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Pandasのきほん: Series Objectとは何か

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Series Objects


collections of values

is a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type (integers, strings, floating point numbers, Python objects, etc.). The axis labels are collectively referred to as the index.



  • 処理速度向上のためにNumpy仕様の配列を使っているがそれに付随してデータ分析に関する様々なツールが入っている
  • Numpy配列ではinteger index(数字インデックス)を用いる代わりにSeries Objectsではストリングをインデックスとして使えたりもできる。
  • また配列内のデータは統一されている必要がなく、NaNNone値として使う


  • float - For float values
  • int - For integer values
  • bool - For Boolean values
  • datetime64[ns] - For date & time, without time zone
  • datetime64[ns, tz] - For date & time, with time zone
  • timedelta[ns] - For representing differences in dates & times (seconds, minutes, etc.)
  • category - For categorical values
  • object - For string values

If we only had these two Series objects and wanted to look up the Rotten Tomatoes scores for Minions (2015) and Leviathan (2014), we'd have to:

Find the integer index corresponding to Minions (2015) in series_film
Look up the value at that integer index from series_rt
Find the integer index corresponding to Leviathan (2014) in series_film
Look up the value at that integer index from series_rt

To accomplish this, we need to move away from using integer indexes, and use string indexes corresponding to the film names instead. Then we can pass in a list of strings matching the film names to retrieve the scores, like so:

series_custom[['Minions (2015)', 'Leviathan (2014)']]



  1. Return a list representation of the current index using tolist().
  2. Sort the index with sorted().
  3. Use reindex() to set the newly-ordered index.


To make sorting easier, pandas comes with a sort_index() method that sorts a Series by index, and a sort_values() method that sorts a Series by its values. Since the values representing the Rotten Tomatoes scores are integers, sorting by values will return the data in numerically ascending order (low to high).

In both cases, pandas preserves the link between each element's index (film name) and value (score). We call this data alignment, which is a key tenet of pandas that's incredibly important when analyzing data. Pandas allows us to assume the linking will be preserved, unless we specifically change a value or an index.

data alignmentとは


One of pandas' core tenets is data alignment. Series objects align along indices, and DataFrame objects align along both indices and columns. With Series objects, pandas implicitly preserves the link between the index labels and the values across operations and transformations, unless we explicitly break it. With DataFrame objects, the values link to the index labels and the column labels. Pandas also preserves these links, unless we explicitly break them (by reassigning or editing a column or index label, for example).


series_custom > 50


will actually return a Series object with a Boolean value for each film.

That's because pandas applies the filter (> 50) to each value in the Series object. To retrieve the actual film names, we need to pass this Boolean series into the original Series object.

series_greater_than_50 = series_custom[series_custom > 50]

Pandas returns Boolean Series objects that serve as intermediate representations of the logic. These objects make it easier to separate complex logic into modular pieces. We can specify filtering criteria in different variables, then chain them together with the and operator (&) or the or operator (|). Finally, we can use a Series object's bracket notation to pass in an expression representing a Boolean Series object and get back the filtered data set.



Both of these data sets group the various majors into categories in the Major_category column. Let's start by understanding the number of people in each Major_category for both data sets.

To do so, you'll need to:

  • Return the unique values in Major_category.
  • Use the Series.unique() method to return the unique values in a column, like this: recent_grads['Major_category'].unique()
  • For each unique value:
  • Return all of the rows where Major_category equals that unique value. Calculate the total number of students those rows represent (using the Total column).
  • Use the Series.sum() to calculate the sum of the values in a column. recent_grads['Total'].sum() returns the sum of the values in the Total column.
  • Keep track of the totals by adding the Major_category value and the total number of students to a dictionary.

  • Use the Total column to calculate the number of people who fall under each Major_category in each data set.

  • Store the result as a separate dictionary for each data set.

  • The key for the dictionary should be the Major_category, and the value should be the total count.

  • For the counts from all_ages, store the results as a dictionary named aa_cat_counts.

  • For the counts from recent_grads, store the results as a dictionary named rg_cat_counts.


aa_cat_counts = dict()
rg_cat_counts = dict()

# Unique values in Major_category column.
unique_values = all_ages['Major_category'].unique()
for unique_value in unique_values:
    unique_values_age = all_ages.loc[all_ages['Major_category'] == unique_value]
    total_sum_age = unique_values_age['Total'].sum()
    aa_cat_counts[unique_value] = total_sum_age

unique_values = recent_grads['Major_category'].unique()
for unique_value in unique_values:
    unique_values_grad = recent_grads.loc[recent_grads["Major_category"] == unique_value]
    total_sum_grad = unique_values_grad['Total'].sum()
    rg_cat_counts[unique_value] = total_sum_grad



It looks like only about 9.85%, equivalent to a proportion of 0.0985, of graduates took on a low wage job after finishing college.

