controller.height = 5.94f;
            slidingTimer = slidingTime;

        if(BigDamaged == false)
            BigDamageBound = 0f;
            BigDamageCrush = false;
            BigDamageCrushFall = false;

        if(knockBackTimer <= 0f)
            Damaged = false;
            velocity.x = 0f;

        if (HipDropReady == false && HipDrop == false)

        if(Damaged == false && BigDamaged == false && BigDamageCrush == false && BigDamageDown == false && FirstRecovery == false && SecondRecovery == false)

            if (Pistol == true)

            if (Fist == true)

            if (CanSliding == true)

            if (CanWallJump == true)


    void FixedUpdate()

        if(Damaged == false && BigDamaged == false && BigDamageCrush == false && BigDamageDown == false && FirstRecovery == false && SecondRecovery == false)
            if (PlayerMeleeAttack.instance.isAttacked == false && isRunningAttack == false && HipDropReady == false && HipDrop == false)

            if (CanSliding == true)

            if (Fist == true)


            if (CanHipDrop == true)

        if (BigDamageBound == 1f && isGrounded == true && GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle == 0)
            velocity.y = MultipleBoundYForce;

        if (BigDamageDown == true)
            velocity.x = 0f;
            velocity.y = 0f;

    #region Flipping
    void Flipping()
        if (Left && HipDropReady == false && HipDrop == false && wallJumping == false)
            isFacingRight = false;

        if (Right && HipDropReady == false && HipDrop == false && wallJumping == false)
            isFacingRight = true;

    #region Attack Trigger
    void AttackTrigger()
        if(Fist == true)
            Fist = true;
            Pistol = false;

        if(Pistol == true)
            Fist = false;
            Pistol = true;

    #region Position Lock
    void PositionLock()
        Vector3 lockedZpos = transform.position;
        lockedZpos.z = 0;
        transform.position = lockedZpos;

    #region Visual Changer
    void VisualChanger()
        if (BasicMode == true && Fire == true)
            PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
            RollingMode = false;

        if (BasicMode == true && Fire == false)
            PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = true;
            RollingMode = false;

        if (RollingMode == true)
            PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
            BasicMode = false;

    #region Gravity Controller
    void GravityController()
        float yStore = velocity.y;
        velocity.y = yStore;
        velocity.y += Physics.gravity.y * Time.deltaTime * gravityScale;

        if(HipDropReady == false && HipDrop == false)
            controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);

        if (HipDropReady == true && HipDrop == true)

    #region Input Check
    public bool Right, Left, Down, Up, AimRight, AimLeft, AimDown, AimUp, Sprint;
    void InputCheck()
        Vector2 direction = move.ReadValue<Vector2>();
        Vector2 aimingDirection = aimingMove.ReadValue<Vector2>();

        Right = direction.x > 0;
        Left = direction.x < 0;
        Down = direction.y < 0;
        Up = direction.y > 0;

        AimRight = aimingDirection.x > 0;
        AimLeft = aimingDirection.x < 0;
        AimDown = aimingDirection.y < 0;
        AimUp = aimingDirection.y > 0;
        //Sprint = Input.GetButton("Sprint");

    #region Ground Check
    void GroundCheck()
        if(controller.isGrounded == true)
            isGrounded = true;
            MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;
            isDoubleJumping = false;
            isHipDropped = false;
            controller.stepOffset = 0.3f;          
        }else if(controller.isGrounded == false)
            isGrounded = false;

    #region Ceiling Collision
    void CeilingCollision()
        if ((controller.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Above) != 0)
            velocity.y = -3f;
            isJumping = false;
            jumpTimeCounter = 0f;
            controller.stepOffset = 0f;

    #region Movement
    void Movement()
        bool moving = false;
        bool skidding = false;

        #region Right Movement
        if (Right && isCrouchGrounded == false)
            if(isGrounded == false)
                if(velocity.x >= 0)
                    if(velocity.x >= airStrafeBorder)
                        velocity.x += runAcc;
                        velocity.x += walkAcc;
                }else if(velocity.x < 0)
                    if(-velocity.x >= airStrafeBorder)
                        velocity.x += runAcc;
                        if (fastAirStraff)
                            velocity.x += releaseDeAcc;
                        velocity.x += walkAcc;
                moving = true;
                if(velocity.x >= 0)
                    if (Sprint || AutoRun)
                        velocity.x += runAcc;
                    else velocity.x += walkAcc;
                }else if(velocity.x < 0)
                    velocity.x += skidPower;
                    skidding = true;

