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The final approval is not configured correctly for 'Discount Approval Process'. Approving the opportunity did set the opportunity's Approval_Status__c field value to 'Approved'.

Last updated at Posted at 2024-04-19

Create an approval process that validates when a Prospect Account becomes a Customer【承認プロセストレイル】に戻る

The final approval is not configured correctly for 'Discount Approval Process'. Approving the opportunity did set the opportunity's Approval_Status__c field value to 'Approved'.

I checked your org and found that the "Approval Status to Not Approved" and "Clear Discount Percentage" rejection actions are set up in the Approval action. Please fix the same and let me know if you have any further concerns.


I realized that in my 2nd org I forgot to add my manager and tried again and it worked this morning. Not sure if it was a bug or it was due to that manager but that error message is just stupidly useless lol.


Solution: I had to redo the complete module the second time. Honestly, I do not know if it was me making an error or a system issue.


I realized that in my 2nd org I forgot to add my manager and tried again and it worked this morning. Not sure if it was a bug or it was due to that manager but that error message is just stupidly useless lol.

2 番目の組織でマネージャーを追加するのを忘れていたことに気付き、もう一度試してみたところ、今朝うまくいきました。それがバグなのか、そのマネージャーが原因なのかはわかりませんが、そのエラーメッセージは全く役に立ちません。

Solution: I had to redo the complete module the second time. Honestly, I do not know if it was me making an error or a system issue.

解決策: 2 回目はモジュール全体をやり直す必要がありました。正直に言うと、私がミスをしたのか、それともシステムの問題なのかはわかりません。

I checked your org and found that the "Approval Status to Not Approved" and "Clear Discount Percentage" rejection actions are set up in the Approval action. Please fix the same and let me know if you have any further concerns.



The problem was that I deleted the action and created a new one. I should have just added an existing action to move it to the correct section. By creating a new action, the verify logic did not see the correct code.

I started over in a new org, and did the steps correctly and got the badge. All the steps look the same, except I carefully put them in the right spot from the beginning, and didn't attempt to create a second action that does the same thing.



新しい組織でやり直し、手順を正しく実行してバッジを取得しました。すべてのステップは同じように見えますが、最初から慎重に適切な位置に配置し、同じことを行う 2 番目のアクションを作成しようとはしませんでした。




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