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sqlalchemy error with cx_Oracle 6.0

Last updated at Posted at 2017-10-17

Error in running Plone 4.3.7

DBAPIError: (TypeError) 'twophase' is an invalid keyword argument for this function None None

2017-10-17T18:18:06 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog 1508231886.820.430123597401 http:///front-page/document_view
Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 127, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 607, in traverse
  Module Products.PluggableAuthService.PluggableAuthService, line 253, in validate
  Module Products.PluggableAuthService.PluggableAuthService, line 784, in _findUser
  Module pas.plugins.alma.plugin, line 210, in getPropertiesForUser
  Module sqlalchemy.orm.session, line 932, in execute
  Module sqlalchemy.orm.session, line 802, in _connection_for_bind
  Module sqlalchemy.orm.session, line 298, in _connection_for_bind
  Module sqlalchemy.engine.base, line 1661, in contextual_connect
  Module sqlalchemy.pool, line 272, in connect
  Module sqlalchemy.pool, line 425, in __init__
  Module sqlalchemy.pool, line 777, in _do_get
  Module sqlalchemy.pool, line 225, in _create_connection
  Module sqlalchemy.pool, line 318, in __init__
  Module sqlalchemy.pool, line 368, in __connect
  Module sqlalchemy.engine.strategies, line 80, in connect
  Module sqlalchemy.engine.default, line 283, in connect
DBAPIError: (TypeError) 'twophase' is an invalid keyword argument for this function None None

How to fix

use sqlalchemy >= 1.1.11

#zc.buildout = 1.5.2
zc.buildout = 1.7.1
#sqlalchemy = 0.8.1
sqlalchemy >= 1.1.11


#z3c.saconfig = 0.13
z3c.saconfig = 0.14

#zope.sqlalchemy = 0.7.6
zope.sqlalchemy = 0.7.7


plone4.csrffixes = 1.0.9
plone.protect = 3.0.18
plone.keyring = 3.0.1
plone.locking = 2.0.9
Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool = 3.0.12
Products.PlonePAS = 5.0.4

Remove twophase for cx_Oracle 6.x

Support for two-phase transactions has been removed entirely for cx_Oracle when version 6.0b1 or later of the DBAPI is in use. The two- phase feature historically has never been usable under cx_Oracle 5.x in any case, and cx_Oracle 6.x has removed the connection-level "twophase" flag upon which this feature relied.



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