        #region Left Movement
        if (Left && isCrouchGrounded == false)
            if (isGrounded == false)
                if(velocity.x <= 0)
                    if(-velocity.x >= airStrafeBorder)
                        velocity.x -= runAcc;
                        velocity.x -= walkAcc;
                }else if(velocity.x > 0)
                    if(velocity.x >= airStrafeBorder)
                        velocity.x -= runAcc;
                        if (fastAirStraff)
                            velocity.x -= releaseDeAcc;
                        velocity.x -= walkAcc;
                moving = true;
                if(velocity.x <= 0)
                    if (Sprint)
                        velocity.x -= runAcc;
                    else velocity.x -= walkAcc;
                }else if(velocity.x > 0)
                    velocity.x -= skidPower;
                    skidding = true;

        #region Basic Movement
        if (!moving && isGrounded)
            if(velocity.x > 0)
                velocity.x -= releaseDeAcc;
                if (velocity.x < 0) velocity.x = 0;
                velocity.x += releaseDeAcc;
                if (velocity.x > 0) velocity.x = 0;

        float maxSpeed = Sprint || AutoRun ? maxRunX : maxWalkX;

        if(velocity.x > maxSpeed && Sliding == false)
            velocity.x = maxSpeed;
        }else if(velocity.x < -maxSpeed && Sliding == false)
            velocity.x = -maxSpeed;

        if (velocity.x > maxSlideSpeed && Sliding == true && PlayerMeleeAttack.instance.isAttacked == false)
            velocity.x = maxSlideSpeed;
        else if (velocity.x < -maxSlideSpeed && Sliding == true && PlayerMeleeAttack.instance.isAttacked == false)
            velocity.x = -maxSlideSpeed;

    #region Jump
    void Jump()
        if (CanSliding == false)
            if (jump.WasPressedThisFrame() && MultipleJump > 0 && PlayerMeleeAttack.instance.isAttacked == false)
                isJumping = true;
                MultipleJump -= 1f;
                velocity.y = jumpForce;
                jumpTimeCounter = jumpTime;

        if (CanSliding == true)
            if (jump.WasPressedThisFrame() && MultipleJump > 0 && isCrouchGrounded == false && PlayerMeleeAttack.instance.isAttacked == false)
                isJumping = true;
                MultipleJump -= 1f;
                velocity.y = jumpForce;
                jumpTimeCounter = jumpTime;

        if (jump.IsPressed() && isJumping == true)
            if(jumpTimeCounter > 0)
                velocity.y = jumpForce;
                jumpTimeCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
                isJumping = false;

        if (jump.WasReleasedThisFrame())
            isJumping = false;

        if(isGrounded == false && jump.WasPressedThisFrame())
            BasicMode = false;
            RollingMode = true;
            isDoubleJumping = true;
            isHipDropped = true;
            AirAttack = false;

        if(isDoubleJumping == true)
            BasicMode = false;
            RollingMode = true;
            isDoubleJumping = true;
            isHipDropped = true;

        if (isDoubleJumping == false)
            BasicMode = true;
            RollingMode = false;
            isDoubleJumping = false;
            isHipDropped = false;

        if (isGrounded == true)
            MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;
            isDoubleJumping = false;
            isHipDropped = false;

    #region Crouch
    void CrouchController()
        if (Down)
            DownPressed = true;
            DownPressed = false;

        if (isCrouched == true || Sliding == true)
   = new Vector3(0, -1.23f, 0);
            controller.height = 3.48f;           
   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            controller.height = 5.94f;           

        if (DownPressed == true && isGrounded == true && Aiming == false)
            isCrouched = true;
            if (velocity.x > 0 && velocity.x != 0)
                velocity.x -= skidPower;
                if (velocity.x < 0.5f)
                    velocity.x = 0f;

            if (velocity.x < 0 && velocity.x != 0)
                velocity.x += skidPower;
                if (velocity.x > 0.5f)
                    velocity.x = 0f;

        if (DownPressed == true && isGrounded == true && Aiming == true && Fire == false)
            isCrouched = true;
            if (velocity.x > 0 && velocity.x != 0)
                velocity.x -= skidPower;
                if (velocity.x < 0.5f)
                    velocity.x = 0f;

            if (velocity.x < 0 && velocity.x != 0)
                velocity.x += skidPower;
                if (velocity.x > 0.5f)
                    velocity.x = 0f;

        if (DownPressed == false && controller.isGrounded == true)
            isCrouched = false;

        if (isCrouched == true && controller.isGrounded == true)
            isCrouchGrounded = true;
        else if (isCrouched == false || isCrouched == true && controller.isGrounded == false)
            isCrouchGrounded = false;

