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covergroup: cross binsの記述方法

Last updated at Posted at 2018-08-14

本記事はSystem Verilogのcovergroupの説明シリーズです。全体でかなりボリュームがあるため、以下に分割しています。上から順番に読んでいただくことをお勧めします。

  1. covergroupの記述方法
  2. covergroup: coverpoint binsの記述方法
  3. covergroup: cross binsの記述方法
  4. covergroup: その他の機能とtips

本記事ではSystem Verilogのcovergroupのcross binについて説明します。

cross binの作り方

crossの後に対象となる変数やbinを記述するだけで、cross binが生成されます。下記例ではそれぞれall_dats, all_bins, dat_binsという名前で3つのcross binを生成しています。

logic [1:0]  dat1;
logic [1:0]  dat2;

covergroup cg;
  bin1: coverpoint dat1 {
    bins s = {[0:1]};
    bins l = {[2:3]};

  bin2: coverpoint dat2 {
    bins s = {[0:1]};
    bins l = {[2:3]};

  all_dats: cross dat1, dat2; // All combinations of dat1 x dat2, that is 16 combinations.
  all_bins: cross bin1, bin2; // All combinations of bin1 x bin2, that is 4 combinations.
  dat_bin: cross dat1, bin2;  // variable x bin, 8 combinations.


cross binでは、binsofによりbinを集約して総数を減らすことができます。


binsofにbinを指定した場合、そのbinにマッチするものは全てを一つのbinとして扱います。下記例では、bin1.sにマッチする組み合わせは全てをbin_sとしています。dat2の値にかかわらず、bin1.sにマッチするものが全て一つのbinになります。この時cross binのbinsでカバーされない組み合わせについてはbinが自動生成されます。この点はcoverpointと挙動が違いますので注意してください。coverpointではbinsで指定していない範囲はbinが自動生成されることはありません。

logic [1:0]  dat1;
logic [1:0]  dat2;

covergroup cg;
  bin1: coverpoint dat1 {
    bins s = {[0:1]};
    bins l = {[2:3]};

  cbins_v: cross bin1, dat2 {
    bins bin_s = binsof(bin1.s); // A bin covers all combinations below:
                                 // <s, 0>, <s, 1>, <s, 2>, <s, 3>
  // Bins will be automatically created for the combinations below
  // <l, 0>, <l, 1>, <l, 2>, <l, 3>


binsof同士で論理演算を取ったものをcross binとすることが可能です。&&, ||, !, ()が使用可能です。

  logic [1:0]  dat1;
  logic [1:0]  dat2;

  covergroup cg;
    option.per_instance = 1;

    bin1: coverpoint dat1 {
      bins s = {[0:1]};
      bins l = {[2:3]};

    bin2: coverpoint dat2 {
      bins s = {[0:1]};
      bins l = {[2:3]};

    useOfBinsof: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin1_is_s = binsof(bin1.s);                                         // <s, s>, <s.l>
      bins bin_s_and_s = binsof(bin1.s) && binsof(bin2.s);                     // <s, s>
      bins bin_s_or_s  = binsof(bin1.s) || binsof(bin2.s);                     // <s, s>, <s, l>, <l, s>
      bins bin_not_l   = !binsof(bin1.l);                                      // <s, s>, <s, l>
      bins bin_paren   = (binsof(bin1.s) || binsof(bin2.s)) && binsof(bin2.l); // <s, l>
      // Bins for the combinations that are not specified will be generated automatically.
      // <l, l>


上記の例はcoverpointのbinを対象にcross binを作成しましたが、値を直接指定してcross binを作ることも可能です。その機能がintersectです。


coverpointのbinでなく、値でcross binを定義することができます。以下の書式になります。
bins bin_name = binsof (bin_name) intersect(range);
この場合まずrangeに対応するcoverpoint binが抽出され、それに対して集約されたcross binが生成されます。以下の例のcbin_b_0の場合、bin1ではintersectで0が指定されていますが、dat1が0となるcoverpoint bin名はsとなります。従ってbin1がsの時の全ての組み合わせが集約され、{s, s}と{s, l}の組み合わせが対象になります。cbin_b_1の場合でも対象となるbin1のbinはsのみなので同じ結果となります。一方cbin_b_2の場合は対象となるbin1のbinがs, l両方になるので全ての組み合わせが一つのbinに集約されます。

  covergroup cg;
    bin1: coverpoint dat1 {
      bins s = {[0:1]};
      bins l = {[2:3]};

    bin2: coverpoint dat2 {
      bins s = {[0:1]};
      bins l = {[2:3]};

    cbins_b_0: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin0 = binsof(bin1) intersect {0}; // <s, s>, <s, l>
      // <l, s>, <l, l>

    cbins_b_1: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin0 = binsof(bin1) intersect {[0:1]}; // <s, s>, <s, l>
      // <l, s>, <l, l>

    cbins_b_2: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin0 = binsof(bin1) intersect {[0:2]}; // <s, s>, <s, l>, <l, s>, <l, l>
      // No auto bin


bins bin_name = binsof (variable) intersect(range);

