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du -d 1 -h ~

このコマンドを打ったときに"Operation not permittedとなったらこちらmacOS Mojave の "Operation not permitted" を回避する(du/ls/mv/cp 実行時)

noMacBook-Pro ~ % du -d 1 -h ~
  0B	/Users/*****/iMyfone_Full_Backup
5.0M	/Users/*****/.eclipse
429M	/Users/*****/.config
436K	/Users/*****/Music
 28K	/Users/*****/Boostnote
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8.0K	/Users/*****/.docker
 15M	/Users/*****/.node-gyp
  0B	/Users/*****/mysql2
175M	/Users/*****/.nodebrew
4.0K	/Users/*****/.jspm
  0B	/Users/*****/.thumbnails
4.0K	/Users/*****/.lldb
2.5G	/Users/*****/.rbenv
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 28K	/Users/*****/.subversion
141M	/Users/*****/EnergyDataSimulationChallenge
428K	/Users/*****/.vue-templates
4.0K	/Users/*****/.local
9.1M	/Users/*****/Creative Cloud Files
409M	/Users/*****/Pictures
 68M	/Users/*****/.bundle
  0B	/Users/*****/Postman
426M	/Users/*****/.p2
 25M	/Users/*****/.solargraph
8.7G	/Users/*****/Desktop
147G	/Users/*****/Library  ⭐️
2.2G	/Users/*****/.cocoapods
152K	/Users/*****/.bash_sessions
  0B	/Users/*****/Public
 19M	/Users/*****/.dropbox
 82M	/Users/*****/.codeintel
8.0K	/Users/*****/js.playground
 12M	/Users/*****/mysql
192K	/Users/*****/.ssh
 24M	/Users/*****/Movies
332K	/Users/*****/Applications
du: /Users/*****/.Trash/Public/Drop Box: Permission denied
du: /Users/*****/.Trash/Guest/Music: Permission denied
du: /Users/*****/.Trash/Guest/Pictures: Permission denied
du: /Users/*****/.Trash/Guest/Desktop: Permission denied
du: /Users/*****/.Trash/Guest/Library: Permission denied
du: /Users/*****/.Trash/Guest/Movies: Permission denied
du: /Users/*****/.Trash/Guest/Documents: Permission denied
du: /Users/*****/.Trash/Guest/Downloads: Permission denied
 12K	/Users/*****/.Trash
  0B	/Users/*****/.zoomus
307M	/Users/*****/.npm
 86M	/Users/*****/Documents
310M	/Users/*****/.vscode
 24M	/Users/*****/.gem
107M	/Users/*****/Downloads
110M	/Users/*****/.cache
316K	/Users/*****/CocoaPodsCaches
2.2G	/Users/*****/cocoapods
165G	/Users/*****


 % du -sh /Library/*| sort -nr
du: /Library/Apple/System/Library/Extensions/RemoteVirtualInterface.kext/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeResources: Permission denied
du: /Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/Users: Permission denied
du: /Library/Application Support/Apple/AssetCache/Data: Permission denied
du: /Library/Application Support/ApplePushService: Permission denied
du: /Library/Caches/Desktop Pictures/3845E554-A181-4D54-A961-59DF585D132F: Permission denied
du: /Library/Caches/com.apple.iconservices.store: Permission denied
du: /Library/OSAnalytics/Preferences/Library: Permission denied
577M	/Library/Java
476K	/Library/CoreAnalytics
404K	/Library/Preferences
401M	/Library/Ruby
316K	/Library/Perl
240K	/Library/QuickTime
112K	/Library/ColorSync
109M	/Library/Desktop Pictures
104M	/Library/Logs
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 72K	/Library/Spotlight
 64K	/Library/Receipts
 42M	/Library/Apple
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 16K	/Library/LaunchAgents
 14M	/Library/Image Capture
 13M	/Library/WebServer
 12K	/Library/SystemMigration
 11M	/Library/Developer
9.7M	/Library/Caches
8.2M	/Library/Documentation
8.0K	/Library/Python
5.0M	/Library/StagedExtensions
5.0M	/Library/Extensions
4.5M	/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools
4.0K	/Library/OSAnalytics
4.0K	/Library/Fonts
4.0K	/Library/CoreMediaIO
2.8G	/Library/Updates
2.6M	/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
2.6G	/Library/Application Support
1.5M	/Library/DropboxHelperTools
1.4M	/Library/User Template
1.4M	/Library/Scripts
1.2M	/Library/Modem Scripts
  0B	/Library/Video
  0B	/Library/SystemProfiler
  0B	/Library/SystemExtensions
  0B	/Library/StartupItems
  0B	/Library/StagedDriverExtensions
  0B	/Library/Speech
  0B	/Library/Security
  0B	/Library/Screen Savers
  0B	/Library/Sandbox
  0B	/Library/PreferencePanes
  0B	/Library/OpenDirectory
  0B	/Library/Keyboard Layouts
  0B	/Library/InstallerSandboxes
  0B	/Library/Input Methods
  0B	/Library/Graphics
  0B	/Library/GPUBundles
  0B	/Library/Filesystems
  0B	/Library/DriverExtensions
  0B	/Library/DirectoryServices
  0B	/Library/Contextual Menu Items
  0B	/Library/Compositions
  0B	/Library/Components
  0B	/Library/ColorPickers


スクリーンショット 2020-02-08 12.42.28.png

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