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[AWS Q&A 365][ECS]Daily Five Common Questions #93

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1. What are resources in Amazon ECS User Guide for AWS Fargate?

A: Resources refer to the computing resources such as CPU and memory required by tasks running in Amazon ECS.

2. How can you manage resources in Amazon ECS User Guide for AWS Fargate?

A: You can manage resources in Amazon ECS User Guide for AWS Fargate by specifying the CPU and memory values in the task definition.

3. What are tags in Amazon ECS User Guide for AWS Fargate?

A: Tags are key-value pairs that you can assign to Amazon ECS resources such as clusters, services, and tasks. They can be used for organizing and searching resources.

4. How can you add tags to Amazon ECS resources?

A: You can add tags to Amazon ECS resources using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDKs.

5. What is the purpose of using tags in Amazon ECS User Guide for AWS Fargate?

A: The purpose of using tags in Amazon ECS User Guide for AWS Fargate is to organize resources, track costs, and apply permissions to specific resources.


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