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php-master-changes 2018-10-03

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今日は Reflection のバグ修正やリファクタリング、Windows の fastcgi 環境でのバグ修正、受理された RFC で ext/hash を常時有効にする奴の取り込み、アサーションの追加と継承処理の改善、ext/zip の拡張のバージョン記述を上げる、という感じだった!


nikic: Fixed bug #76936

nikic: Fixed bug #66430

nikic: Some reflection cleanups

weltling: Fixed bug #76947 file_put_contents() blocks the directory of the file (__DIR__)

KalleZ: Implemented RFC "Always available hash extension"

KalleZ: Update hash tests for consistency in their titles and remove the skipif sections (except for the mhash related tests)

KalleZ: Fix compiler warnings in ext/hash

KalleZ: Revert "Fix compiler warnings in ext/hash"

nikic: Remove uses of apply_with_arguments API in reflection

nikic: Reflection: Copy invoke function also in the variadic case

nikic: Write to correct smart_str

dstogov: Added assertions

dstogov: Avoid method compatibility check with itself

  • https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/c88b53318fe2609e26d58c9b3c6d5923e1da9736
  • メソッド継承時に自分自身との互換性チェックを避けるよう修正
  • 継承の実行時、親と自身で同名の同じ関数があるなら引き継ぎ処理を行わないという内容
  • typo ってるコメント見ると、他から継承する interface で親と同じメソッドを宣言、みたいな奴を想定してるのか?

KalleZ: Second round of fixing compiler warnings in ext/hash. Lots of the signatures that previously was unsigned int is now size_t, there was a fair bit of inconsistency there already and this commit should make it all sync nicely

KalleZ: Remove $ext_shared usage for ext/hash in the Unix build script (Thanks Christoph for the notice)

weltling: Fixed bug #76948 Failed shutdown/reboot or end session in Windows

remicollet: bump zip extension version

dstogov: typo

KalleZ: Hopefully last round of size_t fixes, this makes the remaining php_hash_ops use size_t over an int

weltling: Avoid code duplication and don't miss env restore


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