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php-master-changes 2019-08-23

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この日は一部標準関数の警告のエラーへの昇格、__serialize() / __unserialize() 利用時、深いネストをアンシリアライズしようとした際にデータが壊れる問題の修正、コンパイラ警告の修正、gen_stub.php の修正、php -a の対話モードで PHP 7.3 形式の heredoc が使えない問題の修正、テストの修正、spl の GC 問題の修正、不要な strncat() の利用箇所の修正、noalias 違反の修正があった!


Girgias: Promote warnings to errors in array_column()

Girgias: Promote warnings to errors in array_pad()

Girgias: Promote warnings to errors in strtr()

Girgias: Promote warnings to errors in str_split()

Girgias: Promote warnings to errors in dirname()

Girgias: Promote warnings to errors in wordwrap()

Girgias: Promote warnings to errors in str_word_count()

Girgias: Promote warnings to errors in chunk_split()

cmb69: Fix #78438: Corruption when __unserializing deeply nested structures

cmb69: Suppress deprecation warning on IDNA2003 ICU methods for clang

TysonAndre: Fix escapes for namespaced classes in gen_stub.php

cmb69: Fix #77812: Interactive mode does not support PHP 7.3-style heredoc

cmb69: Fix bug77812-*.phpt

nikic: Fixed bug #78436

nikic: Support variable element size in spl heap implementation

nikic: Replace strncat in filter implementation

nikic: Avoid strncat use in proc_open

nikic: Fix noalias violation in select call


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