天体画像の radial profile を作ることで,望遠鏡や検出器の有限の広がりと比較し,点源のコンシステントな広がりなのか,それよりも広がっているのかなど,天体の画像解析の一般的な方法であり,汎用的な解析ツールに含まれることもあるが,細かい解析をする場合は,自分で書いてみたい時もあるだろう.
def calc_radialprofile(data, xg, yg, ds = 10, ndiv = 10, debug = False):
calc simple peak (just for check) and barycentric peak.
tmp = data.T
nr = np.linspace(0, ds, ndiv)
rc = (nr[:-1] + nr[1:]) * 0.5
rp = np.zeros(len(nr)-1)
nrp = np.zeros(len(nr)-1)
for i in range(ds*2):
for j in range(ds*2):
itx = int(xg - ds + i)
ity = int(yg - ds + j)
val = tmp[itx][ity]
dist = dist2d(itx, ity, xg, yg)
for k, (rin,rout) in enumerate(zip(nr[:-1], nr[1:])):
if dist >= rin and dist < rout:
rp[k] = rp[k] + val
# normalize rp
for m, (rin,rout) in enumerate(zip(nr[:-1], nr[1:])):
darea = np.pi * ( np.power(rout,2) - np.power(rin,2) )
nrp[m] = rp[m] / darea
if debug:
print(m, rp[m], nrp[m], rin, rout, darea)
return rc, nrp
これだけであるが,厳密には,イメージ素子がCCDの場合は,GAPがあることや,場所によっては,円環ではなくて,一部が画素のない部分のこともあるので,円環かつ有効な感度がある面積で計算する必要がある.「すざく」衛星のXIS(CCD)検出器のパイルアップツール Recipe for Pileup Effect on the Suzaku XIS では,1/4 or 1/8 Window mode, timing mode, などに応じて,実効的な面積で割るようにしている.
python で radial profile を作るサンプルコード
fits のイメージファイルを入力とする.イメージの中のある"点構造"の radial profile を作るためには,
- 中心座標(x,y)
- サイズ(ds)
- 円環の分割数(ndiv)
が最低限必要なパラメータとなる.イメージは光子のカウントの時もあれば,カウントレートの時もあり,ダイナミックレンジが違うので,表示の範囲や見栄えは -m -a VMAX -i VMIN を指定すると,VMIN から VMAX の範囲になるが,何も指定しなければ,適当にデータの最小最大付近を表示する.
[syamada] $ python qiita_mk_radialprofile.py -h
Usage: qiita_mk_radialprofile.py FileList
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug The flag to show detailed information
-m, --manual The flag to use vmax, vmin
-x DETX, --detx=DETX det x
-y DETY, --dety=DETY det y
-a VMAX, --vmax=VMAX VMAX
-i VMIN, --vmin=VMIN VMIN
-s DS, --dataExtractSize=DS
data size to be extracted from image
-n NDIV, --numberOfDivision=NDIV
number of division of annulus
python qiita_mk_radialprofile.py ss433_659_broad_flux.img
とすると,次のような絵が作成される.同時に radial profile をテキストにダンプしたり,debug 用途のイメージの保存してくれる.
- qiita_mk_radialprofile.py or qiita_mk_radialprofile.py
- Chandra の SS433 のイメージ or Chandra の SS433 のイメージ
XMM Newton の場合
XMM-Newton 衛星のデータ解析について易しい日本語で解説してみた に,xmm_process_radialprofile.py というソースコードで紹介している.
Chandra の場合
ciao というツール群を使っても作成可能.make a radial profile というスレッドに下記の方法が紹介されている.
$ download_chandra_obsid 17395
$ chandra_repro 17395 outdir=./
$ fluximage hrcf17395_repro_evt2.fits coma
$ dmextract "hrcf17395_repro_evt2.fits[bin sky=annulus(16635,15690,0:3200:100)]" coma_prof.rad \
exp=coma_wide_thresh.expmap clob+ op=generic
Chandra衛星の全般的なことは,Chandra 衛星のデータ解析について易しい日本語で解説してみたを参照されたい.
