- @ashiba
グラフアルゴリズム, CPUアーキテクチャ, OSなどに興味があります。
- Dr. Kiyoshi Ogawa@kaizen_nagoya
I'm a network designer.I work on TOPPERS SmallestSetProfile Kernel,MISRA-C/C++, STARC RTL Design StyleGuide (Verilog-HDL), and HAZOP.I was an editor of ISO/IEC 15504.
- @ysugi
B4 at Univ. of Tsukuba. Engineer at Idein Inc.
- @cvusk
Python Golang Kotlin Java C# C++ Bash Linux MachineLearning DeepLearning Keras Tensorflow Docker Kubernetes AWS GCP Unity Android PyTorch AR MENSA https://amzn.to/3Vh0fad https://amzn.to/3ilUpG7