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Create an approval process that validates when a Prospect Account becomes a Customer【承認プロセストレイル】

Last updated at Posted at 2022-10-05

We submitted an account for approval, but we can't find that account's Type set to 'Pending'

I had the same issue and I resolve it. You have to pay close attention to the first part of the challenge. It stated this:
Before You Start Go to Object Manager. In Fields and Relationships for the Account object, check the Type field’s picklist values for Prospect, Customer, and Pending. Add any of these values that are missing. Please follow these steps:

  1. In setup, Click Object Manager >Account >Fields and Relationships
  2. Search for TYPE field in the Quick Finder & Click Type
  3. Under Account Type Picklist Values, Disactivate all of the other values except for PROSPECT & add Pending and Customer values (see attachment image)
    Once done, make sure you go back to your approval process and select the picklist values you just create.

5. Type Approval in the quick finder > Click Approval Processes
6. Click Edit in your current approval process (Approve New Account)
7. Click Next twice > Save
8. Click Edit in Initial Submission Actions > Choose Pending Value for Picklist Options > SAVE

Note: Keep in mind, that you might have to do the same for Final Approval Actions.



You need to select approver in approval steps as shown in below screenshots.



today i saw tha i give the punctuation mark in front of pending thats why the error occured


We submitted an account for approval, but we can't find that account's Type set to 'Pending'.

the actions in you approval process like in this pictures?

「顧客に設定されたアカウントの種類」が見つかりません...選択リストに「顧客」が存在しないためでしょうか?? 「Customer-Channel」または「Customer-Direct」のみ。

Do you have settings like this?

We can't find an active approval process named Approve New Account. Make sure the unique name is 'Approve_New_Account'.

the problem was with Chrome browser, I solved in a different browser and it got solved


I was having the same issue because I was trying to activate it within the edit screen for the specific Approval I was working on. However, when you go to the screen for all of the Approvals for the Account, you will notice space for both "Active" and "Inactive" Approval Processes. Try and change it from here, if you have not already.




The final approval is not configured correctly for 'Discount Approval Process'. Approving the opportunity did set the opportunity's Approval_Status__c field value to 'Approved

【未解決】We can't find related lists named Entitlements, Notes & Attachments, and Approval History on the Service Contract page layout. Check that you added all three.

Couldn’t find an active Approval Process with the correct information. Please double check the instructions 【障害か?】

Hello I am stuck on the Create Initial Submission Actions Challenge I did all of the steps and keep getting this message

Customize the User Interface for a Travel ApprovalApp step4

We couldn't find the imported Travel Approval records. Make sure the records were imported and that there are at least 300 records. 【障害?】


I fixed the issue with Prospect by simply adding to "Account Type to Prospect" on the final rejection step. I was already the Assigned Approver.


The 'Discount Approval Process' did not successfully submitted an opportunity for approval when the discount percentage was set to greater than 0.


The initial submission action is not correct for the 'Discount Approval Process'. VP approval does not appear to be required for discounts over 40% for step #2 in the process.

I followed your advice and created a new playground (I had to deactivate a previous playground) and started over on the project. When I ensured that the step said "go to next step" instead of "else approve" it worked.


It got resolved! I didn't make any changes, followed the same steps. It works if you create a new playground.


The 'Discount Approval Process' incorrectly submitted an opportunity for approval when the discount percentage was set to 0.






I had the same issue. At the top of the Challenge instructions, there is a "Before You Start" section that reads, "Go to Object Manager. In Fields and Relationships for the Account object, check the Type field’s picklist values for Prospect, Customer, and Pending. Add any of these values that are missing." "Prospect" is already on the list, so just add "Customer" and "Pending".

私も同じ問題を抱えていました。チャレンジ手順の上部には、「開始する前に」セクションがあり、「オブジェクト マネージャーに移動します。取引先オブジェクトのフィールドとリレーションシップで、タイプ フィールドの選択リストの値として見込客、顧客、保留中の値を確認してください。追加これらの値のいずれかが欠落しています。」 「見込客」はすでにリストにあるので、「顧客」と「保留中」を追加するだけです。

We couldn’t find an active Approval Process with the correct information. Please double check the instructions.

I was having the same issue because I was trying to activate it within the edit screen for the specific Approval I was working on. However, when you go to the screen for all of the Approvals for the Account, you will notice space for both "Active" and "Inactive" Approval Processes. Try and change it from here, if you have not already.



We couldn’t find an active Approval Process with the correct information. Please double check the instructions.

Discount Approved email template がない?

Check the other folder when the lookup field appears, The "Unified Public Classic Email Templates" dropdown can be change to "Discount Requested Response" Folder. You can find the templates there.

ルックアップ フィールドが表示されたら、他のフォルダーを確認します。「Unified Public Classic Email Templates」ドロップダウンは、「Discount Requested Response」フォルダーに変更できます。そこにテンプレートがあります。

We approved an account, but we can't find that account's Type set to 'Customer'.


I also had this error, and I solved it when I realized that "type to customer" should be in "Final Approval Actions", but I had mistakenly put it in "Initial Submission Actions".



My issue was that I tried to edit the "Customer-Direct" picklist value to say Customer by deleting the"-Direct" part. This didn't work, as the process continued to reference to old name. I typed in a new "customer" picklist value from scratch and it worked.



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