import os
import sys
import math
import subprocess
import re
import sys
# for I/O, optparse
import optparse
# numpy
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
# conver time into date
import datetime
# matplotlib http://matplotlib.org
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter, FixedLocator
import matplotlib.colors as cr
from matplotlib.font_manager import fontManager, FontProperties
import matplotlib.pylab as plab
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.utils.data import get_pkg_data_filename
params = {'xtick.labelsize': 10, # x ticks
'ytick.labelsize': 10, # y ticks
'legend.fontsize': 8
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'serif'
# Fits I.O class
class Fits():
# member variables
debug = False
def __init__ (self, eventfile, debug):
self.eventfilename = eventfile
self.debug = debug
#extract header information
if os.path.isfile(eventfile):
self.filename = get_pkg_data_filename(eventfile)
self.hdu = fits.open(self.filename)[0]
# self.dateobs = self.hdu.header['DATE-OBS']
# self.object = self.hdu.header['OBJECT']
self.wcs = WCS(self.hdu.header)
self.cdelt = self.wcs.wcs.cdelt
self.p2deg = np.abs(self.cdelt[0]) # [deg/pixel]
self.p2arcsec = 3600. * np.abs(self.cdelt[0]) # [arcsec/pixel]
self.dirname = eventfile.replace(".fits","").replace(".gz","")
print("..... __init__ ")
# print " self.dateobs = ", self.dateobs
# print " self.object = ", self.object
print(" self.p2deg = ", self.p2deg, " [deg/pixel]")
print(" self.p2arcsec = ", self.p2arcsec, " [arcsec/pix]")
self.data = self.hdu.data
self.data[np.isnan(self.data)] = 0 # nan ==> 0, note that radio data include negative values
self.data = np.abs(self.data) # data is forced to be positive (Is it right?)
if self.debug:
print("... in __init__ Class Fits ()")
print("filename = ", self.filename)
print("hdu = ", self.hdu)
print("data.shape = ",self.data.shape)
print("ERROR: cat't find the fits file : ", self.eventfilename)
def plotwcs(self, vmin = 1e-1, vmax = 20, manual = False):
just plot the entire image
print("\n..... plotwcs ...... ")
if not manual:
vmin = np.amin(self.hdu.data) + 1e-10
vmax = np.amax(self.hdu.data)
# plt.figtext(0.1,0.97, "OBJECT = " + self.object + " DATE = " + self.dateobs)
plt.figtext(0.1,0.95, "Unit = " + str(self.p2arcsec) + " [arcsec/pix]" )
plt.imshow(self.data, origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.jet, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
outputfiguredir = "fig_image_" + self.dirname
subprocess.getoutput('mkdir -p ' + outputfiguredir)
plt.savefig(outputfiguredir + "/" + "plotwcs.png")
def plotwcs_ps(self, detx, dety, ds = 40, vmin = 1e-1, vmax = 20, manual = False):
just plot the enlarged image around (detx,dety)
print("\n..... plotwcs_ps ...... ")
if not manual:
vmin = np.amin(self.hdu.data) + 1e-10
vmax = np.amax(self.hdu.data)
self.detx = detx
self.dety = dety
gpixcrd = np.array([[ self.detx, self.dety]], np.float_)
gwrdcrd = self.wcs.all_pix2world(gpixcrd,1)
ra = gwrdcrd[0][0]
dec = gwrdcrd[0][1]
self.ra = ra
self.dec = dec
print("detx, dety = ", detx, dety)
print("ra, dec = ", ra, dec)
F = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
# plt.figtext(0.1,0.97, "OBJECT = " + self.object + " DATE = " + self.dateobs)
plt.figtext(0.1,0.95, "Unit = " + str(self.p2arcsec) + " [arcsec/pix]" )
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=self.wcs)
plt.imshow(self.data, origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.jet, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
print(" self.hdu.data[detx][dety] = ", self.hdu.data[detx][dety] , " (detx,dety) = (", detx, ",", dety, ")")
ax.set_xlim(detx - ds, detx + ds)
ax.set_ylim(dety - ds, dety + ds)
outputfiguredir = "fig_image_ps_" + self.dirname
subprocess.getoutput('mkdir -p ' + outputfiguredir)
