Audio and Music
Libraries for manipulating audio.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
EasyMIDI | 14 | https://github.com/algoGuy/EasyMIDI | |
flac | 79 | https://github.com/eaburns/flac | |
flac | 77 | https://github.com/mewkiz/flac | |
gaad | 47 | https://github.com/Comcast/gaad | |
go-sox | 78 | https://github.com/krig/go-sox | |
go_mediainfo | 18 | https://github.com/zhulik/go_mediainfo | |
gosamplerate | 7 | https://github.com/dh1tw/gosamplerate | |
id3v2 | 74 | https://github.com/bogem/id3v2 | |
malgo | 37 | https://github.com/gen2brain/malgo | |
minimp3 | 14 | https://github.com/tosone/minimp3 | |
mix | 86 | https://github.com/go-mix/mix | |
mp3 | 77 | https://github.com/tcolgate/mp3 | |
music-theory | 216 | https://github.com/go-music-theory/music-theory | ★ |
PortAudio | 218 | https://github.com/gordonklaus/portaudio | ★ |
portmidi | 176 | https://github.com/rakyll/portmidi | ★ |
taglib | 63 | https://github.com/wtolson/go-taglib | |
vorbis | 20 | https://github.com/mccoyst/vorbis | |
waveform | 215 | https://github.com/mdlayher/waveform | ★ |
Authentication and OAuth
Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.
Command Line
Standard CLI
Libraries for building standard or basic Command Line applications.
Advanced Console UIs
Libraries for building Console Applications and Console User Interfaces.
Libraries for configuration parsing.
Continuous Integration
Tools for help with continuous integration.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
drone | 15,832 | https://github.com/drone/drone | ★★★★★ |
duci | 10 | https://github.com/duck8823/duci | |
gomason | 10 | https://github.com/nikogura/gomason | |
goveralls | 516 | https://github.com/mattn/goveralls | ★★ |
overalls | 94 | https://github.com/go-playground/overalls | |
roveralls | 11 | https://github.com/LawrenceWoodman/roveralls |
CSS Preprocessors
Libraries for preprocessing CSS files.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
c6 | 414 | https://github.com/c9s/c6 | ★ |
gcss | 406 | https://github.com/yosssi/gcss | ★ |
go-libsass | 102 | https://github.com/wellington/go-libsass | ★ |
Data Structures
Generic datastructures and algorithms in Go.
Databases implemented in Go.
Database schema migration.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
darwin | 69 | https://github.com/GuiaBolso/darwin | |
go-fixtures | 16 | https://github.com/RichardKnop/go-fixtures | |
go-pg-migrations | 10 | https://github.com/robinjoseph08/go-pg-migrations | |
gondolier | 20 | https://github.com/emvicom/gondolier | |
goose | 83 | https://github.com/steinbacher/goose | |
gormigrate | 196 | https://github.com/go-gormigrate/gormigrate | ★ |
migrate | 866 | https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate | ★★ |
pravasan | 22 | https://github.com/pravasan/pravasan | |
soda | 454 | https://github.com/gobuffalo/pop/tree/master/soda | ★ |
sql-migrate | 1,095 | https://github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate | ★★★ |
Database tools.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
chproxy | 162 | https://github.com/Vertamedia/chproxy | ★ |
clickhouse-bulk | 83 | https://github.com/nikepan/clickhouse-bulk | |
go-mysql | 1,293 | https://github.com/siddontang/go-mysql | ★★★ |
go-mysql-elasticsearch | 1,697 | https://github.com/siddontang/go-mysql-elasticsearch | ★★★ |
kingshard | 3,799 | https://github.com/flike/kingshard | ★★★ |
myreplication | 116 | https://github.com/2tvenom/myreplication | ★ |
orchestrator | 1,759 | https://github.com/github/orchestrator | ★★★ |
pgweb | 5,297 | https://github.com/sosedoff/pgweb | ★★★★ |
prep | 20 | https://github.com/hexdigest/prep | |
pREST | 1,836 | https://github.com/nuveo/prest | ★★★ |
rwdb | 9 | https://github.com/andizzle/rwdb | |
vitess | 6,630 | https://github.com/youtube/vitess | ★★★★ |
SQL query builder, libraries for building and using SQL.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
dat | 533 | https://github.com/mgutz/dat | ★★ |
Dotsql | 373 | https://github.com/gchaincl/dotsql | ★ |
gendry | 427 | https://github.com/didi/gendry | ★ |
godbal | 47 | https://github.com/xujiajun/godbal | |
goqu | 451 | https://github.com/doug-martin/goqu | ★ |
igor | 68 | https://github.com/galeone/igor | |
ormlite | 0 | https://github.com/pupizoid/ormlite | |
ozzo-dbx | 259 | https://github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-dbx | ★ |
scaneo | 136 | https://github.com/variadico/scaneo | ★ |
sqrl | 128 | https://github.com/elgris/sqrl | ★ |
Squirrel | 1,710 | https://github.com/Masterminds/squirrel | ★★★ |
xo | 1,752 | https://github.com/knq/xo | ★★★ |
Database Drivers
Libraries for connecting and operating databases.
