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PostgreSQL の パーティーションテーブル の運用について

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PostgreSQL でパーテーションテーブルを使い、大量データの投入と削除を行い、その処理時間を計測してみます。




bkiban=# \l
                                                    List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding | Locale Provider |  Collate   |   Ctype    | Locale | ICU Rules |   Access privileges
 bkiban    | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |        |           |
 postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |        |           |
 template0 | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |        |           | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |                 |            |            |        |           | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |        |           | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |                 |            |            |        |           | postgres=CTc/postgres
(4 rows)


bkiban を使っていきます。

create table

bkiban=# \dt
Did not find any relations.

bkiban データベースは空の状態です。

bkiban=# CREATE TABLE kihon (
  id  integer NOT NULL
  , id1 varchar(8) NOT NULL
  , id2 char(5) NOT NULL
  , start_dt timestamp
  , end_dt timestamp
  , created_at timestamp NOT NULL
  , updated_at timestamp NOT NULL
  , CONSTRAINT kihon_pkey PRIMARY KEY(id, end_dt)
bkiban=# \dt;
                   List of relations
 Schema |      Name      |       Type        |  Owner
 public | kihon          | partitioned table | postgres
 public | kihon_y2024m11 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2024m12 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m01 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m02 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m03 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m04 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m05 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m06 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m07 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m08 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m09 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m10 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m11 | table             | postgres
 public | kihon_y2025m12 | table             | postgres
(15 rows)



bkiban=# SELECT pgn.nspname, relname, pg_size_pretty(relpages::bigint * 8 * 1024) AS size, CASE WHEN relkind =
't' THEN (SELECT pgd.relname FROM pg_class pgd WHERE pgd.reltoastrelid = pg.oid) WHEN nspname =
'pg_toast' AND relkind = 'i' THEN (SELECT pgt.relname FROM pg_class pgt WHERE SUBSTRING(pgt.relname
FROM 10) = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(pg.relname FROM 10), '_index', '')) ELSE (SELECT pgc.relname FROM
pg_class pgc WHERE pg.reltoastrelid = pgc.oid) END::varchar AS refrelname, CASE WHEN nspname =
'pg_toast' AND relkind = 'i' THEN (SELECT pgts.relname FROM pg_class pgts WHERE pgts.reltoastrelid =
(SELECT pgt.oid FROM pg_class pgt WHERE SUBSTRING(pgt.relname FROM 10) = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(pg.relname
FROM 10), '_index', ''))) END AS relidxrefrelname, relfilenode, relkind, reltuples::bigint, relpages
FROM pg_class pg, pg_namespace pgn WHERE relname LIKE 'kihon%' AND pg.relnamespace = pgn.oid AND pgn.nspname NOT IN
('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') ORDER BY relname, relpages DESC;
 nspname |       relname       |    size    | refrelname | relidxrefrelname | relfilenode | relkind | reltuples | relpages
 public  | kihon               | 0 bytes    |            |                  |           0 | p       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_pkey          | 0 bytes    |            |                  |           0 | I       |         0 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2024m11      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16609 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2024m11_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16612 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2024m12      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16614 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2024m12_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16617 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m01      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16619 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m01_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16622 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m02      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16624 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m02_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16627 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m03      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16629 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m03_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16632 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m04      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16634 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m04_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16637 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m05      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16639 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m05_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16642 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m06      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16644 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m06_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16647 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m07      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16649 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m07_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16652 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m08      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16654 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m08_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16657 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m09      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16659 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m09_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16662 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m10      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16664 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m10_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16667 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m11      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16669 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m11_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16672 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m12      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16674 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m12_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16677 | i       |         0 |        1
(30 rows)