Both the all_ages and recent_grads data sets have 173 rows, corresponding to the 173 college major codes. This enables us to do some comparisons between the two data sets, and perform some initial calculations to see how the statistics for recent college graduates compare with those for the entire population.

Next, let's calculate the number of majors where recent graduates did better than the overall population.

  • Use a for loop to iterate over majors.
  • For each major, use Boolean filtering to find the corresponding row in both DataFrames.
  • Compare the values for Unemployment_rate to see which DataFrame has a lower value.
  • Increment rg_lower_count if the value for Unemployment_rate is lower for recent_grads than it is for all_ages.
  • Display rg_lower_count with the print() function.


# All majors, common to both DataFrames
majors = recent_grads['Major'].unique()
rg_lower_count = 0
for major in majors:
    recent_grads_row = recent_grads[recent_grads["Major"] == major]
    all_ages_row = all_ages[all_ages["Major"] == major]
    rg_unemp_rate = recent_grads_row.iloc[0]["Unemployment_rate"]
    aa_unemp_rate = all_ages_row.iloc[0]["Unemployment_rate"]
    if rg_unemp_rate < aa_unemp_rate:
        rg_lower_count += 1


pivot tableを使ってall_age.pivot_table(index="Major_category", values="Total", aggfunc=np.sum)を用いた方が綺麗に書けたかもしれない。

rg_unemp_rate = recent_grads_row.iloc[0]["Unemployment_rate"]
aa_unemp_rate = all_ages_row.iloc[0]["Unemployment_rate"]

上記の二行を追加していなかったためにCan only compare identically-labeled DataFrame objectsというエラーで怒られ続けた。


  • Create a new Series object named series_custom that has a string index (based on the values from film_names), and contains all of the Rotten Tomatoes scores from series_rt.
  • To create a new Series object:
  • Import Series from pandas.
  • Instantiate a new Series object, which takes in a data parameter and an index parameter. See the documentation for help.
  • Both of these parameters need to be lists.


# Import the Series object from pandas
from pandas import Series

film_names = series_film.values
rt_scores = series_rt.values
film_names_list = film_names.tolist()
rt_scores_list = rt_scores.tolist()

series_custom = pd.Series(index=film_names_list, data=rt_scores_list)




  • The list original_index contains the original index. Sort this index using the Python 3 core method sorted(), then pass the result in to the Series method reindex().
  • Store the result in a variable named sorted_by_index.


original_index = series_custom.index
sorted_index = sorted(index_list)
sorted_by_index = series_custom.reindex(sorted_index)


  • Normalize series_custom (which is currently on a 0 to 100-point scale) to a 0 to 5-point scale by dividing each value by 20.
  • Assign the new normalized Series object to series_normalized.


series_normalized = series_custom/20


  • In the following code cell, the criteria_one and criteria_two statements return Boolean Series objects.
  • Return a filtered Series object named both_criteria that only contains the values where both criteria are true. Use bracket notation and the & operator to obtain this Series object.


criteria_one = series_custom > 50
criteria_two = series_custom < 75
both_criteria = series_custom[criteria_one & criteria_two]


  • rt_critics and rt_users are Series objects containing the average ratings from critics and users for each film.
  • Both Series objects use the same custom string index, which they base on the film names. Use the Python arithmetic operators to return a new Series object, rt_mean, that contains the mean ratings from both critics and users for each film.


rt_critics = Series(fandango['RottenTomatoes'].values, index=fandango['FILM'])
rt_users = Series(fandango['RottenTomatoes_User'].values, index=fandango['FILM'])
rt_mean = (rt_critics + rt_users) / 2



  • pythonのarthmetic operatorsを使わないといけない。df.mean()が使えない
  • rt_meanはそれぞれのfilmに対応するcriticsusers値の平均をが欲しい

であったのはわかっていたがrm_meancontains the mean ratings from both critics and users for each filmと言う意味なのかcontains the mean of the two ratings from critics and usersと言う意味なのかどっちつかずの表現だったために(おそらく自分の読解力不足...)若干混乱した。

大事なことはこちら側がrt_criticsrt_usersは二つとも同じ順番で同じ数だけの値(the same indexes for each)が入っていると想定していること。そうでないと今回のケースではNaNを生み出してしまうからだ。この前提がない場合はSeries.reindex(drop=True)で揃えてあげる必要がある。


I first thought that to get the mean you divide (rt_critics + rt_users) by rt_critics.count() + rt_users.count(), but that doesn’t make any sense since in this problem what you want to do is to calculate the mean of both critics and users for each film. This tells me that what you would do in your example is something like 1+100/2, 1+50/2, 1+20/2 and so on.


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