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[AWS Q&A 365][ECR]Daily Five Common Questions #97

Last updated at Posted at 2023-07-19

Q1: What monitoring features does Amazon ECR provide?

A1: Amazon ECR provides monitoring features such as visualizing service quotas, setting alarms, usage metrics, usage reports, repository metrics, and CloudWatch metrics. These features help you monitor and track the usage and performance of your container image repositories.

Q2: How can I visualize my service quotas and set alarms in Amazon ECR?

A2: You can visualize your service quotas and set alarms by using the AWS Management Console. This allows you to easily monitor the limits and usage of your Amazon ECR service and set up notifications or alarms based on specific thresholds.

Q3: What are the usage metrics available in Amazon ECR?

A3: Amazon ECR provides usage metrics that allow you to track and analyze the usage of your container image repositories. These metrics include information such as the number of image pushes and pulls, repository size, and repository scan status.

Q4: Can I enable CloudWatch metrics for Amazon ECR?

A4: Yes, you can enable CloudWatch metrics for Amazon ECR. By enabling CloudWatch metrics, you can collect and monitor additional metrics related to your container image repositories, such as API call rates, error rates, and latency.

Q5: How can I view Amazon ECR metrics?

A5: You can view Amazon ECR metrics by accessing the CloudWatch console or by using the CloudWatch API or CLI. These metrics provide insights into the performance and usage of your container image repositories, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimizations.


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