Relational Databases
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
avatica | 17 | https://github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go | |
bgc | 9 | https://github.com/viant/bgc | |
firebirdsql | 89 | https://github.com/nakagami/firebirdsql | |
go-adodb | 82 | https://github.com/mattn/go-adodb | |
go-mssqldb | 811 | https://github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb | ★★ |
go-oci8 | 328 | https://github.com/mattn/go-oci8 | ★ |
go-sql-driver/mysql | 6,191 | https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql | ★★★★ |
go-sqlite3 | 2,777 | https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 | ★★★ |
gofreetds | 76 | https://github.com/minus5/gofreetds | |
goracle | 128 | https://github.com/go-goracle/goracle | ★ |
pgx | 1,509 | https://github.com/jackc/pgx | ★★★ |
pq | 4,245 | https://github.com/lib/pq | ★★★ |
NoSQL Databases
Search and Analytic Databases.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
bleve | 4,641 | https://github.com/blevesearch/bleve | ★★★ |
elastic | 2,984 | https://github.com/olivere/elastic | ★★★ |
elasticsql | 224 | https://github.com/cch123/elasticsql | ★ |
elastigo | 921 | https://github.com/mattbaird/elastigo | ★★ |
goes | 24 | https://github.com/OwnLocal/goes | |
riot | 3,986 | https://github.com/go-ego/riot | ★★★ |
skizze | 54 | https://github.com/seiflotfy/skizze |
Date and Time
Libraries for working with dates and times.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
carbon | 250 | https://github.com/uniplaces/carbon | ★ |
date | 18 | https://github.com/rickb777/date | |
dateparse | 692 | https://github.com/araddon/dateparse | ★★ |
durafmt | 195 | https://github.com/hako/durafmt | ★ |
feiertage | 15 | https://github.com/wlbr/feiertage | |
go-persian-calendar | 37 | https://github.com/yaa110/go-persian-calendar | |
go-sunrise | 5 | https://github.com/nathan-osman/go-sunrise | |
goweek | 16 | https://github.com/grsmv/goweek | |
Kair | 2 | https://github.com/GuilhermeCaruso/Kair | |
now | 1,827 | https://github.com/jinzhu/now | ★★★ |
NullTime | 7 | https://github.com/kirillDanshin/nulltime | |
strftime | 5 | https://github.com/awoodbeck/strftime | |
timespan | 56 | https://github.com/SaidinWoT/timespan | |
timeutil | 148 | https://github.com/leekchan/timeutil | ★ |
tuesday | 6 | https://github.com/osteele/tuesday |
Distributed Systems
Packages that help with building Distributed Systems.