    #region Sliding Controller
    void SlidingController()
        if (DownPressed)
            if (dbps.WasPressedThisFrame() && isCrouchGrounded)
                Sliding = true;
                HipDropBounce = 0f;
                controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);

        if (obs.WasPressedThisFrame() && isGrounded)
            Sliding = true;
            HipDropBounce = 0f;
            controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);

        if (Sliding == false)
            slidingTimer = slidingTime;

    void SlidingVelocity()
        if (Sliding == true && slidingTimer > 0)
            slidingTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == true)
                velocity.x += slideAcc;

            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == false)
                velocity.x -= slideAcc;


        if (slidingTimer < 0)
            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == true)
                velocity.x -= slideAcc;
                if (velocity.x <= 0)
                    velocity.x = 0f;

            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == false)
                velocity.x += slideAcc;
                if (velocity.x >= 0)
                    velocity.x = 0f;

        if (velocity.x == 0f)
            Sliding = false;
            slidingTimer = slidingTime;

        if(Sliding == true && isGrounded == false)
            isDoubleJumping = true;
            isHipDropped = true;

            Sliding = false;
            isCrouched = false;
            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == true)
                velocity.x = maxSlideSpeed;
            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == false)
                velocity.x = -maxSlideSpeed;
        else if(isGrounded == true)
            BasicMode = true;
            RollingMode = false;

            if (jump.WasPressedThisFrame())
                BasicMode = true;
                RollingMode = false;

    #region Melee Attack
    void MeleeAttack()
        if (PlayerMeleeAttack.instance.isAttacked == true && isHipDropped == false)
            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == true)
                velocity.x = 3f;
                velocity.x = -3f;

    #region Running Attack
    void RunningAttack()
        if (PlayerAnimator.instance.Idle || PlayerAnimator.instance.Walk || PlayerAnimator.instance.Run || PlayerAnimator.instance.Jump || PlayerAnimator.instance.Fall || PlayerAnimator.instance.Skid || PlayerAnimator.instance.Crouch)
            RunningAttackTimeCounter = RunningAttackTime;

        if (Right == true && attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && velocity.x > 10 && PlayerController.instance.isFacingRight == true && isGrounded == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && isHipDropped == false || Left == true && attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && PlayerController.instance.velocity.x < -10 && PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == false && isGrounded == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && isHipDropped == false)
            isRunningAttack = true;

        if (Right == true && attack.IsPressed() && velocity.x > 10 && PlayerController.instance.isFacingRight == true && isGrounded == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && isHipDropped == false || Left == true && attack.IsPressed() && PlayerController.instance.velocity.x < -10 && PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == false && isGrounded == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && isHipDropped == false)
            isRunningAttack = true;

        if (Left == true && attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && velocity.x > 10 && PlayerController.instance.isFacingRight == false && isGrounded == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && isHipDropped == false || Right == true && attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && PlayerController.instance.velocity.x < -10 && PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == true && isGrounded == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && isHipDropped == false)
            isRunningAttack = true;

        if (Left == true && attack.IsPressed() && velocity.x > 10 && PlayerController.instance.isFacingRight == false && isGrounded == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && isHipDropped == false || Right == true && attack.IsPressed() && PlayerController.instance.velocity.x < -10 && PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == true && isGrounded == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && isHipDropped == false)
            isRunningAttack = true;

        if (isRunningAttack == true)
            if (RunningAttackTimeCounter > 0)
                RunningAttackTimeCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
                isRunningAttack = false;

    void RunningAttackVelocity()
        if(isRunningAttack == true && isHipDropped == false)
            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == true)
                velocity.x = maxRunX;

            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == false)
                velocity.x = -maxRunX;

    #region Air Attack Controller
    void AirAttackController()
        if (attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && isGrounded == false && isCrouched == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false && isWallSliding == false)
            AirAttack = true;
            isDoubleJumping = false;
            isHipDropped = false;

        if (isGrounded == true && AirAttack == true)
            AirAttack = false;

