
Summary of information about OpenJDK and JDK Distributions #minjava

Last updated at Posted at 2020-03-16


The original contents is written in Japanese "OpenJDKと各種JDKディストリビューションの情報源まとめ #minjava". If the translation is strange, please send edit requests to this article. Linked contents may be in Japanese.

This article is part of the Mar 13th, 2020 publication "Everyone's Java" ('Minna-no-Java/a.k.a minjava' in Japanese) tie-up campaign. :grin:

Here's a quick blog post, and at the end of Section 2-4 "Most Recent JDK Distributions", in Chapter 2 which I am in charge of, I write some sources to keep track of.

I think you can follow the link in the case of the electronic version, but it will be difficult for those who purchased the paper version of the book, and the link may change in the future, so I will summarize it as this article.
In addition, I'll add some links to the JDK you should keep an eye on in Section 2-4, as well as some references and additional information.
The EOL for each distribution in section 2-5 is summarized in @YujiSoftware's article "Summary of Java Release Dates and EOL", although it is best to check the latest information from the Lifecycle link.

The basic sources for insight into the OpenJDK Project

Type and name URL Usage and Remarks
Site Top https://openjdk.org/ The structure is a bit complex because this site is for OpenJDK developers.
JDK Enhancement Proposal (JEP) https://openjdk.org/jeps/0 You can see which features are included in each JDK version. Introduced in 2011, it is leading JSR by JCP.
JDK Project https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk/ JDK release schedule and the included JEP
OCTLA Signatories List https://openjdk.org/groups/conformance/JckAccess/jck-access.html List of signers with access to a technology compatibility kit (TCK/JCK) that certifies formal implementation of Java
OpenJDK Vulnerability Advisories https://openjdk.org/groups/vulnerability/advisories/ Vulnerability information shared and published by OpenJDK Vulnerability Group
SNS @OpenJDK, Mastodon
Mailing Lists (ML) https://mail.openjdk.org/ You can browse, subscribe to, and post topics of interest.
JDK Bug System (JBS) https://bugs.openjdk.org/ Issue Tracking by JIRA (Not only Bug but also enhancements, compatibility checks, etc.)
Source Code Control https://github.com/openjdk Formerly managed by Mercurial, migrated to GitHub with Project Skara

Major multi-platform JDKs

The information presented here is based on publicly available, and if commercial support is available, you may find more information on the dedicated site.
Basically, they are listed in the order of first official release, but Oracle JDK and Oracle OpenJDK are listed continuously because of their close relationship.

Oracle JDK (Oracle Java SE)

General Information Type and name Where to find
Development and Operation Documents https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/index.html (Required not only for Oracle JDK but also for other JDKs)
Release notes https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk-relnotes-index.html
Vulnerability-related https://www.oracle.com/security-alerts/
Lifecycle https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/java-se-support-roadmap.html
Certified platforms https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-subscription/documentation.html#sysconfig
Trend Understanding SNS @Java (Various sources of Java, not just Oracle JDK)
Blog https://blogs.oracle.com/java/
Download For personal and development https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/ *Authentication required except for the latest version. (JRE for java.com currently does not require authentication.)
For commercial customers https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocContentDisplay?id=1439822.1
License Oracle Binary Code License (BCL for Java SE) https://www.oracle.com/downloads/licenses/binary-code-license.html *~JDK10, ~8u201/202
Oracle Technology Network License Agreement (OTNLA) for Oracle Java SE https://www.oracle.com/downloads/licenses/javase-license1.html *JDK11~, 8u211/212~
Oracle No-Fee Terms and Conditions (NFTC) https://www.oracle.com/downloads/licenses/no-fee-license.html *JDK17~

Oracle OpenJDK

General Information Description
Development and Operation Same as Oracle JDK, but with a half-year lifecycle only (Until the next feature release)
Trend Understanding Same as Oracle JDK, but with links from the download page
Download https://jdk.java.net/ *JDK9~. No authentication required
License GPLv2 + Classpath Exception (GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception)

Red Hat build of OpenJDK

General Information Type and name Where to find
Development and Operation Documents https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_build_of_openjdk/
Release notes (See above)
Lifecycle https://access.redhat.com/articles/1299013
Certified platforms (See above)
Trend Understanding SNS @RedHatJava, @rhdevelopers
Blog https://developers.redhat.com/topics/java/all
Download For Developers https://developers.redhat.com/products/openjdk/download *Authentication required
For commercial customers https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=core.service.openjdk&downloadType=distributions *Subscription, such as the JBoss product, is required. There is also a yum repository for RHEL.
License GPLv2 + Classpath Exception