Libraries and tools that implement email creation and sending.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
go-peerflix | 335 | https://github.com/Sioro-Neoku/go-peerflix | ★ |
douceur | 131 | https://github.com/aymerick/douceur | ★ |
933 | https://github.com/jordan-wright/email | ★★ | |
go-dkim | 41 | https://github.com/toorop/go-dkim | |
go-imap | 504 | https://github.com/emersion/go-imap | ★★ |
go-message | 64 | https://github.com/emersion/go-message | |
Gomail | 1,875 | https://github.com/go-gomail/gomail/ | ★★★ |
Hectane | 153 | https://github.com/hectane/hectane | ★ |
hermes | 1,340 | https://github.com/matcornic/hermes | ★★★ |
MailHog | 3,897 | https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog | ★★★ |
SendGrid | 407 | https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-go | ★ |
smtp | 47 | https://github.com/mailhog/smtp |
Embeddable Scripting Languages
Embedding other languages inside your go code.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
agora | 305 | https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/agora | ★ |
anko | 740 | https://github.com/mattn/anko | ★★ |
binder | 19 | https://github.com/alexeyco/binder | |
gopher-lua | 2,347 | https://github.com/yuin/gopher-lua | ★★★ |
expr | 187 | https://github.com/antonmedv/expr | ★ |
gisp | 402 | https://github.com/jcla1/gisp | ★ |
go-duktape | 599 | https://github.com/olebedev/go-duktape | ★★ |
go-lua | 1,362 | https://github.com/Shopify/go-lua | ★★★ |
go-php | 521 | https://github.com/deuill/go-php | ★★ |
go-python | 745 | https://github.com/sbinet/go-python | ★★ |
golua | 407 | https://github.com/aarzilli/golua | ★ |
gopher-lua | 2,347 | https://github.com/yuin/gopher-lua | ★★★ |
ngaro | 14 | https://github.com/db47h/ngaro | |
otto | 4,084 | https://github.com/robertkrimen/otto | ★★★ |
purl | 23 | https://github.com/ian-kent/purl |
Libraries for handling files and file systems.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
afero | 1,701 | https://github.com/spf13/afero | ★★★ |
go-csv-tag | 32 | https://github.com/artonge/go-csv-tag | |
go-gtfs | 8 | https://github.com/artonge/go-gtfs | |
notify | 387 | https://github.com/rjeczalik/notify | ★ |
pdfcpu | 640 | https://github.com/hhrutter/pdfcpu | ★★ |
skywalker | 36 | https://github.com/dixonwille/skywalker | |
tarfs | 25 | https://github.com/posener/tarfs |
Packages for accounting and finance.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
accounting | 406 | https://github.com/leekchan/accounting | ★ |
decimal | 1,114 | https://github.com/shopspring/decimal | ★★★ |
go-finance | 542 | https://github.com/FlashBoys/go-finance | ★★ |
go-finance | 22 | https://github.com/alpeb/go-finance | |
go-money | 482 | https://github.com/rhymond/go-money | ★ |
ofxgo | 45 | https://github.com/aclindsa/ofxgo | |
techan | 73 | https://github.com/sdcoffey/techan | |
transaction | 29 | https://github.com/claygod/transaction | |
vat | 49 | https://github.com/dannyvankooten/vat |
Libraries for working with forms.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
bind | 20 | https://github.com/robfig/bind | |
binding | 706 | https://github.com/mholt/binding | ★★ |
conform | 138 | https://github.com/leebenson/conform | ★ |
form | 297 | https://github.com/go-playground/form | ★ |
formam | 108 | https://github.com/monoculum/formam | ★ |
forms | 91 | https://github.com/albrow/forms | |
gorilla/csrf | 324 | https://github.com/gorilla/csrf | ★ |
nosurf | 878 | https://github.com/justinas/nosurf | ★★ |
Game Development
Awesome game development libraries.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
Azul3D | 384 | https://github.com/azul3d/engine | ★ |
Ebiten | 1,059 | https://github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten | ★★★ |
engo | 866 | https://github.com/EngoEngine/engo | ★★ |
g3n | 437 | https://github.com/g3n/engine | ★ |
GarageEngine | 303 | https://github.com/vova616/GarageEngine | ★ |
glop | 76 | https://github.com/runningwild/glop | |
go-astar | 279 | https://github.com/beefsack/go-astar | ★ |
go-collada | 12 | https://github.com/GlenKelley/go-collada | |
go-sdl2 | 960 | https://github.com/veandco/go-sdl2 | ★★ |
go3d | 142 | https://github.com/ungerik/go3d | ★ |
gonet | 953 | https://github.com/xtaci/gonet | ★★ |
goworld | 797 | https://github.com/xiaonanln/goworld | ★★ |
Leaf | 2,393 | https://github.com/name5566/leaf | ★★★ |
nano | 716 | https://github.com/lonnng/nano | ★★ |
Oak | 532 | https://github.com/oakmound/oak | ★★ |
Pitaya | 61 | https://github.com/topfreegames/pitaya | |
Pixel | 1,621 | https://github.com/faiface/pixel | ★★★ |
raylib-go | 281 | https://github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go | ★ |
