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Python/C APIを読む その6(数値オブジェクト構造体)

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Pythonの構造を理解する助けとして、C APIのドキュメントを読み砕いていく。

Python 3.9 (CPython)に話を固定したいが、必ずしもそうはならない。
tree (コミット; ブランチ)
(↑ githubのリンク)


定義 (cpython/Include/cpython/object.h)
typedef struct {
    /* Number implementations must check *both*
       arguments for proper type and implement the necessary conversions
       in the slot functions themselves. */

    binaryfunc nb_add;
    binaryfunc nb_subtract;
    binaryfunc nb_multiply;
    binaryfunc nb_remainder;
    binaryfunc nb_divmod;
    ternaryfunc nb_power;
    unaryfunc nb_negative;
    unaryfunc nb_positive;
    unaryfunc nb_absolute;
    inquiry nb_bool;
    unaryfunc nb_invert;
    binaryfunc nb_lshift;
    binaryfunc nb_rshift;
    binaryfunc nb_and;
    binaryfunc nb_xor;
    binaryfunc nb_or;
    unaryfunc nb_int;
    void *nb_reserved;  /* the slot formerly known as nb_long */
    unaryfunc nb_float;

    binaryfunc nb_inplace_add;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_subtract;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_multiply;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_remainder;
    ternaryfunc nb_inplace_power;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_lshift;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_rshift;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_and;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_xor;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_or;

    binaryfunc nb_floor_divide;
    binaryfunc nb_true_divide;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_floor_divide;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_true_divide;

    unaryfunc nb_index;

    binaryfunc nb_matrix_multiply;
    binaryfunc nb_inplace_matrix_multiply;
} PyNumberMethods;



使用例 (cpython/Objects/boolobject.c)
static PyNumberMethods bool_as_number = {
    0,                          /* nb_add */
    0,                          /* nb_subtract */
    0,                          /* nb_multiply */
    0,                          /* nb_remainder */
    0,                          /* nb_divmod */
    0,                          /* nb_power */
    0,                          /* nb_negative */
    0,                          /* nb_positive */
    0,                          /* nb_absolute */
    0,                          /* nb_bool */
    0,                          /* nb_invert */
    0,                          /* nb_lshift */
    0,                          /* nb_rshift */
    bool_and,                   /* nb_and */
    bool_xor,                   /* nb_xor */
    bool_or,                    /* nb_or */
    0,                          /* nb_int */
    0,                          /* nb_reserved */
    0,                          /* nb_float */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_add */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_subtract */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_multiply */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_remainder */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_power */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_lshift */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_rshift */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_and */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_xor */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_or */
    0,                          /* nb_floor_divide */
    0,                          /* nb_true_divide */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_floor_divide */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_true_divide */
    0,                          /* nb_index */


使用例 (cpython/Objects/longobject.c)
static PyNumberMethods long_as_number = {
    (binaryfunc)long_add,       /*nb_add*/
    (binaryfunc)long_sub,       /*nb_subtract*/
    (binaryfunc)long_mul,       /*nb_multiply*/
    long_mod,                   /*nb_remainder*/
    long_divmod,                /*nb_divmod*/
    long_pow,                   /*nb_power*/
    (unaryfunc)long_neg,        /*nb_negative*/
    long_long,                  /*tp_positive*/
    (unaryfunc)long_abs,        /*tp_absolute*/
    (inquiry)long_bool,         /*tp_bool*/
    (unaryfunc)long_invert,     /*nb_invert*/
    long_lshift,                /*nb_lshift*/
    long_rshift,                /*nb_rshift*/
    long_and,                   /*nb_and*/
    long_xor,                   /*nb_xor*/
    long_or,                    /*nb_or*/
    long_long,                  /*nb_int*/
    0,                          /*nb_reserved*/
    long_float,                 /*nb_float*/
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_add */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_subtract */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_multiply */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_remainder */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_power */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_lshift */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_rshift */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_and */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_xor */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_or */
    long_div,                   /* nb_floor_divide */
    long_true_divide,           /* nb_true_divide */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_floor_divide */
    0,                          /* nb_inplace_true_divide */
    long_long,                  /* nb_index */



bool_and (cpython/Objects/boolobject.c)
static PyObject *
bool_and(PyObject *a, PyObject *b)
    if (!PyBool_Check(a) || !PyBool_Check(b))
        return PyLong_Type.tp_as_number->nb_and(a, b);
    return PyBool_FromLong((a == Py_True) & (b == Py_True));
bool_xor (cpython/Objects/boolobject.c)
static PyObject *
bool_xor(PyObject *a, PyObject *b)
    if (!PyBool_Check(a) || !PyBool_Check(b))
        return PyLong_Type.tp_as_number->nb_xor(a, b);
    return PyBool_FromLong((a == Py_True) ^ (b == Py_True));
bool_or (cpython/Objects/boolobject.c)
static PyObject *
bool_or(PyObject *a, PyObject *b)
    if (!PyBool_Check(a) || !PyBool_Check(b))
        return PyLong_Type.tp_as_number->nb_or(a, b);
    return PyBool_FromLong((a == Py_True) | (b == Py_True));


Py_True (cpython/Include/boolobject.h)
#define Py_False ((PyObject *) &_Py_FalseStruct)
#define Py_True ((PyObject *) &_Py_TrueStruct)
_Py_TrueStruct (cpython/Objects/boolobject.c)
struct _longobject _Py_FalseStruct = {
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyBool_Type, 0)
    { 0 }

struct _longobject _Py_TrueStruct = {
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyBool_Type, 1)
    { 1 }


static PyObject *
long_add(PyLongObject *a, PyLongObject *b)
            z = x_add(a, b);
    return (PyObject *)z;
/* Add the absolute values of two integers. */

static PyLongObject *
x_add(PyLongObject *a, PyLongObject *b)
    Py_ssize_t size_a = Py_ABS(Py_SIZE(a)), size_b = Py_ABS(Py_SIZE(b));
    PyLongObject *z;
    Py_ssize_t i;
    digit carry = 0;

    /* Ensure a is the larger of the two: */
    if (size_a < size_b) {
        { PyLongObject *temp = a; a = b; b = temp; }
        { Py_ssize_t size_temp = size_a;
            size_a = size_b;
            size_b = size_temp; }
    z = _PyLong_New(size_a+1);
    if (z == NULL)
        return NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < size_b; ++i) {
        carry += a->ob_digit[i] + b->ob_digit[i];
        z->ob_digit[i] = carry & PyLong_MASK;
        carry >>= PyLong_SHIFT;
    for (; i < size_a; ++i) {
        carry += a->ob_digit[i];
        z->ob_digit[i] = carry & PyLong_MASK;
        carry >>= PyLong_SHIFT;
    z->ob_digit[i] = carry;
    return long_normalize(z);




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