    #region Shoot
    void Shoot()
        if(Turbo == false)
            if (Sliding == false || RollingMode == false || HipDropReady == false)
                if (attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && Pistol == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false)
                    Fire = true;
                    PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
                    FireTimer = FireTime;

                if (attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && Pistol == true && isCrouched == true && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false)
                    Fire = true;
                    PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
                    FireTimer = FireTime;

            if (HipDropAction == false && isDoubleJumping == true && isHipDropped == true)
                if (attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && Pistol == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false)
                    Fire = true;
                    PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
                    FireTimer = FireTime;

                if (attack.WasPressedThisFrame() && Pistol == true && isCrouched == true && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false)
                    Fire = true;
                    PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
                    FireTimer = FireTime;
        if(Turbo == true)
            if (Sliding == false || RollingMode == false || HipDropReady == false)
                if (attack.IsPressed() && Pistol == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false)
                    Fire = true;
                    PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
                    FireTimer = FireTime;

                if (attack.IsPressed() && Pistol == true && isCrouched == true && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false)
                    Fire = true;
                    PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
                    FireTimer = FireTime;

            if (HipDropAction == false && isDoubleJumping == true && isHipDropped == true)
                if (attack.IsPressed() && Pistol == true && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false)
                    Fire = true;
                    PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
                    FireTimer = FireTime;

                if (attack.IsPressed() && Pistol == true && isCrouched == true && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == false && HipDropCrushed == false)
                    Fire = true;
                    PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
                    FireTimer = FireTime;

        if (Fire == true && HipDropReady == false && HipDrop == false)
            FireTimer -= 0.01f;
            PlayerShootingVisual.instance.sprite.enabled = true;

        if (FireTimer <= 0 || Sliding == true || CrushRolling == true)
            Fire = false;

        if (Fire == false)
            PlayerShootingVisual.instance.sprite.enabled = false;
            PlayerAnimator.instance.sprite.enabled = true;

        if(RollingMode == true && Fire == true)
            RollingMode = false;
            BasicMode = true;
            isDoubleJumping = false;

    #region Wall Crush Movement
    void WallCrushMovement()
        if (WallCrushed == true)
            Sliding = false;
            isCrouched = false;
            BasicMode = false;
            RollingMode = true;
            CrushRolling = true;
            HipDropReady = false;
            HipDrop = false;
            //isHipDropped = false;

            slidingTimer = slidingTime;

            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == true)
                velocity.x = -10f;
                velocity.y = 20f;               

            if (PlayerAnimator.instance.isFacingRight == false)
                velocity.x = 10f;
                velocity.y = 20f;
            WallCrushed = false;

        if(CrushRolling == true)
            //BasicMode = false;
            RollingMode = true;
            isDoubleJumping = true;
            isHipDropped = false;

        if(CrushRolling == true && isGrounded == true)
            CrushBound += 1;

        if(CrushBound >= 2)
            if (jump.WasPressedThisFrame())
                CrushRolling = false;
                CrushBound = 0;

            CrushRolling = false;
            CrushBound = 0;

    #region Hip Drop
    void HipDropController()
        if(isGrounded == false || Sliding == true)
            HipDropBounce = 0;

        if(CanSliding == true && isWallSliding == false)
            if (Down && isGrounded == false && isCrouched == false && Sliding == false && CrushRolling == false && WallCrushed == false && HipDropCrushed == false && AirAttack == false)
                HipDropAction = true;
                isHipDropped = true;
                isDoubleJumping = true;
                HipDropChargeTimer = HipDropChargeTime;
                velocity.x = 0;
                velocity.y = 0;
                HipDropBounce = 0;
                HipDropReady = true;
                HipDrop = false;
                wallJumping = false;
                BasicMode = false;
                RollingMode = true;
                isRunningAttack = false;
                AirAttack = false;
                Fire = false;

            if (HipDropReady == true)
                HipDropChargeTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (HipDropChargeTimer < 0 && Sliding == false && HipDropAction == true && CrushRolling == false)
                HipDrop = true;
                BasicMode = true;
                RollingMode = false;
                isDoubleJumping = false;
                Fire = false;
                velocity.y = -HipDropSpeed;

            if (HipDrop == true && isGrounded == true && HipDropBounce < 2f)
                HipDropReady = false;
                HipDrop = false;
                isDoubleJumping = true;
                velocity.y = 30f;
                Fire = false;
                HipDropChargeTimer = HipDropChargeTime;
                controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);

            if (isGrounded == true && Sliding == false)
                HipDropBounce += 1f;

            if (HipDropBounce == 1f)
                HipDropAction = false;
                HipDropCrushed = true;
                isDoubleJumping = true;
                BasicMode = false;               
                RollingMode = true;