termloop | 910 | https://github.com/JoelOtter/termloop | ★★ |
Generation and Generics
Tools to enhance the language with features like generics via code generation.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
efaceconv | 34 | https://github.com/t0pep0/efaceconv | |
gen | 930 | https://github.com/clipperhouse/gen | ★★ |
go-enum | 58 | https://github.com/abice/go-enum | |
go-linq | 1,516 | https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/go-linq | ★★★ |
goderive | 608 | https://github.com/awalterschulze/goderive | ★★ |
interfaces | 144 | https://github.com/rjeczalik/interfaces | ★ |
jennifer | 944 | https://github.com/dave/jennifer | ★★ |
pkgreflect | 69 | https://github.com/ungerik/pkgreflect |
Geographic tools and servers
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
geocache | 92 | https://github.com/melihmucuk/geocache | |
geoserver | 10 | https://github.com/hishamkaram/geoserver | |
osm | 21 | https://github.com/paulmach/osm | |
pbf | 9 | https://github.com/maguro/pbf | |
S2 geometry | 723 | https://github.com/golang/geo | ★★ |
Tile38 | 4,935 | https://github.com/tidwall/tile38 | ★★★ |
Go Compilers
Tools for compiling Go to other languages.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
c4go | 40 | https://github.com/Konstantin8105/c4go | |
f4go | 6 | https://github.com/Konstantin8105/f4go | |
gopherjs | 7,421 | https://github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs | ★★★★ |
llgo | 918 | https://github.com/go-llvm/llgo | ★★ |
tardisgo | 378 | https://github.com/tardisgo/tardisgo | ★ |
Go Compilers
Tools for compiling Go to other languages.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
async | 10 | https://github.com/studiosol/async | |
cyclicbarrier | 18 | https://github.com/marusama/cyclicbarrier | |
go-floc | 153 | https://github.com/workanator/go-floc | ★ |
go-flow | 86 | https://github.com/kamildrazkiewicz/go-flow | |
go-trylock | 2 | https://github.com/subchen/go-trylock | |
GoSlaves | 44 | https://github.com/themester/GoSlaves | |
goworker | 2,041 | https://github.com/benmanns/goworker | ★★★ |
grpool | 403 | https://github.com/ivpusic/grpool | ★ |
parallel-fn | 18 | https://github.com/rafaeljesus/parallel-fn | |
pool | 396 | https://github.com/go-playground/pool | ★ |
semaphore | 34 | https://github.com/kamilsk/semaphore | |
semaphore | 42 | https://github.com/marusama/semaphore | |
stl | 3 | https://github.com/ssgreg/stl | |
threadpool | 5 | https://github.com/shettyh/threadpool | |
tunny | 924 | https://github.com/Jeffail/tunny | ★★ |
worker-pool | 18 | https://github.com/vardius/worker-pool | |
workerpool | 46 | https://github.com/gammazero/workerpool |
Libraries for building GUI Applications.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
app | 2,448 | https://github.com/murlokswarm/app | ★★★ |
fyne | 100 | https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne | ★ |
go-astilectron | 1,946 | https://github.com/asticode/go-astilectron | ★★★ |
go-sciter | 1,174 | https://github.com/sciter-sdk/go-sciter | ★★★ |
gotk3 | 520 | https://github.com/gotk3/gotk3 | ★★ |
gowd | 141 | https://github.com/dtylman/gowd | ★ |
qt | 4,517 | https://github.com/therecipe/qt | ★★★ |
ui | 5,939 | https://github.com/andlabs/ui | ★★★★ |
walk | 2,892 | https://github.com/lxn/walk | ★★★ |
webview | 2,910 | https://github.com/zserge/webview | ★★★ |
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
gosx-notifier | 456 | https://github.com/deckarep/gosx-notifier | ★ |
robotgo | 3,280 | https://github.com/go-vgo/robotgo | ★★★ |
systray | 523 | https://github.com/getlantern/systray | ★★ |
trayhost | 134 | https://github.com/shurcooL/trayhost | ★ |
Libraries for manipulating images.
IoT (Internet of Things)
Libraries for programming devices of the IoT.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
connectordb | 121 | https://github.com/connectordb/connectordb | ★ |
devices | 211 | https://github.com/goiot/devices | ★ |
eywa | 21 | https://github.com/xcodersun/eywa | |
flogo | 775 | https://github.com/tibcosoftware/flogo | ★★ |
gatt | 706 | https://github.com/paypal/gatt | ★★ |
gobot | 4,752 | https://github.com/hybridgroup/gobot/ | ★★★ |
iot | 19 | https://github.com/vaelen/iot/ | |
mainflux | 164 | https://github.com/Mainflux/mainflux | ★ |
sensorbee | 156 | https://github.com/sensorbee/sensorbee | ★ |
Libraries for generating and working with log files.
Machine Learning
Libraries for Machine Learning.
Libraries that implement messaging systems.
These libraries were placed here because none of the other categories seemed to fit.
Natural Language Processing
Libraries for working with human languages.
Libraries for working with various layers of the network.