以下のストアド・ファンクションで 1 か月分投入してみます。

create or replace function test() returns text AS $$
  myrow record;
  i integer := 1;
  j integer := 1;
  id1 varchar(8) := 'A' || substring(to_char(j, '0000009'), 2, 100);
  id2 char(5) := 'V' || substring(to_char(j, '0009'), 2, 100);
  wk_id integer := 1;
  wk_offset timestamp := '2024-11-01 00:00:00';
  wk_current timestamp := wk_offset;
  wk_current2 timestamp := wk_current + interval '6 hours';
    EXIT WHEN i > 30;
      EXIT WHEN j > 50000;
      INSERT INTO kihon VALUES (wk_id, id1, id2, wk_current, wk_current2, now(), now());
      wk_id := wk_id + 1;
      j := j + 1;
      id1 := 'A' || substring(to_char(j, '0000009'), 2, 100);
      id2 := 'V' || substring(to_char(j%10000, '0009'), 2, 100);
      wk_current := wk_current + interval '1 second';
      wk_current2 := wk_current2 + interval '1 second';
    i := i + 1;
    j := 1;
    wk_offset := wk_offset + interval '1 day';
    wk_current := wk_offset;
    wk_current2 := wk_current + interval '6 hours';
  return 'fine';
$$ language plpgsql;


bkiban=# select * from test();
(1 row)

bkiban=# select count(*) from kihon;
(1 row)

bkiban=# select * from kihon order by id limit 5;
 id |   id1    |  id2  |      start_dt       |       end_dt        |         created_at         |         updated_at
  1 | A0000001 | V0001 | 2024-11-01 00:00:00 | 2024-11-01 06:00:00 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
  2 | A0000002 | V0002 | 2024-11-01 00:00:01 | 2024-11-01 06:00:01 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
  3 | A0000003 | V0003 | 2024-11-01 00:00:02 | 2024-11-01 06:00:02 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
  4 | A0000004 | V0004 | 2024-11-01 00:00:03 | 2024-11-01 06:00:03 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
  5 | A0000005 | V0005 | 2024-11-01 00:00:04 | 2024-11-01 06:00:04 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
(5 rows)

bkiban=# select * from kihon order by id DESC limit 5;
   id    |   id1    |  id2  |      start_dt       |       end_dt        |         created_at         |         updated_at
 1500000 | A0050000 | V0000 | 2024-11-30 13:53:19 | 2024-11-30 19:53:19 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
 1499999 | A0049999 | V9999 | 2024-11-30 13:53:18 | 2024-11-30 19:53:18 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
 1499998 | A0049998 | V9998 | 2024-11-30 13:53:17 | 2024-11-30 19:53:17 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
 1499997 | A0049997 | V9997 | 2024-11-30 13:53:16 | 2024-11-30 19:53:16 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
 1499996 | A0049996 | V9996 | 2024-11-30 13:53:15 | 2024-11-30 19:53:15 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897 | 2024-11-17 03:53:36.024897
(5 rows)

bkiban=# SELECT pgn.nspname, relname, pg_size_pretty(relpages::bigint * 8 * 1024) AS size, CASE WHEN relkind =
't' THEN (SELECT pgd.relname FROM pg_class pgd WHERE pgd.reltoastrelid = pg.oid) WHEN nspname =
'pg_toast' AND relkind = 'i' THEN (SELECT pgt.relname FROM pg_class pgt WHERE SUBSTRING(pgt.relname
FROM 10) = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(pg.relname FROM 10), '_index', '')) ELSE (SELECT pgc.relname FROM
pg_class pgc WHERE pg.reltoastrelid = pgc.oid) END::varchar AS refrelname, CASE WHEN nspname =
'pg_toast' AND relkind = 'i' THEN (SELECT pgts.relname FROM pg_class pgts WHERE pgts.reltoastrelid =
(SELECT pgt.oid FROM pg_class pgt WHERE SUBSTRING(pgt.relname FROM 10) = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(pg.relname
FROM 10), '_index', ''))) END AS relidxrefrelname, relfilenode, relkind, reltuples::bigint, relpages
FROM pg_class pg, pg_namespace pgn WHERE relname LIKE 'kihon%' AND pg.relnamespace = pgn.oid AND pgn.nspname NOT IN
('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') ORDER BY relname, relpages DESC;
 nspname |       relname       |    size    | refrelname | relidxrefrelname | relfilenode | relkind | reltuples | relpages
 public  | kihon               | 0 bytes    |            |                  |           0 | p       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_pkey          | 0 bytes    |            |                  |           0 | I       |         0 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2024m11      | 121 MB     |            |                  |       16609 | r       |   1500000 |    15464
 public  | kihon_y2024m11_pkey | 45 MB      |            |                  |       16612 | i       |   1500000 |     5770
 public  | kihon_y2024m12      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16614 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2024m12_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16617 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m01      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16619 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m01_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16622 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m02      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16624 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m02_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16627 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m03      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16629 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m03_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16632 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m04      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16634 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m04_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16637 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m05      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16639 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m05_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16642 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m06      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16644 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m06_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16647 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m07      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16649 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m07_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16652 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m08      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16654 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m08_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16657 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m09      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16659 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m09_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16662 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m10      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16664 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m10_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16667 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m11      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16669 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m11_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16672 | i       |         0 |        1
 public  | kihon_y2025m12      | 0 bytes    |            |                  |       16674 | r       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2025m12_pkey | 8192 bytes |            |                  |       16677 | i       |         0 |        1
(30 rows)



