📃oshoham - UnityGoogleStreamingSpeechToText
- Supported Platform : Only Windows OS
- License : MIT
📃yasirkula - UnitySpeechToText
- Supported Platform : AOS(all versions) & IOS 10+
- License : MIT
- Releases
- KNOWN ISSUES : Speech session returned error code 12 on a single Android test device (regardless of target language) and couldn't be started
- How to
参考: コードベースはXMLコメントを使用して文書化されているため、このセクションでは関数について簡略に述べます。
SpeechToText.Initialize(string preferredLanguage = null)
を介してプラグインを初期化する必要があります。指定された言語("en-US"形式)を提供しない場合、デバイスのデフォルト言語が使用されます。SpeechToText.IsLanguageSupported(string language)
SpeechToText.IsServiceAvailable(bool preferOfflineRecognition = false)
およびSpeechToText.RequestPermissionAsync(PermissionCallback callback)
SpeechToText.Start(ISpeechToTextListener listener
,bool useFreeFormLanguageModel = true
,bool preferOfflineRecognition = false)
OnVoiceLevelChanged(float normalizedVoiceLevel)
OnPartialResultReceived(string spokenText)
OnResultReceived(string spokenText, int? errorCode)
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class SpeechToTextDemo : MonoBehaviour, ISpeechToTextListener { public Text SpeechText; public Button StartSpeechToTextButton, StopSpeechToTextButton; public Slider VoiceLevelSlider; public bool PreferOfflineRecognition; private float normalizedVoiceLevel; private void Awake() { SpeechToText.Initialize( "en-US" ); StartSpeechToTextButton.onClick.AddListener( StartSpeechToText ); StopSpeechToTextButton.onClick.AddListener( StopSpeechToText ); } private void Update() { StartSpeechToTextButton.interactable = SpeechToText.IsServiceAvailable( PreferOfflineRecognition ) && !SpeechToText.IsBusy(); StopSpeechToTextButton.interactable = SpeechToText.IsBusy(); // You may also apply some noise to the voice level for a more fluid animation (e.g. via Mathf.PerlinNoise) VoiceLevelSlider.value = Mathf.Lerp( VoiceLevelSlider.value, normalizedVoiceLevel, 15f * Time.unscaledDeltaTime ); } public void ChangeLanguage( string preferredLanguage ) { if( !SpeechToText.Initialize( preferredLanguage ) ) SpeechText.text = "Couldn't initialize with language: " + preferredLanguage; } public void StartSpeechToText() { SpeechToText.RequestPermissionAsync( ( permission ) => { if( permission == SpeechToText.Permission.Granted ) { if( SpeechToText.Start( this, preferOfflineRecognition: PreferOfflineRecognition ) ) SpeechText.text = ""; else SpeechText.text = "Couldn't start speech recognition session!"; } else SpeechText.text = "Permission is denied!"; } ); } public void StopSpeechToText() { SpeechToText.ForceStop(); } void ISpeechToTextListener.OnReadyForSpeech() { Debug.Log( "OnReadyForSpeech" ); } void ISpeechToTextListener.OnBeginningOfSpeech() { Debug.Log( "OnBeginningOfSpeech" ); } void ISpeechToTextListener.OnVoiceLevelChanged( float normalizedVoiceLevel ) { // Note that On Android, voice detection starts with a beep sound and it can trigger this callback. You may want to ignore this callback for ~0.5s on Android. this.normalizedVoiceLevel = normalizedVoiceLevel; } void ISpeechToTextListener.OnPartialResultReceived( string spokenText ) { Debug.Log( "OnPartialResultReceived: " + spokenText ); SpeechText.text = spokenText; } void ISpeechToTextListener.OnResultReceived( string spokenText, int? errorCode ) { Debug.Log( "OnResultReceived: " + spokenText + ( errorCode.HasValue ? ( " --- Error: " + errorCode ) : "" ) ); SpeechText.text = spokenText; normalizedVoiceLevel = 0f; // Recommended approach: // - If errorCode is 0, session was aborted via SpeechToText.Cancel. Handle the case appropriately. // - If errorCode is 9, notify the user that they must grant Microphone permission to the Google app and call SpeechToText.OpenGoogleAppSettings. // - If the speech session took shorter than 1 seconds (should be an error) or a null/empty spokenText is returned, prompt the user to try again (note that if // errorCode is 6, then the user hasn't spoken and the session has timed out as expected). } }