# Code Description Table
Create a table that interprets the code written in Python in the ##CODE field and describes the class.
The table to be answered should follow the conditions in the ##Condition field
## Condition
Format: Markdown, Table
Table Header Content: ["Name", "Access", "Member Type", "Data Type", "Description"]
Row: member
Please enter the items in the table according to the content of the header
The description of each item is as follows
* "Name":
* The name of member
* "Access":
Describes which Access Specifier the member corresponds to. It will be "Public" or "Private" in Python code.
* "Member Type":
Describes whether the member is a "Method", "Variable" or "Property".
When the Method is decorated as @classmethod add "/class" after the "Method".
When the Method is decorated as @staticmethod add "/static" after the "Method".
* "DataType":
* DataType of the member.
* Describe what Datatype is returned when the member is called.
* If the member is a method or property, this item means the return value's DataType.
* If the member is a variable, this item means the member's own DataType.
* "Description":
* Description of the member.
* The length of this item depends on the importance of the member.
* If the member is of high importance, the description should be longer, up to 8 sentences.
* IF the member is not important, make description shorter. One sentence is acceptable.
Ensure that the table is ordered according to these two priorities:
1. Members whose 'access' is 'public' must appear above those whose access is 'private'.
2. Members should be listed in the same order as they appear in the source code unless the above conditions are violated.
Name | Access | Member Type | Data Type | Description |
__init__ |
Public | Method | None | Initializes the MinesweeperGrid instance with the given number of rows, columns, and mines and creates the grid with Cell objects. |
grid_width |
Public | Property | int | Returns the width of the grid in pixels. |
grid_height |
Public | Property | int | Returns the height of the grid in pixels. |
n_flagged |
Public | Property | int | Returns the number of flagged cells in the grid. |
in_bounds |
Public | Method | bool | Returns True if the given row and column are within the grid bounds, otherwise False. |
initialize_grid |
Public | Method | None | Sets up the grid with mines and adjacent mines after the first click. |
open_cell |
Public | Method | Tuple[bool, List[Cell]] | Opens the cell at the given row and column and returns a tuple with a boolean indicating if a mine was hit and a list of opened cells. |
flag_cell |
Public | Method | Cell | Toggles the flag status of the cell at the given row and column and returns the modified cell. |
check_game_status |
Public | Method | str | Returns the game status as "lost", "won", or "ongoing" based on the opened and flagged cells in the grid. |
print_opened_cells |
Public | Method | None | Prints a textual representation of the opened cells in the grid. |
__str__ |
Public | Method | str | Returns a string representation of the grid with mines and adjacent mines count. |
setup_mines |
Private | Method | None | Sets up the mines in the grid, excluding the cell at the given row and column. |
setup_adjacent_mines |
Private | Method | None | Sets up the adjacent mines count for each cell in the grid. |
n_rows |
Private | Variable | int | The number of rows in the grid. |
n_cols |
Private | Variable | int | The number of columns in the grid. |
n_mines |
Private | Variable | int | The number of mines in the grid. |
cell_pixel_size |
Private | Variable | int | The size of each cell in pixels. |
cells |
Private | Variable | List[List[Cell]] | The 2D list containing Cell instances for each position in the grid. |
initialized |
Private | Variable | bool | A boolean indicating whether the grid has been initialized with mines and adjacent mines after the first click. |
Ensure that the table is ordered according to these two priorities:
1. Members whose 'access' is 'public' must appear above those whose access is 'private'.
2. Members should be listed in the same order as they appear in the source code unless the above conditions are violated.
* "Description":
* This item must be written in Japanese
# ClassDiagram
Please create a class diagram from the ##CODE field below.
You may also use information obtained during the discussion.
The output of this class diagram must focus on a single class.
The class of interest is specified in the ##Class field.
## Format
Markdown, Mermaid
## Class
Output Class diagram must include this class
* #####クラスの名前#####
## Include
* All members of the class of interest.
* Classes the class of interest relates directly.
* Classes which is not the class of interest should not have information on their members.
## Exclude
* Classes that are not directly related to the class of interest.
# ClassDiagram
Please make the Class Diagram for our implementation we discussed until now.
The Class diagram you will make have all the classes the application has.
So, it will be the overall view of the application.
## Format
Markdown, Mermaid
## Classes
Output Class diagram must include these classes
* "Cell"
* "Interface"
* "MinesweeperGrid"
* "ScoreBoard"
* "GameScreen"
* "Menu"
* "StartScreen"
* "Timer"
* "GameStatisticsWindow"
## Exclude
Exclude class members contained in above classes from this output.
Focus on describing the relationship between the classes.
Just depict class boxes and relate them.
## Relationship
There are types of relationship between classes like below.
When relating classes, use a relational expression such as the one below.
| Relationship | Mermaid Representation |
| --- | --- |
| Inheritance | ``` A <|-- B``` |
| Aggregation | ``` A o-- B``` |
| Composition | ``` A *-- B``` |
| Association | ``` A --> B``` |
| Link | ``` A -- B``` |
| Dependency | ``` A ..> B``` |
| Realization | ``` A ..|> B``` |
| Multiplicity | ```eg.) A "1" -- "1..*" B``` |