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Try to implement 'openlr-dereferencer-python'

Last updated at Posted at 2025-02-12


This article explains how to implement the openlr-dereferencer-python from GitHub and decode OpenLRs for any map database. In this article, I try not to modify the original codes as much as possible. The original article is here.

What is OpenLR

OpenLR (Open Location Reference) is an open standard for referencing geographic locations, designed to be used in navigation and mapping applications. It provides a way to encode location information using a compact format that can be transmitted or stored efficiently. OpenLR is particularly useful for applications that require dynamic routing and location updates, such as in vehicle navigation systems or traffic management systems. It allows for interoperability between different mapping systems and improves the accuracy of location-based services.


Create a project

In this example, my project is OpenLrDecoderProject.

Set up environment

Create a virtual environment
python -m venv [virtual env name]

In this example, the virtual env is .venv.

python -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment
For Windows
upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
install openlr-dereferencer
pip install openlr-dereferencer
install psycopg2
pip install psycopg2
install pyproj
pip install pyproj

Map Database Architecture

The following database architecture is the one for this article.


Postgre SQL with PostGIS extension

Database Connection

User Name
Database Name
Schema Name

Map data is stored in the roads table and intersections table.

Column Type Index Foreign Key Remark
Id bigint Y Primary Key
FOW smallint Form of Way
FRC smallint Functional Road Class
flowdir smallint 1=both direction, 2=end -> start, 3=start -> end
from_int bigint Y intersections(id) The start ID
to_int bigint Y intersections(id) The end ID
len double precision Segment length(m)
geom LineString(4326) Y WGS84 LineString geometry
Column Type Index Foreign Key Remark
Id bigint Y Primary Key
geom Point(4326) Y WGS84 Point geometry

The following steps are based on the above configuration.

implement the decoder

Create a python file. In this example, it is myMapReader.py.

implement MapReader, Line, Node

inheritance MapReader, Line and Node of openlr_dereferencer.maps

Example of myMapReader.py
from __future__ import annotations
from openlr_dereferencer.maps import MapReader
from openlr_dereferencer.maps import Line as AbstractLine, Node as AbstractNode
import psycopg2 as pg
from psycopg2 import sql
from openlr import Coordinates, FOW, FRC
from shapely import wkb
from itertools import chain
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
from typing import Iterable, Hashable, Sequence, cast
from pyproj import Geod
from shapely.ops import nearest_points

GEOD = Geod(ellps="WGS84")

class MyMapReader():

    SCHEMA = 'local'
    TABLE_LINE = 'roads'
    TABLE_NODE = 'intersections'
    NODE_QUERY_SELECT = "select id,st_x(geom),st_y(geom)"
    NODE_QUERY = NODE_QUERY_SELECT + " from {schema}.{table}"
    LINE_QUERY_SELECT = "select id,fow,flowdir,frc,len,from_int,to_int,geom"
    REV_LINE_QUERY_SELECT = "select -id,fow,flowdir,frc,len,to_int as from_int,from_int as to_int,st_reverse(geom)"
    LINE_QUERY = LINE_QUERY_SELECT + " from {schema}.{table}"
    REV_LINE_QUERY = REV_LINE_QUERY_SELECT + " from {schema}.{table}"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.connection = pg.connect(host='', port='5432', user='user1', password='P@ssw0rd', dbname='test_db')        
        self.get_linecount_query = sql.SQL("select count(1) from {schema}.{table}").format(schema=sql.Identifier(self.SCHEMA),table=sql.Identifier(self.TABLE_LINE))
        self.get_node_query = sql.SQL(self.NODE_QUERY + " where id=%s").format(schema=sql.Identifier(self.SCHEMA),table=sql.Identifier(self.TABLE_NODE))
        self.get_nodes_query = sql.SQL(self.NODE_QUERY).format(schema=sql.Identifier(self.SCHEMA),table=sql.Identifier(self.TABLE_NODE))
        self.get_nodecount_query = sql.SQL("select count(1) from {schema}.{table}").format(schema=sql.Identifier(self.SCHEMA),table=sql.Identifier(self.TABLE_NODE))
        self.get_lines_query = sql.SQL(self.LINE_QUERY + " where flowdir in (1,3) union " + self.REV_LINE_QUERY + " where flowdir in (1,2)").format(schema=sql.Identifier(self.SCHEMA),table=sql.Identifier(self.TABLE_LINE))        
        self.find_nodes_close_to_query = sql.SQL(self.NODE_QUERY + " where geom && st_buffer(ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%s %s)'), %s)::geometry").format(schema=sql.Identifier(self.SCHEMA),table=sql.Identifier(self.TABLE_NODE))
        self.find_lines_close_to_query = sql.SQL(f"""
                                                    with sq as ({self.LINE_QUERY} where geom && st_buffer(ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%s %s)'), %s)::geometry)
                                                        ({self.LINE_QUERY_SELECT} from sq where sq.flowdir in (1,3)) 
                                                        ({self.REV_LINE_QUERY_SELECT} from sq where sq.flowdir in (1,2))
        self.incoming_lines_query = sql.SQL(self.LINE_QUERY + " where to_int = %s and flowdir in (1,3) union " + self.REV_LINE_QUERY + " where from_int = %s and flowdir in (1,2)").format(table=sql.Identifier(self.TABLE_LINE),schema=sql.Identifier(self.SCHEMA))
        self.outgoing_lines_query = sql.SQL(self.LINE_QUERY + " where from_int = %s and flowdir in (1,3) union " + self.REV_LINE_QUERY + " where to_int = %s and flowdir in (1,2)").format(table=sql.Identifier(self.TABLE_LINE),schema=sql.Identifier(self.SCHEMA))