bkiban=# select count(*) from kihon;
(1 row)

bkiban=# select * from kihon order by id DESC limit 5;
    id    |   id1    |  id2  |      start_dt       |       end_dt        |         created_at         |         updated_at
 21300000 | A0050000 | V0000 | 2025-12-31 13:53:19 | 2025-12-31 19:53:19 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601
 21299999 | A0049999 | V9999 | 2025-12-31 13:53:18 | 2025-12-31 19:53:18 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601
 21299998 | A0049998 | V9998 | 2025-12-31 13:53:17 | 2025-12-31 19:53:17 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601
 21299997 | A0049997 | V9997 | 2025-12-31 13:53:16 | 2025-12-31 19:53:16 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601
 21299996 | A0049996 | V9996 | 2025-12-31 13:53:15 | 2025-12-31 19:53:15 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601 | 2024-11-17 04:32:23.808601
(5 rows)

bkiban=# SELECT pgn.nspname, relname, pg_size_pretty(relpages::bigint * 8 * 1024) AS size, CASE WHEN relkind =
't' THEN (SELECT pgd.relname FROM pg_class pgd WHERE pgd.reltoastrelid = pg.oid) WHEN nspname =
'pg_toast' AND relkind = 'i' THEN (SELECT pgt.relname FROM pg_class pgt WHERE SUBSTRING(pgt.relname
FROM 10) = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(pg.relname FROM 10), '_index', '')) ELSE (SELECT pgc.relname FROM
pg_class pgc WHERE pg.reltoastrelid = pgc.oid) END::varchar AS refrelname, CASE WHEN nspname =
'pg_toast' AND relkind = 'i' THEN (SELECT pgts.relname FROM pg_class pgts WHERE pgts.reltoastrelid =
(SELECT pgt.oid FROM pg_class pgt WHERE SUBSTRING(pgt.relname FROM 10) = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(pg.relname
FROM 10), '_index', ''))) END AS relidxrefrelname, relfilenode, relkind, reltuples::bigint, relpages
FROM pg_class pg, pg_namespace pgn WHERE relname LIKE 'kihon%' AND pg.relnamespace = pgn.oid AND pgn.nspname NOT IN
('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') ORDER BY relname, relpages DESC;
 nspname |       relname       |  size   | refrelname | relidxrefrelname | relfilenode | relkind | reltuples | relpages
 public  | kihon               | 0 bytes |            |                  |           0 | p       |        -1 |        0
 public  | kihon_pkey          | 0 bytes |            |                  |           0 | I       |         0 |        0
 public  | kihon_y2024m11      | 121 MB  |            |                  |       16685 | r       |   1500000 |    15464
 public  | kihon_y2024m11_pkey | 45 MB   |            |                  |       16688 | i       |   1500000 |     5770
 public  | kihon_y2024m12      | 125 MB  |            |                  |       16690 | r       |   1550000 |    15980
 public  | kihon_y2024m12_pkey | 47 MB   |            |                  |       16693 | i       |   1550000 |     5962
 public  | kihon_y2025m01      | 125 MB  |            |                  |       16695 | r       |   1550000 |    15980
 public  | kihon_y2025m01_pkey | 47 MB   |            |                  |       16698 | i       |   1550000 |     5962
 public  | kihon_y2025m02      | 113 MB  |            |                  |       16700 | r       |   1400000 |    14433
 public  | kihon_y2025m02_pkey | 42 MB   |            |                  |       16703 | i       |   1400000 |     5385
 public  | kihon_y2025m03      | 125 MB  |            |                  |       16705 | r       |   1550000 |    15980
