例として、この記事(Digispark製AtTiny85のセットアップ #Arduino - Qiita)ですが、http://digistump.com/package_digistump_index.json
Hi @TenoTrash. Unfortunately the manufacturers of the original DigiSpark board abandoned the users years ago. Since then the support software they provided has gradually decomposed due to bit rot, as you noticed.
Fortunately the amazing Arduino community picked up the slack by providing well maintained unofficial support software. The current recommendation is to use the excellent ATTinyCore boards platform, which has DigiSpark support.
You can learn how to install ATTinyCore from this documentation page:
Give it a try and let us know if you have any problems or questions.
- Arduino IDEを開く
- WindowsではFile->Preferences, MacではArduino->Preferences を選択し、
のURLを "Additional Boards Manager URLs"に追加する - Tools -> Boards -> Boards Manager...
- "ATTinyCore by Spence Konde" を選択し、"Install" をクリック。
- Attiny85を使っている場合は、これで、Tools -> Boards -> ATTinyCore -> ATtiny 85 (Micronucleaous/Digispark)を選択することでボードを選択できる。
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(0, OUTPUT); //LED on Model B
pinMode(1, OUTPUT); //LED on Model A
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
digitalWrite(0, HIGH); // turn the LED off by making the voltage HIGH
digitalWrite(1, HIGH);
delay(500); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(0, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
digitalWrite(1, LOW);
delay(500); // wait for a second
Please plug in the device (will time out in 60 seconds) ...