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[Haskell] 切手を切って

Last updated at Posted at 2014-12-31









{-# OPTIONS -Wall -Werror #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}  -- | __LINE__ が使えるように
module Main where
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>),many)
import Test.HUnit
import Data.Char
import System.IO

-- | 切手型
type Stamp = String

-- | 切手のサンプル
a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3 :: Stamp
[a0,a1,a2,a3] = ["a0","a1","a2","a3"]
[b0,b1,b2,b3] = ["b0","b1","b2","b3"]

-- | 2つの切手がつながっているときTrue
connect :: Stamp -> Stamp -> Bool
connect kitte1 kitte2 
  | abs (tate1 - tate2) > 1 = False
  | abs (yoko1 - yoko2) > 1 = False
  | tate1 == tate2 && abs (yoko1 - yoko2) == 1 = True
  | yoko1 == yoko2 && abs (tate1 - tate2) == 1 = True
  | otherwise = False
    where [tate1,yoko1] = map ord kitte1
          [tate2,yoko2] = map ord kitte2

-- | 1つの切手が複数の切手のどれかとつながっているときTrue
oneConnect :: Stamp -> [Stamp] -> Bool
oneConnect n list
  | null list = False
  | connect n x = True
  | otherwise = oneConnect n xs
      where (x:xs) = list

-- | dest src keepで、destにつながっているsrcをdestにできるだけ移してdestを返す
move3 :: [Stamp] -> [Stamp] -> [Stamp] -> [Stamp]
move3 dest [] _ = dest
move3 dest (x:xs) keep = 
   if oneConnect x dest then move3 (x:dest) (xs ++ keep) []
                        else move3 dest xs (x:keep)

-- | listがhead listに全部つながっていたらlistを返す
move2 :: [Stamp] -> [Stamp]
move2 list = reverse $ move3 [x] xs []
             where (x:xs) = list 

-- | listが全部つながっていたらTrue
move1 :: [Stamp] -> Bool
move1 [] = False
move1 list = len1 == len2
             where len1 = length list
                   len2 = length $ move2 list 

-- | listが全部つながっていたらTrue
trained :: [Stamp] -> Bool
trained = move1

-- | test
line :: Int -> String
line n = "line: " ++ show (n::Int)

move2Test :: Test
move2Test = test [
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? connect a1 a2,
    line __LINE__ ~: False ~=? connect a1 b2,

    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? oneConnect a1 [a2],
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? oneConnect a1 [a2, a3],
    line __LINE__ ~: False ~=? oneConnect b1 [a3, b3],

    line __LINE__ ~: [a1,a0,b1,b0]  ~=? move2 [a1,b0,a0,b1],
    line __LINE__ ~: [a0,b0]  ~=? move2 [a0,b0,a2,b2],

    line __LINE__ ~: False ~=? trained [a0,b0,b2],
    line __LINE__ ~: False ~=? trained [a0,b1,a2],
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? trained [a0,a1,a2],
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? trained [a2,a0,a1],
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? trained [a1,b0,b1],
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? trained [a2,b1,b2],
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? trained [a1,a2,a3,b1],
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? trained [a1,a2,b2,b3],
    line __LINE__ ~: True  ~=? trained [b2,a1,b3,a2],
    line __LINE__ ~: False ~=? trained [a1,a3,b2,b3],
    line __LINE__ ~: False ~=? trained [a1,b1,a3,b3],
    line __LINE__ ~: False ~=? trained [a1,b3,a3,b1],
    True ~=? True

moveTest :: IO Counts
moveTest = runTestTT move2Test

main3 :: IO ()
main3 = do
       _ <- moveTest
       _ <- cardTest
       let stamps = makeStampComb 2 3 3
       mapM_ print $ zip stamps $ map move2 stamps
       putStrLn $ "line: " ++ show (__LINE__::Int)

-- | 切手の集合を作る
makeStamps :: Int -> Int -> [Stamp]
makeStamps tate yoko = [[t,y]|t <- ts, y <- ys]
                       where nextChar = chr . succ . ord :: Char -> Char
                             tates = 'a':map nextChar tates :: String
                             yokos = '0':map nextChar yokos :: String
                             ts = take tate tates :: String
                             ys = take yoko yokos :: String

-- | 組み合わせを作る
combination :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
combination _ 0     = [[]]
combination [] _    = []
combination (x:xs) n = map (x:) (combination xs (n-1)) ++ combination xs n

-- | 切手の組み合わせを作る
makeStampComb :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Stamp]]
makeStampComb tate yoko maisuu = combination stamps maisuu
        where stamps = makeStamps tate yoko

-- | 縦、横、枚数から 組み合わせの数 (答え)を求める
count :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
count tate yoko maisuu =
  length $ filter (==True) $ map trained combs
      where combs2 = makeStampComb tate yoko maisuu
            combs = filterStamps maisuu combs2

-- | 切手リストの幅と高さの両方が枚数より小さい時にTrue
inRange :: Int -> [Stamp] -> Bool
inRange maisuu stamps = maisuu > max haba takasa
  where (yokos,tates) = unzip $ map (\x->(ord (x!!0),ord (x!!1))) stamps
        haba   = maximum yokos - minimum yokos
        takasa = maximum tates - minimum tates

-- | 切手リストから、幅と高さの両方が枚数より小さい切手リストを選ぶ
-- | 22秒ー>16秒ぐらいに短縮
filterStamps :: Int->[[Stamp]]->[[Stamp]]
filterStamps maisuu = filter (inRange maisuu) 

-- | test
testCards :: Test
testCards = test [
    line __LINE__ ~: 4 ~=? count 2 2 2,
    line __LINE__ ~: 4 ~=? count 2 2 3,
    line __LINE__ ~: 7 ~=? count 2 3 2,
    line __LINE__ ~: 10 ~=? count 2 3 3,
    -- | CodeIQ 出題
    line __LINE__ ~: 40 ~=? count 5 5 2,
    line __LINE__ ~: 34 ~=? count 3 4 3,
    line __LINE__ ~: 65 ~=? count 3 4 4,
    line __LINE__ ~: 1282 ~=? count 6 7 5,
    line __LINE__ ~: True ~=? True

cardTest :: IO Counts
cardTest = runTestTT testCards

-- | 解答作成
game4 :: String -> String
game4 question = show $ count tate yoko maisuu
                 where [tate,yoko,maisuu] = map (\s -> read s :: Int) $ words question

-- | 問題文解釈
game3 :: Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
game3 0 _  dest = reverse dest
game3 n ss dest = game3 (n-1) xs (game4 x:dest)
                  where (x:xs) = ss

-- | 問題文解釈
game2 :: [String] -> [String]
game2 ss = game3 n xs []
           where (x:xs) = ss
                 n = read x :: Int

-- | 問題文解釈
stampGame :: String -> String
stampGame = unlines . game2 . lines

-- | IO functions
readQuestion :: FilePath -> IO String
readQuestion fname1 = 
  withFile fname1 ReadMode $ \h -> do
    contents <- hGetContents h
    putStr contents  -- | これを入れておくと遅延しない
    return contents

writeAnswer :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
writeAnswer fname2 contents = 
  withFile fname2 WriteMode $ \h -> hPutStr h contents

main2 :: IO ()
main2 = main3 >> stampGame <$> readQuestion "sample.in.txt" >>= writeAnswer "sample.out.txt"

main :: IO ()
main = stampGame <$> readQuestion "testdata.in.txt" >>= writeAnswer "testdata.out.txt"



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