Libraries for using OpenGL in Go.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
gl | 515 | https://github.com/go-gl/gl | ★★ |
glfw | 508 | https://github.com/go-gl/glfw | ★★ |
goxjs/gl | 126 | https://github.com/goxjs/gl | ★ |
goxjs/glfw | 54 | https://github.com/goxjs/glfw | |
mathgl | 243 | https://github.com/go-gl/mathgl | ★ |
Libraries that implement Object-Relational Mapping or datamapping techniques.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
beego orm | 17,230 | https://github.com/astaxie/beego/tree/master/orm | ★★★★★ |
go-pg | 2,037 | https://github.com/go-pg/pg | ★★★ |
go-queryset | 349 | https://github.com/jirfag/go-queryset | ★ |
go-sqlbuilder | 69 | https://github.com/huandu/go-sqlbuilder | |
go-store | 91 | https://github.com/gosuri/go-store | |
gomodel | 59 | https://github.com/cosiner/gomodel | |
GORM | 10,678 | https://github.com/jinzhu/gorm | ★★★★★ |
gorp | 2,876 | https://github.com/go-gorp/gorp | ★★★ |
grimoire | 26 | https://github.com/Fs02/grimoire | |
lore | 4 | https://github.com/abrahambotros/lore | |
Marlow | 32 | https://github.com/dadleyy/marlow | |
pop/soda | 454 | https://github.com/gobuffalo/pop | ★ |
QBS | 516 | https://github.com/coocood/qbs | ★★ |
reform | 687 | https://github.com/go-reform/reform | ★★ |
SQLBoiler | 1,561 | https://github.com/volatiletech/sqlboiler | ★★★ |
upper.io/db | 1,346 | https://github.com/upper/db | ★★★ |
Xorm | 3,843 | https://github.com/go-xorm/xorm | ★★★ |
Zoom | 216 | https://github.com/albrow/zoom | ★ |
Package Management
Official tooling for package management
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
dep | 10,612 | https://github.com/golang/dep | ★★★★★ |
vgo | - | githubではないため、カウント対象外 | ★★★★★ |
Unofficial libraries for package and dependency management.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
gigo | 195 | https://github.com/LyricalSecurity/gigo | ★ |
glide | 7,152 | https://github.com/Masterminds/glide | ★★★★ |
godep | 5,494 | https://github.com/tools/godep | ★★★★ |
gom | 1,336 | https://github.com/mattn/gom | ★★★ |
goop | 774 | https://github.com/nitrous-io/goop | ★★ |
gop | 46 | https://github.com/lunny/gop | |
gopm | 1,952 | https://github.com/gpmgo/gopm | ★★★ |
govendor | 3,904 | https://github.com/kardianos/govendor | ★★★ |
gpm | 1,200 | https://github.com/pote/gpm | ★★★ |
gvt | 754 | https://github.com/FiloSottile/gvt | ★★ |
johnny-deps | 213 | https://github.com/VividCortex/johnny-deps | ★ |
nut | 248 | https://github.com/jingweno/nut | ★ |
VenGO | 111 | https://github.com/DamnWidget/VenGO | ★ |
Query Language
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
gojsonq | 433 | https://github.com/thedevsaddam/gojsonq | ★ |
graphql | 47 | https://github.com/tmc/graphql | |
graphql | 36 | https://github.com/sevki/graphql | |
graphql | 1,968 | https://github.com/neelance/graphql-go | ★★★ |
graphql-go | 3,704 | https://github.com/graphql-go/graphql | ★★★ |
jsonql | 174 | https://github.com/elgs/jsonql | ★ |
jsonslice | 6 | https://github.com/bhmj/jsonslice | |
rql | 68 | https://github.com/a8m/rql |
Resource Embedding
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
esc | 347 | https://github.com/mjibson/esc | ★ |
fileb0x | 338 | https://github.com/UnnoTed/fileb0x | ★ |
go-embed | 13 | https://github.com/pyros2097/go-embed | |
go-resources | 145 | https://github.com/omeid/go-resources | ★ |
go.rice | 1,401 | https://github.com/GeertJohan/go.rice | ★★★ |
packr | 1,261 | https://github.com/gobuffalo/packr | ★★★ |
statics | 49 | https://github.com/go-playground/statics | |
statik | 1,497 | https://github.com/rakyll/statik | ★★★ |
templify | 15 | https://github.com/wlbr/templify | |
vfsgen | 391 | https://github.com/shurcooL/vfsgen | ★ |
Science and Data Analysis
Libraries for scientific computing and data analyzing.