 public  | kihon_y2025m03_pkey | 47 MB   |            |                  |       16708 | i       |   1550000 |     5962
 public  | kihon_y2025m04      | 121 MB  |            |                  |       16710 | r       |   1500000 |    15464
 public  | kihon_y2025m04_pkey | 45 MB   |            |                  |       16713 | i       |   1500000 |     5770
 public  | kihon_y2025m05      | 125 MB  |            |                  |       16715 | r       |   1550000 |    15980
 public  | kihon_y2025m05_pkey | 47 MB   |            |                  |       16718 | i       |   1550000 |     5962
 public  | kihon_y2025m06      | 121 MB  |            |                  |       16720 | r       |   1500000 |    15464
 public  | kihon_y2025m06_pkey | 45 MB   |            |                  |       16723 | i       |   1500000 |     5770
 public  | kihon_y2025m07      | 125 MB  |            |                  |       16725 | r       |   1550000 |    15980
 public  | kihon_y2025m07_pkey | 47 MB   |            |                  |       16728 | i       |   1550000 |     5962
 public  | kihon_y2025m08      | 125 MB  |            |                  |       16730 | r       |   1550000 |    15980
 public  | kihon_y2025m08_pkey | 47 MB   |            |                  |       16733 | i       |   1550000 |     5962
 public  | kihon_y2025m09      | 121 MB  |            |                  |       16735 | r       |   1500000 |    15464
 public  | kihon_y2025m09_pkey | 45 MB   |            |                  |       16738 | i       |   1500000 |     5770
 public  | kihon_y2025m10      | 125 MB  |            |                  |       16740 | r       |   1550000 |    15980
 public  | kihon_y2025m10_pkey | 47 MB   |            |                  |       16743 | i       |   1550000 |     5962
 public  | kihon_y2025m11      | 121 MB  |            |                  |       16745 | r       |   1500000 |    15464
 public  | kihon_y2025m11_pkey | 45 MB   |            |                  |       16748 | i       |   1500000 |     5770
 public  | kihon_y2025m12      | 125 MB  |            |                  |       16750 | r       |   1550000 |    15980
 public  | kihon_y2025m12_pkey | 47 MB   |            |                  |       16753 | i       |   1550000 |     5962
(30 rows)


よさそうです。select count(*) は 30 秒ほどかかりました。

1 日分のデータを消すのに何秒かかるのか?

やりたかったことは「1 日分のデータを消すのにかかる時間を知りたい」ということでした。さっそく確認していきます。


bkiban=# \echo :AUTOCOMMIT
bkiban=# \set AUTOCOMMIT off
bkiban=# \echo :AUTOCOMMIT


bkiban=# create table a (aa char(1));
bkiban=*# insert into a values('z');
bkiban=*# select * from a;
(1 row)

bkiban=*# rollback;
bkiban=# select * from a;
ERROR:  relation "a" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from a;

ここはちょっと意外な結果でしたが、posgre は create のような DDL (CREATE , DROP , ALTER , TRUNCATE) もトランザクション処理します。他の DB とはちょっと違う部分ですね。(TRUNCATE はさすがに rollback できないと思われますが、、、)


bkiban=# トランザクションがクリアな状態
bkiban=*# トランザクション処理中
bkiban=!# なんでしょうか。今のところよくわからない状態


select id || ',' from kihon where end_dt >= '2024-11-01 00:00:00'::timestamp and end_dt < '2024-11-02 00:00:00'::timestamp;


1000 件単位で削除する

bkiban=!# delete from kihon where id in (
ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
bkiban=!# rollback;

チューニングなしの状態では 1000 件削除できませんでしした。500 件で試してみます。

bkiban=# delete from kihon where id in (

即時復帰しました。commit してみます

bkiban=*# commit;



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