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[AWS Q&A 365][AppSync]Daily Five Common Questions #36

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1. What measures does AWS AppSync have in place to ensure the security of its users' data?

Answer: AWS AppSync has several security measures in place, including network isolation, encryption of data in transit and at rest, and access control through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). It also supports integration with AWS CloudTrail for auditing and monitoring.

2. Can users customize their security settings in AWS AppSync?

Answer: Yes, users can customize their security settings in AWS AppSync through IAM roles and policies, as well as through VPC configuration and custom domain name settings.

3. How does AWS AppSync ensure the security of its GraphQL API?

Answer: AWS AppSync uses HTTPS for all API requests and supports validation of GraphQL query structures to prevent injection attacks. It also provides support for authentication and authorization through IAM and third-party providers such as Amazon Cognito.

4. Does AWS AppSync comply with any security standards or regulations?

Answer: Yes, AWS AppSync complies with several security standards and regulations, including SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and HIPAA.

5. What happens in the event of a security breach or vulnerability in AWS AppSync?

Answer: AWS AppSync has a dedicated security team that monitors for security incidents and responds quickly to any potential breaches or vulnerabilities. It also provides customers with guidance on how to respond to security incidents and offers resources for improving security practices.


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