DevOps Center has not been enabled for your org.
Ask a Salesforce admin to enable it in Setup > Development > DevOps Center.
そのツールがバックエンドで変更セットを使用してこれらのメタデータ タイプを組織にロードしている場合、それも問題を引き起こす可能性があります。
DevOps Center を使用してプロファイルを管理したくない場合は、.forceignore ファイルを使用してプロファイルがコミットおよび展開されないようにすることができます。最後に、プロファイルと権限に関する Salesforce の一般的な方向性は、プロファイルよりも権限セットを使用することです。
これらの手順に従って、コラボレーターを 1 つの組織リポジトリにのみ追加することもできます。
本質的に「立ち往生」しているプロモーションがある場合。その後、最大約 2 時間後にタイムアウトするはずです。この時間が経過してもプロモーションが自動的に修正されないことがわかった場合は、Lightning Experience ビューに移動して、ステータスが「進行中」のままになっている Async_Operation_Result__c レコードを見つけることができるはずです。このステータスを「エラー」に変更すると、プロモーションを再試行できるようになります。
Please try Mike Olson's steps, described in this thread, to re-initiate the authentication in to GitHub:
My company just enabled SSO for my Github Org overnight so was getting the same error running git pull. I fixed this with the following steps.
Open Credential Manager in Windows and delete the existing credential for
Re-initialise the cred manager in git bash: git config --global credential.helper manager-core
Re-run git pull and follow the pop-up instructions to authenticate in a browser (which happened automatically for me with SSO).
This work item was merged outside of DevOps Center and must be promoted.
それは非常に奇妙です。これは、DevOps Center が GitHub から実際には発生しなかったイベントを受け取ったことを意味するためです。解決するために私たちができる最善の方法は、PR を手動でマージする (つまり、作業項目を昇格させたい場合) か、PR を閉じる (必要に応じて DevOps センターが新しいものを開く原因となる) ことだと思います。
Between Beta and GA, we updated DevOps Center to use a newer version of the SFDX source-deploy-retrieve library, and it's certainly possible that there is a bug/regression there. Could I trouble one of you experiencing this issue to try performing a force:source:deploy from the SF CLI for the layout with a parenthesis in its name, to see if it is successful or if it fails in the same way?
Beta と GA の間に、SFDX source-deploy-retrieve ライブラリの新しいバージョンを使用するように DevOps Center を更新しましたが、そこにバグ/リグレッションがある可能性は確かにあります。この問題が発生している方の 1 人に、SF CLI から force:source:deploy を名前に括弧が含まれるレイアウトに対して実行してみて、それが成功するか、同じように失敗するかを確認していただけますか?
I've tried the force:source:deploy on one of the layouts and it works without any issues:
It looks like DevOps is having troubles recognizing the changed metadata between source(workitem) and destination(uat in our scenario) branches in GitHub repo if there is a parentheses in name, and doesn't include such metadata items in deployment.
名前に括弧があり、デプロイメントにそのようなメタデータ項目が含まれていない場合、DevOps は GitHub リポジトリのソース (workitem) と宛先 (このシナリオでは uat) ブランチの間で変更されたメタデータを認識するのに問題があるようです。
Also if I select deployment option 'All Metadata' then everything is getting deployed with no issues.
Required field are missing
The error "Required field are missing" when swapping environments in Salesforce can be caused by a number of factors. Here are a few things you can check to troubleshoot this issue:
- Check the required fields: Make sure that all required fields in the source and target environments have been filled out correctly. Required fields must contain a value in order to complete the swap process.
- Check the Dev Hub org: Make sure that the Dev Hub org in your Salesforce organization is correctly set up and has the necessary permissions.
- Check the Dev Ops settings: Make sure that Dev Ops has been enabled in both the source and target environments, and that all necessary settings have been configured correctly.
- Check for errors in the Dev Hub org: If you are using the Dev Hub org to perform the swap, check for any errors in the Dev Hub org that may be preventing the swap from completing.
5.Check for errors in the source and target environments: Check for any errors in the source and target environments that may be causing the swap to fail.
I hope these suggestions help you resolve the error you are seeing when swapping environments in Salesforce. If you are still having trouble after trying these steps, you may want to consider reaching out to Salesforce Support for further assistance.