  logic [1:0]  dat1;
  logic [1:0]  dat2;

  covergroup cg;
    cbins_v: cross dat1, dat2 {
      bins bin1_0 = binsof(dat1) intersect {[0:2]}; // A bin covers all combinations below:
                                                    // <0, 0>, <0, 1>, <0, 2>, <0, 3>
                                                    // <1, 0>, <1, 1>, <1, 2>, <1, 3>
                                                    // <2, 0>, <2, 1>, <2, 2>, <2, 3>
      // Bins will be automatically created for the combinations below
      // <3, 0>, <3, 1>, <3, 2>, <3, 3>



    useOfIgn: cross dat1, dat2 {
      ignore_bins ign = binsof (dat1) intersect {[0:2]} ||   //<0, 0>, <0, 1>, <0, 2>, <0, 3>,
                        binsof (dat2) intersect {[0:1]};     //<1, 0>, <1, 1>, <1, 2>, <1, 3>,
                                                             //<2, 0>, <2, 1>, <2, 2>, <2, 3>,
                                                             //<3, 0>, <3, 1>
      // Automatically Created cross bins
      // <3, 2>, <3, 3>


coverpointと同様にcross binでもiffを使用して、cross binまたはその中の個々のbinに対して、条件に一致した時のみカバレッジのサンプリングを行うように指定できます。

    cond1: cross bin1, bin2 iff (face == front); // Collect coverage only when face == front

    cond2: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin1s = binsof(bin1.s) iff (face == front); // Collect coverage only when face == front
      // Other bins are always collected

cond3はbins_cndのサンプリングが行われない時は (face != frontの時は)サンプリングが行われません。
cond4はbins_cnd2のbin zeroのサンプリングが行われ無い時は (dat1 == 0 && face != front の時は)サンプリングが行われません。

  logic [1:0] dat1;
  logic [1:0] dat2;
  rand face_t face;

  covergroup cg;
    bins_cnd1: coverpoint dat1 iff (face == front);

    bins_cnd2: coverpoint dat1 {
      bins zero = {0} iff (face == front);
      bins int_num[] = {[1:$]};

    cond3: cross bins_cnd1, dat2;

    cond4: cross bins_cnd2, dat2;



class MyTest;
  typedef enum logic {front, back} face_t;

  logic [1:0]  dat1;
  logic [1:0]  dat2;
  rand face_t face;

  covergroup cg;
    option.per_instance = 1;

    bin1: coverpoint dat1 {
      bins s = {[0:1]};
      bins l = {[2:3]};

    bin2: coverpoint dat2 {
      bins s = {[0:1]};
      bins l = {[2:3]};

    bins_cnd1: coverpoint dat1 iff (face == front);

    bins_cnd2: coverpoint dat1 {
      bins zero = {0} iff (face == front);
      bins int_num[] = {[1:$]};

    all_dats: cross dat1, dat2;                 // All combinations of dat1 x dat2, that is 16 combinations.

    all_bins: cross bin1, bin2;                 // All combinations of bin1 x bin2, that is 4 combinations.

    dat_bin: cross dat1, bin2;                  // Combination of variable x bin

    useOfBinsof: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin1_is_s = binsof(bin1.s);                                         // <s, s>, <s.l>
      bins bin_s_and_s = binsof(bin1.s) && binsof(bin2.s);                     // <s, s>
      bins bin_s_or_s  = binsof(bin1.s) || binsof(bin2.s);                     // <s, s>, <s, l>, <l, s>
      bins bin_not_l   = !binsof(bin1.l);                                      // <s, s>, <s, l>
      bins bin_paren   = (binsof(bin1.s) || binsof(bin2.s)) && binsof(bin2.l); // <s, l>
      // Bins for the combinations that are not specified will be generated automatically.
      // <l, l>

    cbins_v: cross dat1, dat2 {
      bins bin1_0 = binsof(dat1) intersect {[0:2]}; // A bin covers all combinations below:
                                                    // <0, 0>, <0, 1>, <0, 2>, <0, 3>
                                                    // <1, 0>, <1, 1>, <1, 2>, <1, 3>
                                                    // <2, 0>, <2, 1>, <2, 2>, <2, 3>
    // Bins will be automatically created for the combinations below
    // <3, 0>, <3, 1>, <3, 2>, <3, 3>

    cbins_b_0: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin0 = binsof(bin1) intersect {0}; // Equivalent to binsof(bin1.s)
                                              // <s, s>, <s, l>
      // <l, s>, <l, l>

    cbins_b_1: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin0 = binsof(bin1) intersect {[0:1]}; // Equivalent to binsof(bin1.s)
                                                  // <s, s>, <s, l>
      // <l, s>, <l, l>

    cbins_b_2: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin0 = binsof(bin1) intersect {[0:2]}; // Equivalent to binsof(bin1.s) || binsof(bin1.l)
                                                  // <s, s>, <s, l>, <l, s>, <l, l>
      // No auto bin

