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Last updated at Posted at 2021-10-28






setup と service setup の違い

Service Setup is where you connect your customers to your service center. Think of it as a dashboard for all things service. Whether you need to turn emails into cases, integrate with Twitter and Facebook, enable a knowledge base, or create a web community, you do it all in Service Setup.

Once you’ve configured channels for your customers, you can go to the Service Setup home page to see metrics about how your channels are doing, analyze service center spikes, and view up-to-the-minute caseload stats.

Contains configuration related to Service Cloud(Console) setup like Email to Case, Knowledge Article, Macros, Quick Text, Live Agent, Omni Channel, Entitlement and it is limited to some functionality. It does not contain Setup Like Roles

Setup The menu gives you quick links to a collection of pages that let you do everything from managing your users to modifying security settings.

Whereas full setup has everything including sales, service cloud setup. Complete setup of Salesforce ORG. It is like Everything at a single place



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