Libraries that are used to help make your application more secure.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
acmetool | 1,605 | https://github.com/hlandau/acme | ★★★ |
acra | 305 | https://github.com/cossacklabs/acra | ★ |
argon2pw | 61 | https://github.com/raja/argon2pw | |
BadActor | 225 | https://github.com/jaredfolkins/badactor | ★ |
Cameradar | 1,420 | https://github.com/Ullaakut/cameradar | ★★★ |
go-yara | 96 | https://github.com/hillu/go-yara | |
YARA | 72 | https://github.com/plusvic/yara | |
goArgonPass | 5 | https://github.com/dwin/goArgonPass | |
goSecretBoxPassword | 18 | https://github.com/dwin/goSecretBoxPassword | |
lego | 2,891 | https://github.com/xenolf/lego | ★★★ |
memguard | 819 | https://github.com/awnumar/memguard | ★★ |
nacl | 369 | https://github.com/kevinburke/nacl | ★ |
passlib | 201 | https://github.com/hlandau/passlib | ★ |
secure | 1,025 | https://github.com/unrolled/secure | ★★★ |
simple-scrypt | 138 | https://github.com/elithrar/simple-scrypt | ★ |
ssh-vault | 166 | https://github.com/ssh-vault/ssh-vault | ★ |
Libraries and tools for binary serialization.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
asn1 | 31 | https://github.com/PromonLogicalis/asn1 | |
bambam | 59 | https://github.com/glycerine/bambam | |
colfer | 400 | https://github.com/pascaldekloe/colfer | ★ |
csvutil | 242 | https://github.com/jszwec/csvutil | ★ |
fwencoder | 6 | https://github.com/o1egl/fwencoder | |
go-capnproto | 264 | https://github.com/glycerine/go-capnproto | ★ |
go-codec | 1,018 | https://github.com/ugorji/go | ★★★ |
gogoprotobuf | 2,021 | https://github.com/gogo/protobuf | ★★★ |
goprotobuf | 3,513 | https://github.com/golang/protobuf | ★★★ |
jsoniter | 3,600 | https://github.com/json-iterator/go | ★★★ |
mapstructure | 1,697 | https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure | ★★★ |
php_session_decoder | 99 | https://github.com/yvasiyarov/php_session_decoder | |
structomap | 77 | https://github.com/tuvistavie/structomap | |
structs | 2,448 | https://github.com/fatih/structs | ★★★ |
Server Applications
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
algernon | 473 | https://github.com/xyproto/algernon | ★ |
Caddy | 18,680 | https://github.com/mholt/caddy | ★★★★★ |
devd | 2,627 | https://github.com/cortesi/devd | ★★★ |
discovery | 270 | https://github.com/Bilibili/discovery | ★ |
etcd | 20,604 | https://github.com/coreos/etcd | ★★★★★ |
Fider | 392 | https://github.com/getfider/fider | ★ |
Flagr | 449 | https://github.com/checkr/flagr | ★ |
jackal | 495 | https://github.com/ortuman/jackal | ★ |
minio | 13,125 | https://github.com/minio/minio | ★★★★★ |
RoadRunner | 1,521 | https://github.com/spiral/roadrunner | ★★★ |
Template Engines
Libraries and tools for templating and lexing.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
ace | 727 | https://github.com/yosssi/ace | ★★ |
amber | 795 | https://github.com/eknkc/amber | ★★ |
damsel | 20 | https://github.com/dskinner/damsel | |
ego | 384 | https://github.com/benbjohnson/ego | ★ |
extemplate | 5 | https://github.com/dannyvankooten/extemplate | |
fasttemplate | 218 | https://github.com/valyala/fasttemplate | ★ |
gofpdf | 2,534 | https://github.com/jung-kurt/gofpdf | ★★★ |
hero | 1,050 | https://github.com/shiyanhui/hero | ★★★ |
jet | 503 | https://github.com/CloudyKit/jet | ★★ |
kasia.go | 70 | https://github.com/ziutek/kasia.go | |
liquid | 66 | https://github.com/osteele/liquid | |
mustache | 941 | https://github.com/hoisie/mustache | ★★ |
pongo2 | 1,307 | https://github.com/flosch/pongo2 | ★★★ |
quicktemplate | 1,117 | https://github.com/valyala/quicktemplate | ★★★ |
raymond | 287 | https://github.com/aymerick/raymond | ★ |
Razor | 640 | https://github.com/sipin/gorazor | ★★ |
Soy | 131 | https://github.com/robfig/soy | ★ |
velvet | 62 | https://github.com/gobuffalo/velvet |
Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.||
Testing Frameworks
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
counterfeiter | 264 | https://github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter | ★ |
go-sqlmock | 1,067 | https://github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock | ★★★ |
go-txdb | 83 | https://github.com/DATA-DOG/go-txdb | |
gock | 564 | https://github.com/h2non/gock | ★★ |
gomock | 1,692 | https://github.com/golang/mock | ★★★ |
govcr | 41 | https://github.com/seborama/govcr | |
minimock | 136 | https://github.com/gojuno/minimock | ★ |