    useOfIgn: cross dat1, dat2 {
      ignore_bins ign = binsof (dat1) intersect {[0:2]} ||   //<0, 0>, <0, 1>, <0, 2>, <0, 3>,
                        binsof (dat2) intersect {[0:1]};     //<1, 0>, <1, 1>, <1, 2>, <1, 3>,
                                                             //<2, 0>, <2, 1>, <2, 2>, <2, 3>,
                                                             //<3, 0>, <3, 1>
      // Automatically Created cross bins
      // <3, 2>, <3, 3>

    cond1: cross bin1, bin2 iff (face == front); // Collect coverage only when face == front

    cond2: cross bin1, bin2 {
      bins bin1s = binsof(bin1.s) iff (face == front); // Collect coverage only when face == front
      // Other bins are always collected

    cond3: cross bins_cnd1, dat2; //bins_cnd1 has iff

    cond4: cross bins_cnd2, dat2; //bins_cnd2 has a bin with iff

  function new();
    cg = new;

  function void run();
    for (int i = 0; i < 2**$size(dat1); i++) begin
      for (int j = 0; j < 2**$size(dat2); j++) begin
        for (int k = 0; k < 2**$size(face); k++) begin
          dat1 = i;
          dat2 = j;
          face = face_t'(k);

program top;
  initial begin
    MyTest myTest;

    myTest = new;


CLASS - /MyTest : work.MyTest

    |    Coverage Type    | Weight | Hits/Total |
    | Covergroup Coverage |      1 |   100.000% |
    | Types               |        |      1 / 1 |

    |            Covergroup            |   Hits   |  Goal /  |  Status  |
    |                                  |          | At Least |          |
    | TYPE /MyTest/cg                  | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | INSTANCE <UNNAMED1>              | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | COVERPOINT <UNNAMED1>::bin1      | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin s                            |       16 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin l                            |       16 |        1 | Covered  |
    | COVERPOINT <UNNAMED1>::bin2      | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin s                            |       16 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin l                            |       16 |        1 | Covered  |
    | COVERPOINT <UNNAMED1>::bins_cnd1 | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin auto[0]                      |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[1]                      |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[2]                      |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[3]                      |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | COVERPOINT <UNNAMED1>::bins_cnd2 | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin zero                         |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin int_num[1]                   |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin int_num[2]                   |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin int_num[3]                   |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | COVERPOINT <UNNAMED1>::dat1      | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin auto[0]                      |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[1]                      |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[2]                      |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[3]                      |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | COVERPOINT <UNNAMED1>::dat2      | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin auto[0]                      |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[1]                      |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[2]                      |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin auto[3]                      |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::all_dats       | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],auto[0]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],auto[1]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],auto[2]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],auto[3]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],auto[0]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],auto[1]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],auto[2]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],auto[3]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],auto[0]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],auto[1]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],auto[2]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],auto[3]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[0]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[1]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[2]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[3]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::all_bins       | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <s,s>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <s,l>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <l,s>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <l,l>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::dat_bin        | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],s>                  |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],l>                  |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],s>                  |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],l>                  |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],s>                  |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],l>                  |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],s>                  |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],l>                  |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::useOfBinsof    | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <l,l>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin1_is_s                    |       16 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin_s_and_s                  |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin_s_or_s                   |       24 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin_not_l                    |       16 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin_paren                    |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::cbins_v        | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[0]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[1]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[2]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[3]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin1_0                       |       24 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::cbins_b_0      | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <l,s>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <l,l>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin0                         |       16 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::cbins_b_1      | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <l,s>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <l,l>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin0                         |       16 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::cbins_b_2      | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin bin0                         |       32 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::useOfIgn       | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[2]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[3]>            |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | ignore bin ign                   |       28 |    -     | Occurred |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::cond1          | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <s,s>                        |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <s,l>                        |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <l,s>                        |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <l,l>                        |        4 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::cond2          | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <l,s>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <l,l>                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin bin1s                        |        8 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::cond3          | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],auto[0]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],auto[1]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],auto[2]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[0],auto[3]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],auto[0]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],auto[1]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],auto[2]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[1],auto[3]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],auto[0]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],auto[1]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],auto[2]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[2],auto[3]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[0]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[1]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[2]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <auto[3],auto[3]>            |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | CROSS <UNNAMED1>::cond4          | 100.000% | 100.000% | Covered  |
    | bin <zero,auto[0]>               |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <zero,auto[1]>               |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <zero,auto[2]>               |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <zero,auto[3]>               |        1 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[1],auto[0]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[1],auto[1]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[1],auto[2]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[1],auto[3]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[2],auto[0]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[2],auto[1]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[2],auto[2]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[2],auto[3]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[3],auto[0]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[3],auto[1]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[3],auto[2]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |
    | bin <int_num[3],auto[3]>         |        2 |        1 | Covered  |

EDA Playgroundにソースコードがありますので、WEB browserから各自実行して結果を確かめることができます。実行後にダウンロードされるファイルの中のcov.txtがカバレッジリポートになります。
covergroup cross coverage samlpe


"19 Functional coverage". 1800-2017 - IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog--Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language. pp.553-590.


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