julius-speech/julius: Release 4.5
$ wget https://zenodo.org/record/2530396/files/julius-speech/julius-v4.5.zip
$ unzip julius-v4.5.zip
$ cd julius-speech-julius-36de469/
$ ./configure
Julius/Julian libsent library rev.4.5:
- Audio I/O
primary mic device API : coreaudio (MacOSX CoreAudio)
available mic device API :
supported audio format : various formats by libsndfile ver.1
NetAudio support : no
- Language Modeling
class N-gram support : yes
- Libraries
file decompression by : zlib library
- Process management
fork on adinnet input : no
Note: compilation time flags are now stored in "libsent-config".
If you link this library, please add output of
"libsent-config --cflags" to CFLAGS and
"libsent-config --libs" to LIBS.
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ wget https://ja.osdn.net/projects/julius/downloads/71011/dictation-kit-4.5.zip
$ unzip dictation-kit-4.5.zip
$ cd dictation-kit-4.5
$ pwd
$ julius -C main.jconf -C am-gmm.jconf -nostrip
### read waveform input
STAT: AD-in thread created
<input rejected by short input>
STAT: AD-in thread created
pass1_best: こんにちは 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> こんにちは+感動詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | k o N n i ch i w a | silE
pass1_best_score: -2448.511963
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 17650 generated, 1587 pushed, 236 nodes popped in 97
sentence1: こんにちは 。
wseq1: <s> こんにちは+感動詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | k o N n i ch i w a | silE
cmscore1: 0.741 0.687 1.000
score1: -2472.910400
pass1_best: おはよう ござい ます 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> おはよう+感動詞 ござい+動詞 ます+助動詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | o h a y o: | g o z a i | m a s u | silE
pass1_best_score: -3234.950684
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 6666 generated, 1219 pushed, 189 nodes popped in 122
sentence1: おはよう ござい ます 。
wseq1: <s> おはよう+感動詞 ござい+動詞 ます+助動詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | o h a y o: | g o z a i | m a s u | silE
cmscore1: 0.649 0.793 0.921 0.983 1.000
score1: -3258.356689
pass1_best: こんばんは 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> こんばんは+感動詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | k o N b a N w a | silE
pass1_best_score: -2248.228760
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 8960 generated, 1281 pushed, 193 nodes popped in 90
sentence1: こんばんは 。
wseq1: <s> こんばんは+感動詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | k o N b a N w a | silE
cmscore1: 0.716 0.464 1.000
score1: -2270.507080
pass1_best: 右 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 右+名詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | m i g i | silE
pass1_best_score: -2155.382812
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 12732 generated, 1725 pushed, 255 nodes popped in 84
sentence1: 右 。
wseq1: <s> 右+名詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | m i g i | silE
cmscore1: 0.694 0.149 1.000
score1: -2181.414307
pass1_best: 左 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 左+名詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | h i d a r i | silE
pass1_best_score: -2275.306885
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 8577 generated, 1332 pushed, 218 nodes popped in 90
sentence1: 左 。
wseq1: <s> 左+名詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | h i d a r i | silE
cmscore1: 0.779 0.612 1.000
score1: -2291.427002
sentence1: 上 。
wseq1: <s> 上+名詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | u e | silE
cmscore1: 0.750 0.082 1.000
score1: -2423.035400
pass1_best: 下 は 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 下+名詞 は+助詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | sh i t a | w a | silE
pass1_best_score: -2421.643555
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 9518 generated, 2179 pushed, 233 nodes popped in 103
sentence1: 下 わあ 。
wseq1: <s> 下+名詞 わあ+助詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | sh i t a | w a: | silE
cmscore1: 0.576 0.222 0.012 1.000
score1: -2455.557129
pass1_best: 前 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 前+名詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | m a e | silE
pass1_best_score: -2158.709473
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 7800 generated, 1096 pushed, 198 nodes popped in 90
sentence1: 前 。
wseq1: <s> 前+名詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | m a e | silE
cmscore1: 0.624 0.387 1.000
score1: -2184.526855
pass1_best: 後ろ 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 後ろ+名詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | u sh i r o | silE
pass1_best_score: -2560.170898
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 10130 generated, 1400 pushed, 220 nodes popped in 103
sentence1: 後ろ を 。
wseq1: <s> 後ろ+名詞 を+助詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | u sh i r o | o | silE
cmscore1: 0.573 0.417 0.055 1.000
score1: -2579.712646
pass1_best: ありがとう 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> ありがとう+感動詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | a r i g a t o: | silE
pass1_best_score: -2720.370605
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 35224 generated, 2071 pushed, 314 nodes popped in 109
sentence1: ありがとう 。
wseq1: <s> ありがとう+感動詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | a r i g a t o: | silE
cmscore1: 0.457 0.349 1.000
score1: -2741.026123
<<< please speak >>>
$ julius -C main.jconf -C am-dnn.jconf -dnnconf julius.dnnconf -nostrip
STAT: include config: main.jconf
ERROR: m_options: wrong argument: "-fvad"
Try `-help' for more information.
対策:main.jconfから-fvadをコメントアウト or バージョン見直し
$ julius -C main.jconf -C am-dnn.jconf -dnnconf julius.dnnconf -nostrip
STAT: include config: main.jconf
STAT: include config: am-dnn.jconf
ERROR: dnn_config_file_parse: unknown spec: num_threads 2
ERROR: m_options: failed to read julius.dnnconf
Try `-help' for more information.
-->juliusとdictation-kitのバージョンが合わずnum_threadsが見付からない?(julius-v4.2とdictation-kit v4.5だとエラー)
対策:julius.dnnconfからnum_threads 2をコメントアウト or バージョン見直し
Error: adin_darwin: cannot set audio converter quality
ERROR: m_adin: failed to ready input device
対策:システム環境設定->サウンド->入力 から入力が内蔵マイクになっていることを確認する
zenodo julius-speech/julius: Release 4.5
Terminal (macOS): Julius で音声認識をする
Mac で完全フリーの音声認識エンジンJuliusを試してみた
Julius/音声認識関連 超入門用自分用まとめ
オフラインでフリーで使える音声認識 Julius、声で操作するロボを自作しよう
Raspberry Pi+Juliusで音声を認識する【2019年3月】