mockhttp | 22 | https://github.com/tv42/mockhttp |
Fuzzing and delta-debugging/reducing/shrinking.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
go-fuzz | 2,366 | https://github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz | ★★★ |
gofuzz | 450 | https://github.com/google/gofuzz | ★ |
Tavor | 187 | https://github.com/zimmski/tavor | ★ |
Selenium and browser control tools.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
cdp | 174 | https://github.com/mafredri/cdp | ★ |
chromedp | 2,310 | https://github.com/knq/chromedp | ★★★ |
ggr | 162 | https://github.com/aerokube/ggr | ★ |
selenoid | 755 | https://github.com/aerokube/selenoid | ★★ |
Text Processing
Libraries for parsing and manipulating texts.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
gotabulate | 182 | https://github.com/bndr/gotabulate | ★ |
kace | 8 | https://github.com/codemodus/kace | |
parseargs-go | 4 | https://github.com/nproc/parseargs-go | |
parth | 19 | https://github.com/codemodus/parth | |
radix | 56 | https://github.com/yourbasic/radix | |
xj2go | 13 | https://github.com/stackerzzq/xj2go | |
xurls | 372 | https://github.com/mvdan/xurls | ★ |
Third-party APIs
Libraries for accessing third party APIs.
General utilities and tools to make your life easier.
Libraries for validation.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
govalidator | 2,876 | https://github.com/asaskevich/govalidator | ★★★ |
govalidator | 485 | https://github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator | ★ |
ozzo-validation | 765 | https://github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation | ★★ |
validate | 38 | https://github.com/markbates/validate | |
validator | 2,237 | https://github.com/go-playground/validator | ★★★ |
Version Control
Libraries for version control.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
gh | 61 | https://github.com/rjeczalik/gh | |
git2go | 1,208 | https://github.com/libgit2/git2go | ★★★ |
go-vcs | 64 | https://github.com/sourcegraph/go-vcs | |
hgo | 12 | https://github.com/beyang/hgo |
Libraries for manipulating video.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
gmf | 403 | https://github.com/3d0c/gmf | ★ |
go-astisub | 122 | https://github.com/asticode/go-astisub | ★ |
go-astits | 214 | https://github.com/asticode/go-astits | ★ |
goav | 524 | https://github.com/giorgisio/goav | ★★ |
gst | 146 | https://github.com/ziutek/gst | ★ |
libgosubs | 8 | https://github.com/wargarblgarbl/libgosubs | |
libvlc-go | 30 | https://github.com/adrg/libvlc-go | |
v4l | 16 | https://github.com/korandiz/v4l |
Web Frameworks
Full stack web frameworks.
Actual middlewares
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
client-timing | 10 | https://github.com/posener/client-timing | |
CORS | 897 | https://github.com/rs/cors | ★★ |
formjson | 30 | https://github.com/rs/formjson | |
go-server-timing | 716 | https://github.com/mitchellh/go-server-timing | ★★ |
Limiter | 392 | https://github.com/ulule/limiter | ★ |
ln-paywall | 64 | https://github.com/philippgille/ln-paywall | |
Tollbooth | 970 | https://github.com/didip/tollbooth | ★★ |
XFF | 69 | https://github.com/sebest/xff |
Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
alice | 1,643 | https://github.com/justinas/alice | ★★★ |
catena | 7 | https://github.com/codemodus/catena | |
chain | 63 | https://github.com/codemodus/chain | |
go-wrap | 53 | https://github.com/go-on/wrap | |
gores | 78 | https://github.com/alioygur/gores | |
interpose | 287 | https://github.com/carbocation/interpose | ★ |
muxchain | 204 | https://github.com/stephens2424/muxchain | ★ |
negroni | 5,807 | https://github.com/urfave/negroni | ★★★★ |
render | 1,149 | https://github.com/unrolled/render | ★★★ |
renderer | 107 | https://github.com/thedevsaddam/renderer | ★ |
rye | 84 | https://github.com/InVisionApp/rye | |
stats | 499 | https://github.com/thoas/stats | ★ |
Volatile | 81 | https://github.com/volatile/core |
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
d3d9 | 72 | https://github.com/gonutz/d3d9 | |
go-ole | 431 | https://github.com/go-ole/go-ole | ★ |
Libraries and tools for manipulating XML.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
XML-Comp | 15 | https://github.com/xml-comp/xml-comp | |
xmlwriter | 5 | https://github.com/shabbyrobe/xmlwriter | |
xpath | 87 | https://github.com/antchfx/xpath | |
xquery | 131 | https://github.com/antchfx/xquery | ★ |
Go software and plugins.