    def get_line(self, line_id: Hashable) -> MyLine:
        return line_id
    def get_lines(self) -> Iterable[MyLine]:
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            for (line_id, fow, flowdir, frc, length, from_int, to_int, geom) in cursor:
                ls = LineString(wkb.loads(geom, hex=True))
                l = MyLine(self, line_id, FOW(fow), FRC(frc), length, from_int, to_int, ls)
                yield l

    def get_linecount(self) -> int:
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            res = cursor.fetchone()
            if res is None:
                raise Exception("Error retrieving line count from datastore")
            (count,) = res
            return count
    def get_node(self, node_id: Hashable) -> MyNode:
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute(self.get_node_query, (node_id,))
            res = cursor.fetchone()
            if res is None:
                raise Exception(f"Error retrieving node {node_id} from datastore")
            (node_id, lon, lat) = res
            n = MyNode(self, node_id, lon, lat)
            return n
    def get_nodes(self) -> Iterable[MyNode]:
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            for (node_id, lon, lat) in cursor:
                n = MyNode(self, node_id, lon, lat)
                yield n
    def get_nodecount(self) -> int:
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            res = cursor.fetchone()
            if res is None:
                raise Exception(f"Error retrieving node count from datastore")
            (count,) = res
            return count
    def find_nodes_close_to(self, coord: Coordinates, dist: float) -> Iterable[MyNode]:
        lon, lat = coord.lon, coord.lat
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute(self.find_nodes_close_to_query, (lon, lat, dist))
            for (node_id, lon, lat) in cursor:
                n = MyNode(self, node_id, lon, lat)
                yield n

    def find_lines_close_to(self, coord: Coordinates, dist: float) -> Iterable[MyLine]:
        lon, lat = coord.lon, coord.lat
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute(self.find_lines_close_to_query, (lon, lat, dist))
            for (line_id, fow, _, frc, length, from_int, to_int, geom) in cursor:
                ls = LineString(wkb.loads(geom, hex=True))
                l = MyLine(self, line_id, FOW(fow), FRC(frc), length, from_int, to_int, ls)
                yield l

class MyNode(AbstractNode):

    def __init__(self, map_reader: MyMapReader, node_id: int, lon: float, lat: float):
        self.lon = lon
        self.lat = lat
        self.map_reader = map_reader
        self.id = node_id

    def node_id(self) -> Hashable:
        return self.id

    def coordinates(self) -> Coordinates:
        return Coordinates(lon=self.lon, lat=self.lat)

    def outgoing_lines(self) -> Iterable[MyLine]:
        with self.map_reader.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute(self.map_reader.outgoing_lines_query, (self.node_id, self.node_id))
            for (line_id, fow, flowdir, frc, length, from_int, to_int, geom) in cursor:
                ls = LineString(wkb.loads(geom, hex=True))
                l = MyLine(self.map_reader, line_id, FOW(fow), FRC(frc), length, self, to_int, ls)
                yield l
    def incoming_lines(self) -> Iterable[MyLine]:
        with self.map_reader.connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute(self.map_reader.incoming_lines_query,(self.node_id, self.node_id))
            for (line_id, fow, flowdir, frc, length, from_int, to_int, geom) in cursor:
                ls = LineString(wkb.loads(geom, hex=True))
                l = MyLine(self.map_reader, line_id, FOW(fow), FRC(frc), length, from_int, self, ls)
                yield l

    def connected_lines(self) -> Iterable[MyLine]:
        return chain(self.incoming_lines(), self.outgoing_lines())

class MyLine(AbstractLine):
    def __init__(self, map_reader: MyMapReader, line_id: int, fow: FOW, frc: FRC, length: float, from_int: int | MyNode, to_int: int | MyNode, geometry: LineString):
        self.id = line_id
        self.map_reader = map_reader
        self._fow: FOW = fow
        self._frc: FRC = frc
        self._length: float = length
        self.from_int: int | MyNode = from_int
        self.to_int: int | MyNode = to_int
        self._geometry: LineString = geometry

    def line_id(self) -> Hashable:
        return self.id

    def start_node(self) -> "MyNode":
        if type(self.from_int) == MyNode:
            self.from_int = self.map_reader.get_node(self.from_int)

    def end_node(self) -> "MyNode":
        if type(self.to_int) == MyNode:
            return(cast(MyNode, self.to_int))
            self.to_int = self.map_reader.get_node(cast(int, self.to_int))

    def frc(self) -> FRC:
        return self._frc

    def length(self) -> float:
        return self._length
    def fow(self) -> FOW:
        return self._fow

    def geometry(self) -> LineString:
        return self._geometry

    def coordinates(self) -> Sequence[Coordinates]:
        return [Coordinates(*point) for point in self.geometry.coords]

    def distance_to(self, coord: Coordinates) -> int:
        return GEOD.geometry_length(LineString(nearest_points(self._geometry, Point(coord.lon, coord.lat))))

Where you need to adjust

Adjust MyMapReader based on your environment.

  • The variables under MyMapReader class
  • The variables in the __init__ function

Functionality Check

Create a python file. In this example, it is myTest.py.

Example of myTest.py
import myMapReader
from openlr import binary_decode
from typing import cast
from openlr_dereferencer import decode

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rdr = myMapReader.MyMapReader()
    ref = binary_decode('C1ZqqRHT/DPTPf3A88czAQ==')
    res = decode(reference=ref, reader=rdr)
    for r in res.lines:
        tmp = cast(myMapReader.MyLine, r)
        print(tmp.id, tmp.frc, tmp.fow, tmp.length)

Confirm the decode results are printed in the console.


In this example, I tried to implement the openlr-dereferencer-python.
SQLs in this article must be adjusted based on your environment. For additional topics such as error handling, parameter adjustments, etc. will be articled someday.


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