            if (HipDropBounce > 2f)
                HipDropCrushed = false;
                isDoubleJumping = false;
                isHipDropped = false;
                BasicMode = true;               
                RollingMode = false;

        if (CanSliding == false && isWallSliding == false)
            if (Down && isGrounded == false && isCrouched == false && CrushRolling == false && WallCrushed == false && HipDropCrushed == false && isHipDropped == false && AirAttack == false)
                isHipDropped = true;
                HipDropChargeTimer = HipDropChargeTime;
                velocity.x = 0;
                velocity.y = 0;
                HipDropBounce = 0;
                HipDropReady = true;
                HipDrop = false;
                BasicMode = false;
                RollingMode = true;
                isRunningAttack = false;
                AirAttack = false;
                Fire = false;

            if (HipDropReady == true)
                HipDropChargeTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (HipDropChargeTimer < 0)
                HipDrop = true;
                BasicMode = true;
                RollingMode = false;
                velocity.y = -HipDropSpeed;

            if (HipDrop == true && isGrounded == true && HipDropBounce < 2f)
                HipDropReady = false;
                HipDrop = false;
                velocity.y = 30f;
                HipDropChargeTimer = HipDropChargeTime;
                controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);

            if (isGrounded == true && isHipDropped == true)
                HipDropBounce += 1f;

            if (HipDropBounce == 1f)
                HipDropCrushed = true;
                BasicMode = false;
                RollingMode = true;

            if (HipDropBounce == 2f)
                HipDropCrushed = false;
                isHipDropped = false;
                BasicMode = true;
                RollingMode = false;

    #region Wall Jump Controller

    #region Wall Sliding
    void WallSliding()
        if(PlayerLeftWallChecker.instance.LeftWallDetected == true && isWallSliding == true)
           isFacingRight = true;
            velocity.y = wallSlidingSpeed;

        if (PlayerRightWallChecker.instance.RightWallDetected == true && isWallSliding == true)
            isFacingRight = false;
            velocity.y = wallSlidingSpeed;

        if (PlayerLeftWallChecker.instance.LeftWallDetected == true && isGrounded == false && Right)
            isWallSliding = false;

        if (PlayerRightWallChecker.instance.RightWallDetected == true && isGrounded == false && Left)
            isWallSliding = false;

        if (PlayerLeftWallChecker.instance.LeftWallDetected == true && isGrounded == false && Left == false)
            isWallSliding = false;

        if (PlayerRightWallChecker.instance.RightWallDetected == true && isGrounded == false && Right == false)
            isWallSliding = false;

        if (isGrounded == true)
            isWallSliding = false;

    #region Wall Jump
    void WallJump()
        if(PlayerRightWallChecker.instance.RightWallDetected == true && isWallSliding == true && HipDropAction == false && jump.WasPressedThisFrame())
            isWallSliding = false;
            wallJumping = true;
            isFacingRight = false;
            MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;
            isDoubleJumping = false;
            isHipDropped = false;

            velocity.x = -wallJumpXspeed;
            velocity.y = wallJumpYspeed;

        if(PlayerLeftWallChecker.instance.LeftWallDetected == true && isWallSliding == true && HipDropAction == false && jump.WasPressedThisFrame())
            isWallSliding = false;
            wallJumping = true;
            isFacingRight = true;
            MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;
            isDoubleJumping = false;
            isHipDropped = false;

            velocity.x = wallJumpXspeed;
            velocity.y = wallJumpYspeed;

        if(wallJumping == true && velocity.y < 0)
            wallJumping = false;


    void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit)
        #region Wall Collider
        if (hit.gameObject.tag == "Wall")
            if (isGrounded == true)
                velocity.y = -2f;

            if ((controller.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Sides) != 0)
                velocity.x = 0f;

                if (Sliding == true)
                    WallCrushed = true;

                if (Right)
                    velocity.x = 0.01f;

                if (Left)
                    velocity.x = -0.01f;

                if (CanWallJump == true)
                    if (PlayerLeftWallChecker.instance.LeftWallDetected == true && isGrounded == false && Left && AirAttack == false && CrushRolling == false && WallCrushed == false && HipDropCrushed == false && HipDropAction == false && AirAttack == false && BigDamaged == false)
                        velocity.x = -5f;
                        if(velocity.y < 0f)
                            isWallSliding = true;
                            isHipDropped = false;
                            MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;
                            isDoubleJumping = false;