Azul Zulu

General Information Type and name Where to find
Development and Operation Documents https://docs.azul.com/core/
Release notes https://docs.azul.com/core/release-notes.html
Lifecycle https://www.azul.com/products/azul-support-roadmap/
Certified platforms https://docs.azul.com/core/supported-platforms.html
Trend Understanding SNS @AzulSystems
Blog https://www.azul.com/blog/
GitHub https://github.com/zulu-openjdk *Currently mostly for Dockerfile
Download https://www.azul.com/downloads/ *No authentication required
License GPLv2 + Classpath Exception

BellSoft Liberica JDK

General Information Type and name Where to find
Development and Operation Documents https://docs.bell-sw.com/liberica-jdk/
Release notes https://docs.bell-sw.com/liberica-jdk/latest/general/release-notes/
Lifecycle https://bell-sw.com/support/#roadmap
Certified platforms https://bell-sw.com/pages/supported-configurations/
Trend Understanding SNS @bellsoftware
Blog https://bell-sw.com/blog/
GitHub https://github.com/bell-sw/Liberica
Download https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads/ *No authentication required
License GPLv2 + Classpath Exception

SAP SapMachine

General Information Type and name Where to find
Development and Operation Documents https://github.com/SAP/SapMachine/wiki
Release notes (not found)
Lifecycle https://github.com/SAP/SapMachine/wiki/Maintenance-and-Support
Certified platforms https://github.com/SAP/SapMachine/wiki/Certification-and-Java-Compatibility
Trend Understanding SNS @SweetSapMachine
Blog https://community.sap.com/t5/c-khhcw49343/SAP+Java+Virtual+Machine/pd-p/01200615320800003576
GitHub https://github.com/SAP/SapMachine
Download https://sap.github.io/SapMachine/ *No authentication required (Download from GitHub)
License GPLv2 + Classpath Exception

Amazon Corretto

General Information Type and name Where to find
Development and Operation Documents https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/
Release notes (Corretto 8) https://github.com/corretto/corretto-8/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md
Release notes (Corretto 11) https://github.com/corretto/corretto-11/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md
Release notes (Corretto 17) https://github.com/corretto/corretto-17/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md
Release notes(Corretto 21) https://github.com/corretto/corretto-21/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md
Lifecycle https://aws.amazon.com/corretto/faqs/#support
Certified platforms https://aws.amazon.com/corretto/faqs/#Using_Amazon_Corretto
Trend Understanding SNS @AWSOpen
Blog https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/opensource/category/programing-language/java/
GitHub https://github.com/corretto/
Download https://downloads.corretto.aws/ *No authentication required
License GPLv2 + Classpath Exception

Microsoft Build of OpenJDK

This is not mentioned in the book because of not announced at the time of writing.

General Information Type and name Where to find
Development and Operation Documents https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/java/
Release notes https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/release-notes
Lifecycle https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/support
Certified platforms https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/support
Trend Understanding SNS @JavaAtMicrosoft
Blog https://devblogs.microsoft.com/java/
GitHub https://github.com/microsoft/openjdk
Download https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/download *No authentication required (Download from GitHub)
License GPLv2 + Classpath Exception

Eclipse Temurin (Adoptium)

Formerly known as AdoptOpenJDK, but the transition was completed in August 2021.

General Information Type and name Where to find
Development and Operation Documents https://adoptium.net/docs/
Release notes (not found)
Lifecycle https://adoptium.net/support/
Certified platforms https://adoptium.net/supported-platforms/
Trend Understanding SNS @adoptium, Slack
Blog https://adoptium.net/blog/
GitHub https://github.com/adoptium
Download https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases *No authentication required (Download from GitHub)
License GPLv2 + Classpath Exception
  • Some of the JDK vendors mentioned in this article are strategic members of Eclipse Adoptium.

Other notable JDKs

The following are basic links only.

OpenJDK with HotSpot VM Base

OpenJDK in each Linux distribution

*Other links to OpenJDK packages for Linux distributions will be added as appropriate, so please point them out in the comments.

JDK of the Japanese vendor


​The listed below are not mentioned in the book.

OpenJDK with NOT HotSpot VM


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