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How to distinguish overloaded functions from each other when using dotConnect for PostgreSQL

Last updated at Posted at 2017-08-30

Stored Procedure Overloads

eg. StoredProcName:1

Quantity of input parameters defines which stored procedure overload will be called when PgSqlCommand.Execute is called. If no proper overload can be found, an exception is raised in Execute or Prepare methods. You can obtain information on quantity of arguments for certain procedure by calling PgSqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters method which populates PgSqlCommand.Parameters collection with data obtained from server.

You can also use the following syntax for executing or describing specific overloaded procedure: "StoredProcName:1" or "StoredProcName:5". The first example executes the first overloaded stored procedure, while the second example executes the fifth overloaded procedure. This notation is only available when ParameterCheck is true.


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