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Web 開発再入門 #16 ― セッション処理

Last updated at Posted at 2024-04-28

Web 開発再入門 #16 ― セッション処理



Web アプリケーションのサーバー・サイドを開発します。

Tomcat の Session を使用します。


└ Development\
    └ Workspace\
         └ fmockup\
             ├ build\
             ├ sql\
             ├ src\
             │ └ main\
             │     ├ java\
             │     │ └ cn\
             │     │     └ com\
             │     │         └ xxxx\
             │     │             └ fmockup\
             │     │                  ├ action\
             │     │                  ├ controller\
             │     │                  ├ customizer\
             │     │                  ├ entity\
             │     │                  ├ mapper\
             │     │                  ├ response\
             │     │                  ├ service\
             │     │                  ├ util\
             │     │                  │ └ SessionUtil.java ← コレ
             │     │                  ├ validator\
             │     │                  └ validator_order\
             │     └ resources\
             │          ├ mapper\
             │          ├ templates\
             │          └ static\
             ├ vue-vite\
             └ WinSW.NET-nnn\


基本的に Eclipse でファイルを作成するので、あまり意識したことがありません。
多分、Unix 改行(LF)なのだと思います。


  1. ファイル “SessionUtil.java” を作成する。
    package cn.com.xxxx.fmockup.util;
    import java.security.SecureRandom;
    import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession;
     * Session Utility
     *   It gets session and checks session contents.
    public class SessionUtil {
    	private HttpSession session;
    	private String userId;
    	private String userName;
    	 * Session Utility
    	 *  for Login Aciton
    	public SessionUtil(HttpSession session, String userId, String userName) {
    		// Set Session Values
    		session.setAttribute("fmockup", "<< fmockup >> Mock-up for Business System Demonstration and Development Templates");
    		session.setAttribute("userId", userId);
    		session.setAttribute("userName", userName);
    		session.setAttribute("token", "");
    		session.setAttribute("loggedIn", "false");
    		session.setMaxInactiveInterval(PropertyUtil.getIdleTimeout() * 60);    // idle timeout (minutes * seconds)
    		this.session = session;
    		this.userId = userId;
    		this.userName = userName;
    	 * Session Utility
    	public SessionUtil(HttpSession session, Boolean loggedIn_) throws Exception {
    		// Check Session
    		if (session == null || session.getAttribute("fmockup") == null) {
    			throw new Exception(MessageUtil.getMessage(MessageUtil.COMMON_ERROR_TITLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_HAS_OCCURRED));
    		// Check Session
    		String fmockup = (String) session.getAttribute("fmockup");
    		if (! fmockup.equals("<< fmockup >> Mock-up for Business System Demonstration and Development Templates")) {
    			throw new Exception(MessageUtil.getMessage(MessageUtil.COMMON_ERROR_TITLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_HAS_OCCURRED));
    		// Check Logged In or Not
    		if (loggedIn_) {
    			String loggedIn = (String) session.getAttribute("loggedIn");
    			if (! loggedIn.equals("true")) {
    				throw new Exception(MessageUtil.getMessage(MessageUtil.COMMON_ERROR_TITLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_HAS_OCCURRED));
    		// Get Session Values
    		this.session = session;
    		this.userId = (String) session.getAttribute("userId");
    		this.userName = (String) session.getAttribute("userName");
    	public void setLoggedIn() {
    		// Set Session Values
    		session.setAttribute("loggedIn", "true");
    	public String getUserId() {
    		return this.userId;
    	public String getUserName() {
    		return this.userName;
    	private static int TOKEN_LENGTH = 16;
    	 * Session Utility
    	 *   Set token to session. (for POST screen)
    	public String setToken() throws Exception {
    		byte[] token = new byte[TOKEN_LENGTH];
    		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    		SecureRandom random = null;
    		try {
    			random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
    			for (int i = 0; i < token.length; i++) {
    				buf.append(String.format("%02x", token[i]));
    		} catch (Exception ex) {
    			LogUtil.info("setToken : '" + ex.getMessage() + "'");
    			throw new Exception("Unknown error has occurerd.");
    		String sessionToken = buf.toString();
    		this.session.setAttribute("token", sessionToken);
    		return sessionToken;
    	 * Session Utility
    	 *   Check token with session. (for POST Web-API)
    	public void checkToken(String token) throws Exception {
    		String sessionToken = (String) this.session.getAttribute("token");
    		if (! token.equals(sessionToken)) {
    			LogUtil.access("checkToken : 'Invalid Token is appeared in Web-API request.'");	// A true problem explanation
    			throw new Exception("Unknown error has occurerd.");								// A blurred explanation

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