plt.savefig(outputfiguredir + "/" + "plotwcs_ps_detx" + str("%d" % detx) + "_dety" + str("%d" % dety) + ".png")
def mk_radialprofile(self, detx, dety, ds = 40, ndiv = 20, vmin = 1e-1, vmax = 20, manual = False):
create the radial profiles
print("\n..... mk_radialprofile ...... ")
if not manual:
vmin = np.amin(self.hdu.data) + 1e-10
vmax = np.amax(self.hdu.data)
self.detx = detx
self.dety = dety
gpixcrd = np.array([[ self.detx, self.dety]], np.float_)
gwrdcrd = self.wcs.all_pix2world(gpixcrd,1)
ra = gwrdcrd[0][0]
dec = gwrdcrd[0][1]
self.ra = ra
self.dec = dec
print("detx, dety = ", detx, dety)
print("ra, dec = ", ra, dec)
# radial profiles around the input (ra, dec)
rc, rp = calc_radialprofile(self.data, detx, dety, ds = ds, ndiv = ndiv)
# plot images and radial profiles
F = plt.figure(figsize=(10,12))
F.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom = 0.1, right = 0.9, top = 0.87, wspace = 0.3, hspace=0.3)
# plt.figtext(0.1,0.97, "OBJECT = " + self.object + " DATE = " + self.dateobs)
plt.figtext(0.1,0.95, "Unit = " + str(self.p2arcsec) + " [arcsec/pix]" )
plt.figtext(0.1,0.93, "input center [deg] (x,c,ra,dec) = (" + str("%3.4f" % detx) + ", " + str("%3.4f" % dety) + ", "+ str("%3.4f" % ra) + ", " + str("%3.4f" % dec) + ")")
ax = plt.subplot(3,2,1)
plt.title("(1) SKY image")
plt.imshow(self.data, origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.jet, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
# ax.set_xlim(detx - ds, detx + ds)
# ax.set_ylim(dety - ds, dety + ds)
# plt.imshow(self.hdu.data, origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.viridis)
plt.scatter(detx, dety, c="k", s=300, marker="x")
ax = plt.subplot(3,2,2, projection=self.wcs)
plt.title("(2) Ra Dec image (FK5)")
plt.imshow(self.data, origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.jet, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
plt.scatter(detx, dety, c="k", s=300, marker="x")
ax = plt.subplot(3,2,3)
plt.title("(3) SKY image")
plt.imshow(self.data, origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.jet, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
ax.set_xlim(detx - ds, detx + ds)
ax.set_ylim(dety - ds, dety + ds)
plt.scatter(detx, dety, c="k", s=300, marker="x")
ax = plt.subplot(3,2,4, projection=self.wcs)
plt.title("(4) Ra Dec image (FK5)")
plt.imshow(self.data, origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.jet, norm=cr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax))
ax.set_xlim(detx - ds, detx + ds)
ax.set_ylim(dety - ds, dety + ds)
plt.scatter(detx, dety, c="k", s=300, marker="x")
ax = plt.subplot(3,2,5)
plt.title("(5) radial profile (pix)")
plt.errorbar(rc, rp, fmt="ko-", label="input center")
plt.xlabel('radial distance (pixel)')
plt.ylabel(r'c s$^{-1}$ deg$^{-2}$')
plt.legend(numpoints=1, frameon=False)
ax = plt.subplot(3,2,6)
plt.title("(6) radial profile (arcsec)")
plt.errorbar(rc * self.p2arcsec, rp, fmt="ko-", label="input center")
plt.xlabel('radial distance (arcsec)')
plt.ylabel(r'c s$^{-1}$ deg$^{-2}$')
plt.legend(numpoints=1, frameon=False)
outputfiguredir = "fig_image_xy_" + self.dirname
subprocess.getoutput('mkdir -p ' + outputfiguredir)
plt.savefig(outputfiguredir + "/" + "mkrad_detx" + str("%d" % detx) + "_dety" + str("%d" % dety) + ".png")
# dump the radial profiles into the text file
outputfiguredir = "txt_image_xy_" + self.dirname
subprocess.getoutput('mkdir -p ' + outputfiguredir)
fout = open(outputfiguredir + "/" + "mkrad_detx" + str("%d" % detx) + "_dety" + str("%d" % dety) + ".txt", "w")
for onex, oney1 in zip(rc * self.p2arcsec, rp):
outstr=str(onex) + " " + str(oney1) + " \n"
def calc_radialprofile(data, xg, yg, ds = 10, ndiv = 10, debug = False):
calc simple peak (just for consistendety check) and baricentric peak.
