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SQL パイプライン構文のサポート
SQL パイプラインを作成できるようになりました。SQL パイプラインは、次の例に示すように、 SELECT c2 FROM T WHERE c1 = 5などの標準クエリをステップバイステップのシーケンスに構造化します。

|> SELECT c2
|> WHERE c1 = 5

SQL パイプラインでサポートされている構文については、「SQL パイプライン構文」を参照してください。
この業界横断的な拡張の背景についてはSQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL (by Google Research)をご覧ください。





  • Databricksランタイム16.2以降のクラスターあるいはSQLウェアハウスが必要です。


SELECT c_count, COUNT(*) AS custdist
    (SELECT c_custkey, COUNT(o_orderkey) c_count
      FROM customer
      LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON c_custkey = o_custkey
                             AND o_comment NOT LIKE '%unusual%packages%'
     GROUP BY c_custkey
  ) AS c_orders
  GROUP BY c_count
  ORDER BY custdist DESC, c_count DESC;


c_count custdist
0 250013
10 32906
9 32587
11 31032
8 29152
12 28004
13 24959
7 23414


FROM customer
  |> LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON c_custkey = o_custkey
                            AND o_comment NOT LIKE '%unusual%packages%'
  |> AGGREGATE COUNT(o_orderkey) c_count
     GROUP BY c_custkey
  |> AGGREGATE COUNT(*) AS custdist
     GROUP BY c_count
  |> ORDER BY custdist DESC, c_count DESC;


c_count custdist
0 250013
10 32906
9 32587
11 31032
8 29152
12 28004
13 24959
7 23414


FROM customer 
c_custkey c_name c_address c_nationkey c_phone c_acctbal c_mktsegment c_comment
412445 Customer#000412445 0QAB3OjYnbP6mA0B,kgf 21 31-421-403-4333 5358.33 BUILDING arefully blithely regular epi
412446 Customer#000412446 5u8MSbyiC7J,7PuY4Ivaq1JRbTCMKeNVqg 20 30-487-949-7942 9441.59 MACHINERY sleep according to the fluffily even forges. fluffily careful packages after the ironic, silent deposi
412447 Customer#000412447 HC4ZT62gKPgrjr ceoaZgFOunlUogr7GO 7 17-797-466-6308 7868.75 AUTOMOBILE aggle blithely among the carefully express excus
412448 Customer#000412448 hJok1MMrDgH 6 16-541-510-4964 6060.98 MACHINERY ly silent requests boost slyly. express courts sleep according to the fluf
412449 Customer#000412449 zAt1nZNG01gOhIqgyDtDa S,Y0VSofZJs1dd 14 24-710-983-5536 4973.84 HOUSEHOLD refully final theodolites. final, slow excuses sleep quickly! quickly ironic idea


FROM customer 
|> LIMIT 10


c_custkey c_name c_address c_nationkey c_phone c_acctbal c_mktsegment c_comment
412445 Customer#000412445 0QAB3OjYnbP6mA0B,kgf 21 31-421-403-4333 5358.33 BUILDING arefully blithely regular epi
412446 Customer#000412446 5u8MSbyiC7J,7PuY4Ivaq1JRbTCMKeNVqg 20 30-487-949-7942 9441.59 MACHINERY sleep according to the fluffily even forges. fluffily careful packages after the ironic, silent deposi
412447 Customer#000412447 HC4ZT62gKPgrjr ceoaZgFOunlUogr7GO 7 17-797-466-6308 7868.75 AUTOMOBILE aggle blithely among the carefully express excus
412448 Customer#000412448 hJok1MMrDgH 6 16-541-510-4964 6060.98 MACHINERY ly silent requests boost slyly. express courts sleep according to the fluf
412449 Customer#000412449 zAt1nZNG01gOhIqgyDtDa S,Y0VSofZJs1dd 14 24-710-983-5536 4973.84 HOUSEHOLD refully final theodolites. final, slow excuses sleep quickly! quickly ironic idea
412450 Customer#000412450 fUD6IoGdtF 20 30-293-696-5047 4406.28 BUILDING refully final dolphins after the carefully bold packages sleep quickly express deposits. fluffily
412451 Customer#000412451 W2Ge0Qd8adH 20 30-590-724-6711 2290.38 BUILDING slow asymptotes will are carefully final packages. slyly regular fox
412452 Customer#000412452 Ij4xiPIeNEP1uR5p7H 10 20-492-590-3363 3426.64 AUTOMOBILE sleep slyly after the sometimes even ideas. slyly express theodolites dazzle furiously ironic dependenci
412453 Customer#000412453 4DmSxDPMmfidKQB3W50FIzkjZESEW3LPgLBuQbic 21 31-480-724-9665 4592.14 MACHINERY against the slyly regular requests-- pending, pending accounts boost quic
412454 Customer#000412454 ZQfKDMUyEfn 9 19-898-261-2669 2035.91 FURNITURE quickly. blithely special theodolites about the excus


FROM customer 
|> LIMIT 10
|> WHERE c_nationkey > 10


c_custkey c_name c_address c_nationkey c_phone c_acctbal c_mktsegment c_comment
412445 Customer#000412445 0QAB3OjYnbP6mA0B,kgf 21 31-421-403-4333 5358.33 BUILDING arefully blithely regular epi
412446 Customer#000412446 5u8MSbyiC7J,7PuY4Ivaq1JRbTCMKeNVqg 20 30-487-949-7942 9441.59 MACHINERY sleep according to the fluffily even forges. fluffily careful packages after the ironic, silent deposi
412449 Customer#000412449 zAt1nZNG01gOhIqgyDtDa S,Y0VSofZJs1dd 14 24-710-983-5536 4973.84 HOUSEHOLD refully final theodolites. final, slow excuses sleep quickly! quickly ironic idea
412450 Customer#000412450 fUD6IoGdtF 20 30-293-696-5047 4406.28 BUILDING refully final dolphins after the carefully bold packages sleep quickly express deposits. fluffily
412451 Customer#000412451 W2Ge0Qd8adH 20 30-590-724-6711 2290.38 BUILDING slow asymptotes will are carefully final packages. slyly regular fox
412453 Customer#000412453 4DmSxDPMmfidKQB3W50FIzkjZESEW3LPgLBuQbic 21 31-480-724-9665 4592.14 MACHINERY against the slyly regular requests-- pending, pending accounts boost quic







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