Case-Case Layout %28Admin View%29 of Type Layout failed to deploy due to Invalid field:SOLUTION.ISSUE in related list:RelatedSolutionList
This post suggests the error can still occur when including Aura metadata in the same deployment package
Pipeline Unique Names
I ended up finding the solution. If you go to the projects app and changed the name there all is well. Trying to change it in DevOps Center doesn’t work.
CREATE REVIEW is greyed out
Oh for heaven's sake. There is a required field at the bottom for comments. That was blank. As soon as I typed NA - the process moved.
Proxy object could not be cloned
私は最近、レコード タイプのメタデータを含む一部のワーク アイテムがターゲット組織に正しく展開されていないことに最近気付きました。リポジトリ レベルではすべて問題ないように見え、昇格が実行されると正しく実行されますが、組織をチェックインすると、レコード タイプに加えられた変更が展開されませんでした。このような状況を回避するためにできることはありますか?
Rebase Completed Error
It looks like there is a conflict when DevOps Center tries to rebase WI-000183 branch with staging branch that you'll have to fix manually in GitHub.
Something I'd do, using command line, to check what's going on is:
- Clone the repository on your computer if you haven't done it already.
- Then do a "git checkout staging" to move to the branch and most importantly download it branch locally.
- Then do "git checkout WI-000183" to download the work item branch and change to it.
- Then you can do "git rebase staging".
- If there is a conflict happening, it will show there, then you can fix it.
- When the conflict is fixed you can do "git add ." to add all the files that were conflicting.
- And after that you can do "git rebase --continue" to make sure git knows the rebase has finished.
- And last thing, do "git push origin WI-000183" to make sure the conflict is solved in GitHub.
After this, I think DevOps Center should realise you have committed new changes there, and let you go on. I have not find this scenario before, but it's possible this is what's going on.
Unfortunately I don't think we can do that from GitHub UI.
View Details for more information on the error. If the error is due to a dependency, re-try the sync and select the All option in Synchronization Options.
After doing a git pull from git command line, I did find the NamedCredential was changed by one of the Work Items. I am trying to trace this through to see what happened from the git command line, because the UI doesn't give enough information.
git コマンド ラインから git pull を実行した後、NamedCredential が作業項目の 1 つによって変更されていることがわかりました。 UI では十分な情報が得られないため、git コマンド ラインから何が起こったのかを確認するために、これを追跡しようとしています。
Unable to create new projects in Organization Repo only Personal
I humbly submit my own solution.
For the Repository "owner" I had been using my own (personal) Username and got only the repo created in my personal account.
To get it created correctly in my org the trick is to use the org "name" not the org's account owner name.
WI のステータス エラー、プロモーションのブロック。
Unable to link Namespace Registry
he DevHub Org and Dev org must be separate. I was entering devHub credentials in the pop up which was causing the issue. I created dev org and moved my work there and entered that org's credentials in Link Namespace Registry popup and it worked.
The settings mentioned in the article needs to be done in the DevHub org.
DevHub 組織と Dev 組織は分離する必要があります。ポップアップに devHub 資格情報を入力していたため、問題が発生していました。私は開発組織を作成し、そこに作業を移動し、その組織の資格情報を Link Namespace Registry ポップアップに入力したところ、機能しました。
この記事に記載されている設定は、DevHub 組織で行う必要があります。
Source Control System Sync error
I did end up clearing my cache yesterday and a few of the random issues that were blocking me from creating reviews on work items did seem to get cleared up. I am not seeing this error in the afternoon whereas in the morning it was all the time.
Select An Org The link you were trying to access requires an Org to be selected. Please select the appropriate Org to access the desired page. Learn more here.
Please follow this link-
You cannot raise a case from any non-production org, including Developer Edition, Sandboxes, and Scratch Orgs. You will need to log in to your production org and raise a case there. If you have a problem with a specific Sandbox, include the Org Id in your case (there's a field for this purpose), and make sure you Grant Login Access to the Sandbox if necessary.
Admin of Type Profile failed to deploy due to cannot delete profile
Have you seen this doc topic:
If you made a change to .forceignore after you activated the pipeline, then you have to manually make the updates in each branch. And then sometimes there's a delay between making the changes in GitHub and those changes being reflected in DevOps Center.
