
[AWS Q&A 365][StepFunctions]Daily Five Common Questions #78

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1. What is AWS Step Functions?

Answer: AWS Step Functions is a serverless workflow service that enables you to coordinate distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows.

2. What are the key concepts of AWS Step Functions?

Answer: The key concepts of AWS Step Functions include states, state machines, input/output processing, error handling, and execution history.

3. What are the differences between standard and express workflows in AWS Step Functions?

Answer: Standard workflows in AWS Step Functions are designed for long-running, durable workflows that can run for days, weeks, or even months. Express workflows, on the other hand, are designed for short-lived, event-driven workflows that can run for seconds or minutes.

4. What are the execution guarantees of AWS Step Functions?

Answer: AWS Step Functions provides strong consistency guarantees for state transitions and ensures that state machines only execute once per input.

5. How can you optimize costs using express workflows in AWS Step Functions?

Answer: Express workflows in AWS Step Functions can help optimize costs by reducing the overhead of running and managing long-lived workflow instances. Express workflows are billed based on the number of state transitions, rather than the duration of the workflow instance.


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