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CloudFront Functionsで一つの関数に複数サイトのBASIC認証情報をまとめて設定する方法

Last updated at Posted at 2023-04-05

トリガーは ViewerRequest にするのだ
getAuthMaps 関数内に、設定したいサイトのホスト名と、BASIC認証のID/PWを適宜入力するのだ


 * Get basic auth informations
 * @return {Array-object} maps
function getAuthMaps()
    var maps = [
        { "hostname": "test.example.com",  "username": "onamae",  "password": "pasuwaado"  },
        { "hostname": "test.example2.com", "username": "onamae2", "password": "pasuwaado2" }
    return maps;

 * Get specified basic auth information by hostname
 * @param  {string} hostName
 * @return {object|false} item
function getAuthInfoByHostName(hostName)
    var maps = getAuthMaps();
    var key = "hostname";
    var items = maps.filter(function(v){
        return v[key] === hostName;

    var item = items.length > 0 ? items[0] : false;
    return item;

 * Get base64 encoded token by username and password
 * @param  {object|false} item
 * @return {string} authorization e.g. "Basic b25hbWFlOnBhc3V3YWFkbw=="
function createAuthToken(item)
    if(! item) return false;

    var userName = item.username;
    var passWord = item.password;
    var token = (userName + ":" + passWord).toString("base64");

    var authorization = "Basic " + token;
    return authorization;

 * Check user request is authenticated or not.
 * @param  {object} request [should be cloudfront request formatted]
 * @return {boolean} isAuth
function authorize(request)
    var headers = request.headers;
    var hostName = headers.host.value;

    var item = getAuthInfoByHostName(hostName);
    var authorization = createAuthToken(item);

    var isAuth = authorization && headers.authorization && headers.authorization.value === authorization;
    return isAuth;

 * It returns unauthorized error response.
 * @return {object} response
function showError401()
    var response = {
        statusCode: 401,
        statusDescription: "Unauthorized",
        headers: {
            "www-authenticate": {value: "Basic"}
    return response;

 * Perform directory completion
 * @param  {object} request [should be cloudfront request formatted]
 * @return {void}
function directoryIndex(request)
    var uri = request.uri;

    // Check whether the URI is missing a file name.
    if (uri.endsWith('/')) {
        request.uri += 'index.html';
    // Check whether the URI is missing a file extension.
    else if (!uri.includes('.')) {
        request.uri += '/index.html';

 * Do main process
function handler(event)
    var request = event.request;

    // BASIC Authorization
    var isAuth = authorize(request);
    if (! isAuth) return showError401();

    // Directory Index

    return request;

/foo/bar/ にアクセスしても 403エラーになります。
/foo/bar/ にアクセスした時に /foo/bar/index.html を読み込むようにインデックス補完がしたい場合、
handler メソッド内にある directoryIndex 関数のコメントアウトを解除してください。

同じ記述の関数を何個も量産するのもな~と思ったので、CloudFront Functionsの練習がてら作成。

constletbtoaBuffer.from が使えなくてアレって思った。


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