                    if (PlayerRightWallChecker.instance.RightWallDetected == true && isGrounded == false && Right && AirAttack == false && CrushRolling == false && WallCrushed == false && HipDropCrushed == false && HipDropAction == false && AirAttack == false && BigDamaged == false)
                        velocity.x = 5f;
                        if (velocity.y < 0f)
                            isWallSliding = true;
                            isHipDropped = false;
                            MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;
                            isDoubleJumping = false;

            if (controller.collisionFlags == CollisionFlags.Sides)
                velocity.x = 0f;

                if (Right)
                    velocity.x = 0.01f;

                if (Left)
                    velocity.x = -0.01f;

                if (CanWallJump == true)
                    if (PlayerLeftWallChecker.instance.LeftWallDetected == true && isGrounded == false && Left && AirAttack == false && CrushRolling == false && WallCrushed == false && HipDropCrushed == false && isHipDropped == false && AirAttack == false && BigDamaged == false)
                        velocity.x = -5f;
                        if (velocity.y < 0f)
                            isWallSliding = true;
                            MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;

                    if (PlayerRightWallChecker.instance.RightWallDetected == true && isGrounded == false && Right && AirAttack == false && CrushRolling == false && WallCrushed == false && HipDropCrushed == false && isHipDropped == false && AirAttack == false && BigDamaged == false)
                        velocity.x = 5f;

                        if (velocity.y < 0f)
                            isWallSliding = true;
                            MultipleJump = MaxMultipleJump;

        #region Slope Collider
        if (hit.gameObject.tag == "Slope")
            velocity.y = -150f;

        if (hit.gameObject.tag == "Hill")
            if (GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle == 0 || GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle == 90 || GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle == 180 || GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle == 270)
                velocity.y = -2f;
            else if (GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle != 0 || GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle != 0 && GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle != 90 || GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle != 0 && GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle != 180 || GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle != 0 && GroundChecker.instance.groundSlopeAngle != 270)
                velocity.y = -150f;

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if(other.gameObject.tag == "Enemy Attack")
            if(isGrounded == true && BigDamaged == false)
                Damaged = true;
                Vector3 distination = (transform.position - other.transform.position).normalized;
                velocity.x = distination.x * knockBackForce;
                knockBackTimer = knockBackTime;

            if (isGrounded == false && BigDamaged == false)
                BigDamaged = true;
                Vector3 distination = (transform.position - other.transform.position).normalized;
                velocity.x = distination.x * BigDamageHitXForce;
                velocity.y = BigDamageHitYForce;
                knockBackTimer = knockBackTime;
                DownTimer = downTime;
                FirstRecoveryTimer = FirstRecoveryTime;
                SecondRecoveryTimer = SecondRecoveryTime;

        if(other.gameObject.tag == "Enemy Large Attack")
            if (BigDamaged == false)
                BigDamaged = true;
                Vector3 distination = (transform.position - other.transform.position).normalized;
                velocity.x = distination.x * BigDamageHitXForce;
                velocity.y = BigDamageHitYForce;
                knockBackTimer = knockBackTime;
                DownTimer = downTime;
                FirstRecoveryTimer = FirstRecoveryTime;
                SecondRecoveryTimer = SecondRecoveryTime;

    void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject.tag == "Enemy Attack")
            if (isGrounded == true && BigDamaged == false)
                Damaged = true;
                Vector3 distination = (transform.position - other.transform.position).normalized;
                velocity.x = distination.x * knockBackForce;
                knockBackTimer = knockBackTime;

            if (isGrounded == false && BigDamaged == false)
                BigDamaged = true;
                Vector3 distination = (transform.position - other.transform.position).normalized;
                velocity.x = distination.x * BigDamageHitXForce;
                velocity.y = BigDamageHitYForce;
                knockBackTimer = knockBackTime;
                DownTimer = downTime;
                FirstRecoveryTimer = FirstRecoveryTime;
                SecondRecoveryTimer = SecondRecoveryTime;

        if (other.gameObject.tag == "Enemy Large Attack")
            if (BigDamaged == false)
                BigDamaged = true;
                Vector3 distination = (transform.position - other.transform.position).normalized;
                velocity.x = distination.x * BigDamageHitXForce;
                velocity.y = BigDamageHitYForce;
                knockBackTimer = knockBackTime;
                DownTimer = downTime;
                FirstRecoveryTimer = FirstRecoveryTime;
                SecondRecoveryTimer = SecondRecoveryTime;


if(BigDamaged == true)の部分にBigDamageCrush = falseやBigDamageCrushFall = false等の値を入れてもダメでした。


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