Code Analysis
Editor Plugins
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
Go plugin for JetBrains IDEs | - | githubではないため、対象外 | ★★★★★ |
go-language-server | 14 | https://github.com/theia-ide/go-language-server | |
go-mode | 820 | https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el | ★★ |
go-plus | 1,419 | https://github.com/joefitzgerald/go-plus | ★★★ |
Goclipse | 770 | https://github.com/GoClipse/goclipse | ★★ |
gocode | 4,462 | https://github.com/nsf/gocode | ★★★ |
GoSublime | 3,017 | https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime | ★★★ |
gounit-vim | 12 | https://github.com/hexdigest/gounit-vim | |
theia-go-extension | 8 | https://github.com/theia-ide/theia-go-extension | |
velour | 15 | https://github.com/velour/velour | |
vim-compiler-go | 77 | https://github.com/rjohnsondev/vim-compiler-go | |
vim-go | 9,191 | https://github.com/fatih/vim-go | ★★★★ |
vscode-go | 4,043 | https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-go | ★★★ |
Watch | 150 | https://github.com/eaburns/Watch | ★ |
Go Generate Tools
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
generic | 21 | https://github.com/usk81/generic | |
genny | 722 | https://github.com/cheekybits/genny | ★★ |
gocontracts | 26 | https://github.com/Parquery/gocontracts | |
gotests | 1,430 | https://github.com/cweill/gotests | ★★★ |
gounit | 13 | https://github.com/hexdigest/gounit | |
re2dfa | 157 | https://github.com/opennota/re2dfa | ★ |
Go Tools
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
colorgo | 93 | https://github.com/songgao/colorgo | |
depth | 261 | https://github.com/KyleBanks/depth | ★ |
generator-go-lang | 5 | https://github.com/axelspringer/generator-go-lang | |
go-callvis | 1,253 | https://github.com/TrueFurby/go-callvis | ★★★ |
go-pkg-complete | 36 | https://github.com/skelterjohn/go-pkg-complete | |
go-swagger | 2,746 | https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger | ★★★ |
OctoLinker | 2,960 | https://github.com/OctoLinker/browser-extension | ★★★ |
richgo | 298 | https://github.com/kyoh86/richgo | ★ |
rts | 175 | https://github.com/galeone/rts | ★ |
Software Packages
Software written in Go.
DevOps Tools
Other Software
Where to discover new Go libraries.
名前 | スター数 | githubのURL | スターの多さ |
autobench | 88 | https://github.com/davecheney/autobench | |
go-benchmark-app | 17 | https://github.com/mrLSD/go-benchmark-app | |
go-benchmarks | 100 | https://github.com/tylertreat/go-benchmarks | ★ |
go-http-routing-benchmark | 1,130 | https://github.com/julienschmidt/go-http-routing-benchmark | ★★★ |
go-type-assertion-benchmark | 5 | https://github.com/hgfischer/go-type-assertion-benchmark | |
go-web-framework-benchmark | 804 | https://github.com/smallnest/go-web-framework-benchmark | ★★ |
go_serialization_benchmarks | 707 | https://github.com/alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarks | ★★ |
gocostmodel | 51 | https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/gocostmodel | |
golang-micro-benchmarks | 15 | https://github.com/amscanne/golang-micro-benchmarks | |
golang-sql-benchmark | 46 | https://github.com/tyler-smith/golang-sql-benchmark | |
gospeed | 82 | https://github.com/feyeleanor/GoSpeed | |
kvbench | 13 | https://github.com/jimrobinson/kvbench | |
skynet | 866 | https://github.com/atemerev/skynet | ★★ |
speedtest-resize | 149 | https://github.com/fawick/speedtest-resize | ★ |