tmp = data.T
nr = np.linspace(0, ds, ndiv)
rc = (nr[:-1] + nr[1:]) * 0.5
rp = np.zeros(len(nr)-1)
nrp = np.zeros(len(nr)-1)
for i in range(ds*2):
for j in range(ds*2):
itx = int(xg - ds + i)
ity = int(yg - ds + j)
val = tmp[itx][ity]
dist = dist2d(itx, ity, xg, yg)
for k, (rin,rout) in enumerate(zip(nr[:-1], nr[1:])):
if dist >= rin and dist < rout:
rp[k] = rp[k] + val
# normalize rp
for m, (rin,rout) in enumerate(zip(nr[:-1], nr[1:])):
darea = np.pi * ( np.power(rout,2) - np.power(rin,2) )
nrp[m] = rp[m] / darea
if debug:
print(m, rp[m], nrp[m], rin, rout, darea)
return rc, nrp
def dist2d(x, y, xg, yg):
return np.sqrt( np.power( x - xg ,2) + np.power( y - yg ,2) )
def calc_center(data, idetx, idety, ds = 10):
calc simple peak (just for consistendety check) and baricentric peak.
tmp = data.T
xmax = -1.
ymax = -1.
zmax = -1.
xg = 0.
yg = 0.
tc = 0.
for i in range(ds*2):
for j in range(ds*2):
tx = idetx - ds + i
ty = idety - ds + j
val = tmp[tx][ty]
tc = tc + val
xg = xg + val * tx
yg = yg + val * ty
if val > zmax:
zmax = val
xmax = idetx - ds + i
ymax = idety - ds + i
if tc > 0:
xg = xg / tc
yg = yg / tc
print("[ERROR] in calc_center : tc is negaive. Something wrong.")
print("..... in calc_center : [simple peak] xmax, ymax, zmax = ", xmax, ymax, zmax)
print("..... in calc_center : [total counts in ds] tc = ", tc)
if zmax < 0:
print("[ERROR] in calc_center : zmax is not found. Something wrong.")
return xg, yg, tc
def main():
""" start main loop """
curdir = os.getcwd()
""" Setting for options """
usage = '%prog FileList '
version = __version__
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)
parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='The flag to show detailed information', metavar='DEBUG', default=False)
parser.add_option('-m', '--manual', action='store_true', help='The flag to use vmax, vmin', metavar='MANUAL', default=False)
parser.add_option('-x', '--detx', action='store', type='int', help='det x', metavar='DETX', default=61)
parser.add_option('-y', '--dety', action='store', type='int', help='det y', metavar='DETY', default=45)
parser.add_option('-a', '--vmax', action='store', type='float', help='VMAX', metavar='VMAX', default=4e-6)
parser.add_option('-i', '--vmin', action='store', type='float', help='VMIN', metavar='VMIN', default=1e-10)
parser.add_option('-s', '--dataExtractSize', action='store', type='int', help='data size to be extracted from image', metavar='DS', default=40)
parser.add_option('-n', '--numberOfDivision', action='store', type='int', help='number of division of annulus', metavar='NDIV', default=20)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
print("| START : " + __file__)
debug = options.debug
manual = options.manual
detx = options.detx
dety = options.dety
vmax = options.vmax
vmin = options.vmin
ds = options.dataExtractSize
ndiv = options.numberOfDivision
print("..... detx ", detx)
print("..... dety ", dety)
print("..... ds ", ds, " (bin of the input image)")
print("..... ndiv ", ndiv)
print("..... debug ", debug)
print("..... manual ", manual)
print("..... vmax ", vmax)
print("..... vmin ", vmin)
argc = len(args)
if (argc < 1):
print('| STATUS : ERROR ')
print("\n| Read each file and do process " + "\n")
print("START : ", filename)
eve = Fits(filename, debug)
eve.plotwcs(vmax = vmax, vmin = vmin, manual = manual) # plot the entire image
eve.plotwcs_ps(detx, dety, ds = ds, vmax = vmax, vmin = vmin, manual = manual) # plot the enlarged image around (detx,dety).
eve.mk_radialprofile(detx, dety, ds = ds, ndiv = ndiv, vmax = vmax, vmin = vmin, manual = manual) # create detailed plots and radial profiles
print("..... finish \n")
if __name__ == '__main__':