パイプラインをアクティブ化した後に .forceignore に変更を加えた場合は、各ブランチで手動で更新を行う必要があります。また、GitHub で変更を加えてから、その変更が DevOps Center に反映されるまでに遅延が発生する場合があります。
Element {}nameSegment invalid at this location in type FlowActionCall
Please reload the page or contact your system administrator
- Error Message - Please reload the page or contact your system administrator if the problem persists.
The root of the error is STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.
Please check this post:
you've assigned the user all of the appropriate DevOps Center permission sets, as per the setup instructions?
Promotion Stopped Due to New Events
That's actually a new feature that makes sure that DevOps Center has received all the events from GitHub so you don't find yourself in an undesirable state. It's not an error message but rather communication to wait a few more minutes so that your promotion is successful.
これは実際には、DevOps Center が GitHub からすべてのイベントを受信していることを確認して、望ましくない状態に陥らないようにする新機能です。これはエラー メッセージではなく、プロモーションが成功するまでさらに数分待つようにというメッセージです。
This environment is already defined
The error message "This environment is already defined" in a DevOps Center likely means that you're trying to create an environment with a name that already exists in the system.
To resolve this error, you can try the following steps:
- Change the environment name: Choose a different name for the environment that you're trying to create. This should ensure that the environment name is unique and doesn't conflict with any existing environments.
- Delete the existing environment: If you're sure that the environment that you're trying to create is the same as an existing environment, you can try deleting the existing environment first. This will free up the environment name so that you can use it for your new environment. However, make sure to double-check that deleting the existing environment won't cause any issues with your DevOps process.
- Contact DevOps support: If none of these solutions work, it's possible that there's a deeper issue with the DevOps Center that's causing the error message. In this case, you may need to contact your DevOps support team for further assistance. They can help you diagnose the issue and find a solution that works for your specific DevOps environment.
DevOps Center にはエラーの詳細が表示されませんか?
、機能すると思われるプロセスを見つけました。シードしたいコンポーネントを抽出し、GitHub 内のブランチに直接コミットしています。非常に手動ですが、うまく機能しているようです。
Entity of type 'CustomField' name xxxxxxxxxxx cannot be found
We've run into this issue before and the only way we found to resolve it was to manually create the fields in the target org, then promote the work item that contains the delete changes for each field, which will delete the fields we just manually created. Very inefficient, but haven't found another way to do this yet.
Rebase error
Rebase errors, in general, are related with dependencies between work items, and get resolved by promoting others first, or by using our Combine functionality.
一般に、リベース エラーは作業項目間の依存関係に関連しており、最初に他の作業項目を昇格するか、結合機能を使用することで解決されます。
There was an error. Please reload the page or contact your system administrator if the problem persists
It's has been reported as a known issue:
DevOp センターが次の環境に昇格できない (FSC)
Got the same error
looks like you have managed the package on org with report type in next stage. My workaround was to remove that report-type or manually check only the required Meata Data types. Exclude those report types. You will have to add those fields to the report type manually.
次の段階でレポートタイプを使用して組織上のパッケージを管理しているようです。私の回避策は、そのレポート タイプを削除するか、必要な Meata データ タイプのみを手動でチェックすることでした。これらのレポート タイプを除外します。これらのフィールドをレポート タイプに手動で追加する必要があります。
Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts
I also experienced this error message. In my case, I was running a test class for a particular class that was calling a method from another class, within which a callout was being made. This is why I was encountering this error.
私もこのエラーメッセージに遭遇しました。私の場合、別のクラスからメソッドを呼び出す特定のクラスのテスト クラスを実行しており、その中でコールアウトが行われていました。これが、このエラーが発生した理由です。
The Repeater screen component isn’t supported in this API version. To retrieve or deploy this flow, use API version 60.0 or later
I had to use change sets to push my new flow version to production and it worked just fine. Hopefully Salesforce can get this bug worked out soon!
新しいフロー バージョンを本番環境にプッシュするには変更セットを使用する必要がありましたが、問題なく動作しました。Salesforce がこのバグをすぐに解決してくれることを願っています。
Error connecting to Github
This can help to reset authentications: