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php-master-changes 2019-08-12

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この日はタイムゾーン DB の更新、arginfo の PHP スタブへの移行、gen_stub.php の修正、ZPP エラー時の例外により不要となったエラー処理の削除、シャットダウン関数内で同じファイルへの 2 回目の file_put_contents() が失敗する問題の修正、readline の引数チェックの修正があった!


derickr: Updated to version 2019.2 (2019b)

iNem0o: Add crc32 stub

stephenreay: Add support for callable to the stub generator [ci skip]

stephenreay: Arginfo stubs for tokenizer

cmb69: Add com_dotnet function stubs

cmb69: Don't throw manual exceptions on ZPP failure

cmb69: Claim maintainership of ext/com_dotnet

cmb69: Don't explicitly set return value on ZPP failure

nikic: Remove some misleading RETURN_FALSE

stephenreay: Added arginfo stubs for svsvshm

stephenreay: Added arginfo stubs for sysvsem

stephenreay: Added shmop arginfo stubs

stephenreay: Fix return type on shmop_close

stephenreay: Fixed inconsistent naming for stub, return type for shmop_size

nikic: Support regenerating all stubs

stephenreay: Added arginfo stubs for sysvmsg

nikic: Fixed bug #78396

cmb69: Don't explicitly set return value on ZPP/ZFR failure

kylekatarnls: Add missing parameters to __set_state() methods

cmb69: Add missing argument checks

stephenreay: Add readline arginfo stubs


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