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embulk, digdag をfish shellで実行する

Last updated at Posted at 2019-10-31


fish shellからembulk, digdagが実行できなかったので調べました。
※bashなら普通に実行できるので、embulk, digdagの実行の時だけbashを使うという手もある



fish shellでembulkとかdigdagとか使っていると実行スクリプトにシバンが書かれていないのでエラーになる


~> .embulk/bin/embulk
Failed to execute process '.embulk/bin/embulk'. Reason:
exec: Exec format error
The file '.embulk/bin/embulk' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.

java -jar で実行ならいける

~> java -jar .embulk/bin/embulk
Embulk v0.9.16
Usage: embulk [-vm-options] <command> [--options]
   mkbundle   <directory>                             # create a new plugin bundle environment.
   bundle     [directory]                             # update a plugin bundle environment.
   run        <config.yml>                            # run a bulk load transaction.
   cleanup    <config.yml>                            # cleanup resume state.
   preview    <config.yml>                            # dry-run the bulk load without output and show preview.
   guess      <partial-config.yml> -o <output.yml>    # guess missing parameters to create a complete configuration file.
   gem        <install | list | help>                 # install a plugin or show installed plugins.
   new        <category> <name>                       # generates new plugin template
   migrate    <path>                                  # modify plugin code to use the latest Embulk plugin API
   example    [path]                                  # creates an example config file and csv file to try embulk.
   selfupdate [version]                               # upgrades embulk to the latest released version or to the specified version.

VM options:
   -E...                            Run an external script to configure environment variables in JVM
                                    (Operations not just setting envs are not recommended nor guaranteed.
                                     Expect side effects by running your external script at your own risk.)
   -J-O                             Disable JVM optimizations to speed up startup time (enabled by default if command is 'run')
   -J+O                             Enable JVM optimizations to speed up throughput
   -J...                            Set JVM options (use -J-help to see available options)
   -R--dev                          Set JRuby to be in development mode

Use `<command> --help` to see description of the commands.


alias embulk="java -jar $HOME/.embulk/bin/embulk"
alias digdag="java -jar $HOME/bin/digdag"


~> source ~/.config/fish/config.fish
~> embulk
Embulk v0.9.16
Usage: embulk [-vm-options] <command> [--options]
   mkbundle   <directory>                             # create a new plugin bundle environment.
   bundle     [directory]                             # update a plugin bundle environment.
   run        <config.yml>                            # run a bulk load transaction.
   cleanup    <config.yml>                            # cleanup resume state.
   preview    <config.yml>                            # dry-run the bulk load without output and show preview.
   guess      <partial-config.yml> -o <output.yml>    # guess missing parameters to create a complete configuration file.
   gem        <install | list | help>                 # install a plugin or show installed plugins.
   new        <category> <name>                       # generates new plugin template
   migrate    <path>                                  # modify plugin code to use the latest Embulk plugin API
   example    [path]                                  # creates an example config file and csv file to try embulk.
   selfupdate [version]                               # upgrades embulk to the latest released version or to the specified version.

VM options:
   -E...                            Run an external script to configure environment variables in JVM
                                    (Operations not just setting envs are not recommended nor guaranteed.
                                     Expect side effects by running your external script at your own risk.)
   -J-O                             Disable JVM optimizations to speed up startup time (enabled by default if command is 'run')
   -J+O                             Enable JVM optimizations to speed up throughput
   -J...                            Set JVM options (use -J-help to see available options)
   -R--dev                          Set JRuby to be in development mode

Use `<command> --help` to see description of the commands.




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