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ZEAM開発ログ v.0.4.8 INT64判定をGPUベンチマークに組込む

Last updated at Posted at 2018-09-28



「ZEAM開発ログ 目次」はこちら


コードの全体はこちら(GitHub: ブランチ range)

lib/logistic_map_Nif.ex (一部)

defmodule LogisticMapNif do
  use Rustler, otp_app: :logistic_map, crate: :logistic_map
  require Asm
  import Asm

  # When your NIF is loaded, it will override this function.
  def init_nif(), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

  def call_ocl(_x, p, mu) when is_int64(p) and is_int64(mu), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

  def call_ocl2(_x, p, mu) when is_int64(p) and is_int64(mu), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

  def call_empty(_x, p, mu) when is_int64(p) and is_int64(mu), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

  def calc(_x, p, mu) when is_int64(p) and is_int64(mu), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

  def map_calc_list(_list, num, p, mu) when is_int64(num) and is_int64(p) and is_int64(mu), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

  def to_binary(_list), do:

  def map_calc_binary(_binary, num, p, mu) when is_int64(num) and is_int64(p) and is_int64(mu), do:

  def map_calc_t1(_list, num, p, mu) when is_int64(num) and is_int64(p) and is_int64(mu), do:



リストの要素が INT64 かの判定はそれはそれで要りますね。あとで実装を考えよう。


Mac Pro (Mid 2010)

  • Processor:
    • グレードアップ前: 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (プロセッサ数 1,物理コア数 4,論理コア数8)
    • グレードアップ後: 2 x 3.46 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon (プロセッサ数 2,物理コア数 6 x 2,論理コア数 12 x 2)
  • Memory: 16 GB 1066 MHz DDR3
  • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024MB
  • SSD (BlackMagic)
    • Write 473.9MB/s
    • Read 507.4MB/s


参考: iMac Pro (2017)

  • Processor: 2.3 GHz Intel Xeon W (プロセッサ数 1,物理コア18,論理コア36)
  • Memory: 32 GB 2666 MHz DDR4
  • Graphics: Radeon Pro Vega 64 16368MB
  • SSD (BlackMagic)
    • Write 2980.3MB/s
    • Read 2465.1MB/s




Mac Pro (Mid 2010) グレードアップ後

$ elixir -v
Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:24:24] [ds:24:24:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [sharing-preserving]

Elixir 1.7.3 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 21)


stages benchmarks1 benchmarks3 benchmarks8
pure Elixir pure Elixir Elixir/Rustler
loop inlining inside of Flow.map loop, passing by list, with Window
1 39.011949 31.346092 6.503395
2 19.469314 16.924067 22.090617
4 11.514909 9.525114 20.535796
8 6.796793 6.802147 18.993757
16 6.095281 6.455539 22.036004
32 7.298622 6.905730 28.436841
64 7.505238 8.845649 36.222197
128 8.031579 7.513903 50.668755
benchmarks_g2 benchmarks_t1 benchmarks_empty
Elixir/Rustler Elixir/Rustler Elixir/Rustler
OpenCL(GPU), inlining rayon Ruslter empty
1.461818 1.062061 1.910971


stages benchmarks1 benchmarks3 benchmarks8
pure Elixir pure Elixir Elixir/Rustler
loop inlining inside of Flow.map loop, passing by list, with Window
1 38.917572 31.239018 6.494845
2 19.393174 16.961465 24.924447
4 11.407064 9.539546 21.095470
8 6.688697 6.853216 19.004524
16 6.131300 6.378301 22.143169
32 7.132144 6.755734 29.062707
64 7.465966 9.032967 36.798732
128 7.672280 7.474034 50.207617
benchmarks_g2 benchmarks_t1 benchmarks_empty
Elixir/Rustler Elixir/Rustler Elixir/Rustler
OpenCL(GPU), inlining rayon Ruslter empty
1.484173 1.089455 1.905256

iMac Pro

$ elixir -v
Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:36:36] [ds:36:36:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [sharing-preserving]

Elixir 1.7.3 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 21)


stages benchmarks1 benchmarks3 benchmarks8
pure Elixir pure Elixir Elixir/Rustler
loop inlining inside of Flow.map loop, passing by list, with Window
1 21.033513 15.654577 4.719998
2 10.762707 8.696392 14.506782
4 6.618616 5.276284 11.852808
8 4.278081 4.161237 10.860643
16 3.847791 3.808879 12.100916
32 4.421939 3.944659 15.628758
64 4.578716 5.197287 20.084172
128 4.555781 4.411070 28.867467
benchmarks_g2 benchmarks_t1 benchmarks_empty
Elixir/Rustler Elixir/Rustler Elixir/Rustler
OpenCL(GPU), inlining rayon Ruslter empty
1.043664 0.868919 1.194835


stages benchmarks1 benchmarks3 benchmarks8
pure Elixir pure Elixir Elixir/Rustler
loop inlining inside of Flow.map loop, passing by list, with Window
1 20.560353 15.633272 4.615349
2 10.936360 8.836433 15.333913
4 6.192533 5.520968 11.213617
8 3.955429 4.440325 10.882564
16 4.349171 4.273822 12.157997
32 4.465429 4.089763 14.664140
64 4.685076 4.069384 20.075830
128 4.175054 4.442996 28.437392
benchmarks_g2 benchmarks_t1 benchmarks_empty
Elixir/Rustler Elixir/Rustler Elixir/Rustler
OpenCL(GPU), inlining rayon Ruslter empty
1.229529 0.686809 0.861733

次回は「ZEAM開発ログ v.0.4.9 助言を受けて研究計画について再考する」です。お楽しみに!

:stars::stars::stars: お知らせ:Elixirもくもく会(リモート参加OK、入門トラック有)を本日9月28日に開催します :stars::stars::stars:


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私,山崎も参加します! この記事の延長線上のものを作ろうと思っています。



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